Comments about this helicopter? GA-50

This was an unbuilt four-seat variant of the Firestone XR-9 with twin tail rotor system when it was originally by G&A Aircraft. Also known as the Model 50.
The very last known project in the Pitcairn design family line. Very nice picture!
Jemiba said:
... and because it would be a pity, if it gets lost after the auction:
(Please always attach those photos, especially if they were found on ebay. Our "Found on
Ebay" section already is full of now useless posts
:-\ )
Just one important correction, Jens: you labeled the picture as the "Firestone XR-9", which it clearly wasn't! The XR-9 was the GA-45.
The GA-50 may have been related to the unprocured G&A (Firestone) XR-14-GA, a development of the XR-9 with a 100 hp Continental A100 engine. Three were ordered as 46-527/529, and the type actually won over Bell Model 54 (XR-15-BE) but was later cancelled.
Thanks for the correction, was a misinterpretation of Stingrays post, sorry ! :-\

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