Crisis and SPF members

Did so-called 'World Economic Crisis' Affect You?

  • Lost job already

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Still employed, but there are bad signs

    Votes: 21 39.6%
  • Employed, no problems on horizon (my company sells ramen noodles in quantities)

    Votes: 20 37.7%
  • Just got hired

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters


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1 April 2006
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Would be interesting to see results for a wide-spreaded variety of SPF members...obviously, a people with some grey matter behind eyes, having mostly a technical education.
The outlook for IT oursourcing is actually ok in New Zealand. If anything more companies may be outsourcing their IT departments to save money.
I'm just about to finish my engineering degree in the next few months in the UK. Across the year group there's probably less than 10% who've got jobs. Most of the defence jobs I've been going for don't seem too badly hit but other engineering companies have pretty much just stopped recruiting graduates this year.
Here in Slovakia we did a great decision to adopt the Euro two months ago. It protected as a lot against the crisis, but of course we are affected too. But its not so bad as in the countries around.

As a marketing manager I cant see the threat to lost my job, however the money allocated to marketing are much lower than it was usual. Looking at the heavy industry at our country... well... some of the people lost their jobs. There are circa 10 000 new unemployed. When I compare it with the year 1998, when after the parliamentary election there were 200 000.....
Extremely bad situation in Spain, we are going to reach 20% unemployement by the end of 2009 (I'm the moment)
My contract runs from financial year to financial year, so there's a good possibility of a bad surprise at the end of the month - either redundancy or the bosses cutting wages.

My wife has already been told that her upcommng maternity leave is now 'forever'. I'm pissed about that, but I don't want to an eight-months pregnant lady under undue stress, which obviously doesn't concern the HR Department of a very large Japanese AudioVisual Company :mad:
This Thread hits a Very "Raw Nerve" with me. Massively.
I have "worked my arse off" - spending almost all of the 1980's trying to obtain an engineering qualification. My Maths "wasn't Good Enough".
Yes, i have a (very) long string of qualifications,[Employer]body seems to "want me".
My problems began Long before the current "financial crisis" - which, in this country, i blame upon Maggie Thatcher; but i don't want to turn this into a political debate. It's not what this Forum is about...Sorry to sound so bitter, but when you have (qualifications aside) been turned down from a couple of Thousand of jobs, it begins to burn. As a result of being treated as Subhuman Parasitic Scum - in England, nobody is allowed to be unemployed, regardless of their willingness to work - i'm now suffering from chronic depression [and back pain].

Sorry, i'm Ranting :mad: :'(

I did put up a post after receiving a very kind and supportive PM from another member of the Forum - but decided to remove it, as it was probably a little too personal, and political, also. I only wish that - despite the very "Fluffy" reputation of HRM [departments] - they were not such a bunch of backstabbers.

HRM is Nasty

I only wish that the next job - or course - i apply for is as kind and understanding

Thanks and regards all
I work in an aerospace company, mostly doing contractor work for the US govt. No problems so far. Maybe in a few months, when more details about the military research budget becomes available.
Graduated as librarian last september - I'm currently seeking a job. The crisis doesn't seem to have influence - to date - on job offers...
I am a consultant, so I am rather accustomed to up and downs (and deep downs...). Currently the business is going rather well: I am exploiting the low fixed cost I enjoy to compete with larger companies, but anyway I'm constantly shifting the focus of my work to stay ahead of the crumbling. For example, now there is a lot of money in workers reskilling, so I'm in it heavily.
The term "crisis" has been around in Venezuela since 25 years ago.... After our current prez took office, things have come down in a landslide, high oil prices notwithstanding. I am an ex-IT consultant and ex-Information Systems Designer. After closing up my shop back in '01, I've changed lanes to a more unsuspected area... paralegal!. Now that oil prices are coming down again, it is obvious the worldwide crisis will hit us in the face, no matter how the prez insists otherwise. It's been long in hitting us, because 84% of our population is very poor and survives with less than US$2 a day, and the govt handouts (less than enough to sustain a middle class family a moth) have not dried up yet. What will happen is anybody's guess, but it will not be nice.....
I work for a big naval shipyard: still employed, but there are bad signs...
"[We] will eat bread and potatoes, no way out. It was so in past times." - Dr Gennady Onischenko, Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being (Russia's analogue of US Surgeon General)

His service has invented a 'healthy diet', in their opinion, average man would easily spent no more than 80 bucks / 60 Euro for healthy nutrition, including 80 gramms (~ 3 ounces) of confectionary per month, 2 kilograms (4,4 pounds) of beef per month, etc.

Attached is daily ration for a man, 16-59 age.

Full text of pretty document (nicely illustrated with pictures)


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I have suspended the publication of my “Reichdreams” and “Unknown” dossiers forever, as I have estimated that sales in next four years will not be worth the effort.

