Dahir Semyonov - Russian military technology concepts (CGI)


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Senior Member
3 June 2006
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Interesting military technology concepts from the Russian engineer Dahir Semyonov to provide a surprise attack against US and Western Military .
Nice CGI! ;) ;D

Another video:

flateric said:
Dahir is a name. Semyonov is a surname.
He's not a 'defense contractor's by any means.
Re: Semyonov Dahir - Russian military technology concepts (CGI)

Seems like it'd be easier to just load up a tractor trailer with mortars and mortar rounds...
Re: Semyonov Dahir - Russian military technology concepts (CGI)

Surprise attack? Where? What?! I assume that these weapons show glorious defensive actions... it is always the enemy which makes the 'surprise attack'. Even (especially) in little CGI fantasies it must be a preemptive surprise attack!

I wonder if we'll now try to close the 'giant quadrotor gap'??
Re: Semyonov Dahir - Russian military technology concepts (CGI)

There is something deliciously atavistic about these videos - it is like open a birthday present with fireworks inside.

Can someone whose Russian is better than mine please get in touch with the author and try to convince him to do a version where one of the motorcyclists is Putin? It'd be pretty hilarious... :eek:
Re: Semyonov Dahir - Russian military technology concepts (CGI)

I love the first one...

"Revenge of the Brookstone Quad Copter!"

Not quite sure what to make of the second one.
Re: Semyonov Dahir - Russian military technology concepts (CGI)

I have Fresh fruits in my garden. I will check it
Transformers 8 1/2 ? "The Revenge of the Fruitibots" ??
But my main criticism is, that those bikers don't wear helmets !
Blatant violation against all publicised security advices !
Re: Semyonov Dahir - Russian military technology concepts (CGI)

Avimimus said:
Surprise attack? Where?

Clearly a US city. Looks like on the east coast, Pittsburgh, Camden, maybe. I was going to suggest NYC but the skyline is all wrong. One wonders how things have gotten so bad that the Russians are leading a genocidal war of extermination within the CONUS, using robots to kill everyone they meet. Wouldn't it simply be easier to use nukes?
If this madness doesn’t stop, one day someone will build a quad-copter so large it will destroy the Earth………....
Wtf?! Who is this guy? The technical consultant for 'White Housev Down'?
Typical engineer - over-thinking everything.
The nifty little rpv's I can still imagine taking point for a patrol in a urban battlefield. But the quadcopters from hell look like a movie prop.
If you have the resources to smuggle 18 wheelers close enough to a high value target like a airbase, then a more low tech solution like a saturation barrage of unguided missiles would be easier. And cheaper.
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