In the other words,a few years later,we will see 15 Aircraft Carriers in the PLAN?
The significant point being they were all commissioned on the same day. PLAN has a large building programme, but this kind of thing is still essentially a PR stunt. (And the timing makes me wonder if it's linked to the ASEAN summit).

In the other words,a few years later,we will see 15 Aircraft Carriers in the PLAN?

No, but why do you think?
The hull number of chinese first aircraft carrier is 16,and the hull number of chinese first amphibious assault ship is 31.Then,what do you think 31-16 is?
It's obvious PLAN pennant numbering is in blocks: destroyers from 100, frigates from 500, etc but no one is suggesting the PLAN is intent on building 400 destroyers any time soon.

The Type 071 LSD pennant numbers ran up to 999, so a new amphib class would tick over into the thousands, easier to number the new class and following classes in two digits rather than four. Not to mention that the more recent Type 071 pennants numbers run down, not up (998, 999, 989 down to 985), while the numbering of other recent classes is all over the place (for instance Type 054A Jiangkai II frigate consecutive deliveries numbered 599, 500, 601, 542) - there definitely seems to be a fleet related element in pennant numbers, but with discrepancies and discontinuities..

From all of which we can conclude don't make any predictions based on PLAN pennant numbers.
From all of which we can conclude don't make any predictions based on PLAN pennant numbers.
Except apparently some people think we should waste our time doing it anyway, thus this thread.

Is there anything to the rumor? The Daily Mail isn't exactly the most credible source.
Chinese take on a Visby is interesting, wondering what missions they're looking at. Their huge Type 022 fleet has seemed to have the FAC role well covered, replacing them with bigger missile boats seems like an odd use of resources unless their ASMs are outgrowing the catamarans. Unlike the Swedes this looks like it has VLS forward of the bridge so this is something along the lines of Project 22800.
This ship is visibly bigger than visby or 22800. Easily 2000 tons, but possibly 2500 t.
As said in article, hull may be 97 by 14 meters, quite a bit bigger even than 056 corvette.
Interesting that the PLAAN are bringing out a stealthy ship, I wonder how it would compare with the likes of the Visby RCS wise only time will tell when we will get the figures out.
Well, indeed ... there is a lot of smoke from several sides some claiming it is and others it is not a fire

I’ve never heard of a “smoke screen” from an LSD before. Modern USN tests with Pandera fog seemed to use the existing uptake stacks as the dispenser. More over the smoke appears to be a poll product, not some kind of multi spectral obscurent. Any further news?
I’ve never heard of a “smoke screen” from an LSD before. Modern USN tests with Pandera fog seemed to use the existing uptake stacks as the dispenser. More over the smoke appears to be a poll product, not some kind of multi spectral obscurent. Any further news?

Latest report it was not a smoke screen to hide something but an emergency exercise for the fire fighters
Dont have time to go into other data, but as far as nuclear subs are concerened, there should be at least 20 launched 093b in 2030. Not 14 as estimated by thst random person.
That's assuming prodiction rate doesnt increase further, from current 2.5 per year. Which seems unlikely, though further launches might also include boomers.

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