My personal situation is good. I am a civil servant working for the state as tax specialist. They are not going to get rid of me.

My wife has been a Reuters journalist for many years and currently publishes financial analysis. Her work is well valued lately.

We have studied, with professional interest, the consequences of the 1929 crash and its paralelism with the current situation. In general, it tends towards rioting and violence, perhaps even to a war.
I sincerely hope that someone more intelligent than myself tells me that I am wrong.

My best wishes to everyone in these difficult times
Justo Miranda said:
I have suspended the publication of my “Reichdreams” and “Unknown” dossiers forever, as I have estimated that sales in next four years will not be worth the effort.

Pity - May I suggest you offer them as purchasable downloadable files (using Paypal or similar) - that way you shouldn't need to worry about the trouble/costs involved with hardcopies.


This crisis has been long in the making! I was working in the industry as
a telecommunications engineer until the end of the '80s and then I changed
to the public services. It was a good decision then, otherwise, I probably
would have had to deal with unemployment. So I just was "borrowed"
to the agency for employment (a kind of cynical misnomer, as it only deals
with UNemployment !) and this seems to be a safe job during times like this ! ::)
Justo Miranda said:
I have suspended the publication of my “Reichdreams” and “Unknown” dossiers forever, as I have estimated that sales in next four years will not be worth the effort.

Sell 'em like I sell APR's. Downloadable with Paypal payments... quick and easy for everyone involved. There's just no comparison to the serious annoyance involved back when I sold 'em on paper.

I am a civil servant working for the state as tax specialist. They are not going to get rid of me.

Yeah, you're pretty well set... until The Strike. When that happens, I doubt you'll get into the Gulch.

We have studied, with professional interest, the consequences of the 1929 crash and its paralelism with the current situation. In general, it tends towards rioting and violence, perhaps even to a war.
I sincerely hope that someone more intelligent than myself tells me that I am wrong.

What, wrong in seeing the same mistakes being made? Wrong in seeing that things could go to hell? Nope, you're kinda right there. Hell, I'm seeing a definite increase in the desire for secessionist movements within the US. Ammunition is increasingly difficult to find. 9mm has effectively vanished.
At least in my case it will probably come down to what The Messiah does with the defense budget. Currently working for a large company on a fairly secure program (knock on wood) but if other programs get hit God only knows how the ripple effect would effect me. Sure would suck to get laid off so The One can pay the mortgage for some irresponsible idiots. (No, I'm not disgusted, I LUUUVVVV The Messiah :mad: ).
I'm self-employed. I have been having to make adjustments dump stocks here, buy stocks there, shift money around etc, but I'm not in serious trouble.

KJ Lesnick
I had a job that I quit on my own since I had some foresight. Now I'm in college majoring in game development and digital arts, so no worries here. I used to be unemployed back when there wasn't a global recession so I'm quite happy I don't have to be in that seat now!
Well, today our priceless gov reduced minimum living wage for 16 roubles making it equal to 4,630 rouvles, roughly equialent to 100 euros. Senior citizens should consumer less - 3,660 roubles (hmm, it's the sum of communal fees Grandma paid for her flat last month). They suppose us to eat, pay communal fees and dress + everything else you can imagine, for this sum per month. Not too far left to Venezuela!

Kalashnikovs are growing up at the black market as well...
photo (c) fenechka27

Orionblamblam said:
flateric said:
photo (c) fenechka27

That's one unhappy looking cat. Seems he/she knows that the fridge is where the food is supposed to be, but it's empty...

My cat would murder me over that fridge ;D
she is the greediest cat i have ever known (who seems to think she's a dog) :p
BTW... never seen the inside of a Russian fridge before & am getting the impression from Flateric that this is what they tend to look like now [usually, minus cat] ;)
NilsD said:
I had a job that I quit on my own since I had some foresight. Now I'm in college majoring in game development and digital arts, so no worries here. I used to be unemployed back when there wasn't a global recession so I'm quite happy I don't have to be in that seat now!

Been there done that got the t-shirt and burned it. I worked as a game artist on the Sierra/EA Golf sim (FPS Golf to Tiger 2004) and got laid off. Later they wanted me to come back to work for them - babysitting outsourced artwork. Basically, many developers are outsourcing to save a dime. Other than that you better stock up on Bawls and learn the phrases "crunch time", "deadline", "overtime" (unpaid of course as you'll be salaried- assuming you can beat out the other ten million who think making games is the life), the infamous "rolling deadline" (the way they make you keep working 16 - 20 hours a day, 7 days a week to "hit the deadline"- that keeps moving to the right) and forget having any kind of personal life. Me? I was working for a company that couldn't make payroll the first time I was asked to come back to good steady pay doing game dev. and I turned it down. I'd think LONG and hard about what you want to be doing in 10 or 20 years before going down that path.
sferrin said:
NilsD said:
I had a job that I quit on my own since I had some foresight. Now I'm in college majoring in game development and digital arts, so no worries here. I used to be unemployed back when there wasn't a global recession so I'm quite happy I don't have to be in that seat now!

