Convair Variable Geometry Spacecraft

Given the name of the file, it clearly came from NTRS. But it does not seem to be on NTRS *now,* so it's likely from before the 2012 freakout and purge.

I wonder if they feared there was too much read-across for maneuvering warheads.
Wait a second, "Spacecraft 2B" figure 1D (page 33) WAS done as a model. IIRC we've seen it posted in the SLOMAR thread and under a "what is this" thread.

And "Spacecraft 3A, figure 1E, (page 35) is HYWARDS, complete with scissor-wing.

Spacecraft 2A, figure 1C (page 31) is MURP

So all the 'classics" it looks like. Time for a deep read :)


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