Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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The Delta coronavirus variant can transmit easily from vaccinated people to their household contacts, a British study found on Thursday, although contacts were less likely to get infected if they were vaccinated themselves.
The Imperial College London study illustrates how the highly transmissible Delta variant can spread even in a vaccinated population.

The researchers underlined that did not weaken the argument for vaccination as the best way of reducing serious illness from COVID-19 and said booster shots were required.

They found infections in the vaccinated cleared more quickly, but the peak viral load remained similar to the unvaccinated.

“By carrying out repeated and frequent sampling from contacts of COVID-19 cases, we found that vaccinated people can contract and pass on infection within households, including to vaccinated household members,” Dr Anika Singanayagam, co-lead author of the study, said.

“Our findings provide important insights into... why the Delta variant is continuing to cause high COVID-19 case numbers around the world, even in countries with high vaccination rates.”

Imperial epidemiologist Neil Ferguson said that the transmissibility of Delta meant that it was unlikely Britain would reach “herd immunity” for long.

“That may happen in the next few weeks: if the epidemic’s current transmission peaks and then starts declining, we have by definition in some sense reached herd immunity, but it is not going to be a permanent thing,” he told reporters.

“Immunity wanes over time, it is imperfect, so you still get transmission happening, and that is why the booster programme is so important.”
To paraphrase the article a lot of what happens next is down to human behaviour, how much people mix and act with some caution, and how immunity holds up. There are also other factors mentioned like how many come forward for booster injections, also that five million people still haven’t had any vaccination at all and that it appears only half the Covid cases are coming forward to get tested. For myself I think a lot of the case numbers in the U.K. are driven by people’s behaviour over anything else.

Covid: Are cases about to plummet without Plan B?

Pointing out that Clapton has history in this area. I know we are meant to be avoiding this but I feel he needs to be pointed out as he also bankrolls anti-vaxxers.

More than 8,000 active-duty members of the U.S. Air Force have missed the deadline for getting a COVID-19 vaccine, including 800 who have refused to get the shot and almost 5,000 who are seeking religious exemptions.
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