Been there done that got the t-shirt and burned it. I worked as a game artist on the Sierra/EA Golf sim (FPS Golf to Tiger 2004) and got laid off. Later they wanted me to come back to work for them - babysitting outsourced artwork. Basically, many developers are outsourcing to save a dime. Other than that you better stock up on Bawls and learn the phrases "crunch time", "deadline", "overtime" (unpaid of course as you'll be salaried- assuming you can beat out the other ten million who think making games is the life), the infamous "rolling deadline" (the way they make you keep working 16 - 20 hours a day, 7 days a week to "hit the deadline"- that keeps moving to the right) and forget having any kind of personal life. Me? I was working for a company that couldn't make payroll the first time I was asked to come back to good steady pay doing game dev. and I turned it down. I'd think LONG and hard about what you want to be doing in 10 or 20 years before going down that path.

It seems, times are Really Hard at the minute... like in the 80's here in England (again).
Not that i would ever have imagined it - asking careers advice from people i don't really know: Sferrin - would you suggest - that i Bin any idea of going for a course in Web Design/Interactive Multimedia; as the work environment appears to be so adverse [at least in the Games design/development environment] afterward ????
Tough call; i thought that going back to study might be "therapeutic"... but, then, over 25 years ago - i thought that [around about Now...] there would be a shortage of fully-trained (mechanical) Engineers (and designers).
Reading this Forum, it seems not.
Despite achieving a 90% average in both Machine-Shop Work, Draughtsmanship and Welding, i was unable to secure a job throughout the 1980's!
[Usual excuses: "Too Young", "Too Old", "No Experience", "No References", "Inadequate qualifications"; and, the worst: "You're too ugly to deal with the public...". Harsh... and "You're a Scouser" (nasty)].

It seems that the current economic climate has "flipped a digit" to "qualifications" - as it did in the 80's. [Maybe - if i wish to continue with this line of thought - i should open a new thread in the Bar - about "Academic Inflation" &/or "Nepotism". Any takers?]

IMHO... It's not " what you know" [or can do], it's "who you know" :(
Just my opinion but for me Web Design would fall somewhere south of Game Developement but mostly you pretty much have to go with what you like to do. If Web Design is what you like ( and you've investigated it enough to know ) then go for it. Personally I don't find it real interesting (I've done it "on the side" from time to time albeit just the graphical aspects of it not the "back end", other than simple stuff), not even enough to update a web page of my own I created several years ago as on online resume. In short you're probably asking the wrong guy. Sorry I couldn't help more. :-\
One of my friends told me his cat actually used to open the fridge... reminds of this De Niro / Stiller movie, the one with the cat using the toilet
Note: fridge cat is not my cat - as I'm renting a flat, would never had allowed to have one.
Standart Russian cat, type: parent's cat, satisfied, sleeping 95% of a time, eating just cream milk and Sheba, viziting 5 days a week, looks something like that.


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    Mom's Cat.jpg
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My cat is already assuming I won't be able to feed him. He's been out practicing catching birds. Doesn't eat em', just leaves two or three on the back porch door mat every damn day. He probably gets frustrated that he's trying to do his part to save for the apocolypse and his master keeps throwing them away. (Yes, I've put a bell on him but it hasn't lowered the carnage.)
sferrin said:
Just my opinion but for me Web Design would fall somewhere south of Game Developement but mostly you pretty much have to go with what you like to do... Sorry I couldn't help more. :-\

Actually, that was a very helpful reply... thanks for the respnse, Sferrin ;) ;D
Now i know exactly what i Don't want to do :D

BTW. My Cat Always assumes that i'm incapable of feeding her ??? ;) :D
Matej, crossing my fingers for you. Hope it will not last long - with your brains, I'm pretty sure.
One of a few hundred thrown out by a very large mobile phone network operator. :(

Ah well, could be worse. They gave me over a years pay to go away with, & as it was paid in the new financial year (end of April), I paid little tax on it. My house is paid for, my partners job looks pretty safe, she earns more than most . . . I won't starve. And I was sick of the job anyway. It still felt a bit like a kick in the gut when I was told, though.
Archibald said:
Graduated as librarian last september - I'm currently seeking a job. The crisis doesn't seem to have influence - to date - on job offers...

I plan to start an education in order to become a librarian this Fall. Won't know until summer if I got approved by the university. Lots of librarians will retire soon in Sweden but towns seems to always have not enough money here, but I find becoming a librarian a safer bet than trying a career in the academic world, which I might do otherwise.

Have had bad luck finding jobs over the last three years.

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