Chiran peace museum


Don't laugh, don't cry, don't even curse, but.....
31 May 2007
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This week I visited Chiran peace museum in Kagoshima (鹿児島) Japan and saw Ki-84 and Ki-61.
But I saw many "no photograph" board there.
There was the IJA's special attack aircraft base in Chiran.


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Orionblamblam said:
Hell, that just makes it *worse.* "Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots"

MUst be a translation error.

would be not the first time:

Zero Wing video game: "all your base are belong to us"
or that Mitsubishi SUV named after a Spanish offensive term for masturbation :eek:
to try to buy one at spanish speaking car dealer, has monty pythonesque dimension...
It was the "Pajero" (pahero for english readers) ;D

We'll be laughing for many years about that brilliant idea.
Sorry for delay.
Japanese name of this museum is 知覧特攻平和会館(Chiran tokko heiwa kaikan).
Chiran (知覧) is the place where this museum locate.
特攻(tokko) is simplified expression for 特別攻撃(tokubetsu kogeki).
特別(tokubetsu) means “special”. 攻撃(kogeki) means “attack”. 平和 means “peace”. 会館 means a “hall”. So I think English translation for “ 知覧特攻平和会館” is “The IJA's special attack exhibition hall for the world's forever peace in Chiran.”
There are many portraits of special attack pilots, notes for left behind by pilots, articles left by pilots. We see those things with tears.
Also there are many data for special attack. I was surprised very much to know that the main aircraft for the IJA's special attack were Ki-27 fighter. Some Ki-43, Ki-61, light bombers, trainers and very few Ki-84 were used for special attack. Ki-44 were not used for special attack because it was a good interceptor. Chiran was guarded by 30 to 40 Ki-84 fighters at the day.


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Blackkite, thank you for the translation.

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