Center For Strategic and Budgetary Assessment - AirSea Battle Report


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21 April 2009
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Have not read it yet but supposed to contain counter anti-access strategies (i.e. China)
Air-Sea Battle in Three Steps:

The nascent Air-Sea Battle partnership between the Air Force and Navy will take place on three levels, says Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz. Cooperation "between the nation’s two strategically oriented and globally postured military services" will be institutional, conceptual, and material, he said Tuesday in remarks at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. It will be "institutional" since there will be formal agreements on collaboration, he said. It will be "conceptual" in terms of strategies on "how Navy and Air Force systems will integrate and operate together," he continued. And the partnership will be "material" via "interoperability among current systems and integrated acquisition strategies for future joint capability," he explained. The construct will "amplify our joint effectiveness, making it that much more difficult for potential adversaries to keep pace," asserted Schwartz. (For more, read AirSea Battle from Air Force Magazine's August issue.)
USAF, Navy Share Details Of 'Most Secret Programs' During AirSea Battle

The Air Force and Navy have broken down a number of institutional barriers during the construction of the services' AirSea Battle plan, including sharing knowledge on some of the Pentagon's most secret programs, according to a senior defense official.
No information on these "most secret programs" darn it :D
Two more stories from the Air Force Association:

Air-Sea Battle Concept Rollout Imminent:

Lt. Gen. Philip Breedlove, Air Staff lead for operations, plans, and requirements, said Thursday the Air Force-Navy team responsible for developing the Air-Sea Battle doctrinal concept is finishing up a year of work and will soon deliver the final version of the classified document to the Air Force Chief of Staff and Chief of Naval Operations. "I think we're in a good place to roll this out within a month," Breedlove told reporters in Washington, D.C. He added, "Air-Sea Battle is the first step, the first year, and I think a multi-year conversation about how our nation's two sort of strategically postured, strategically mobile entities will address the anti-access, area-denial threat that is out there." Already Office of the Secretary of Defense officials, the combatant commanders, and vice chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, among others, have been briefed on the concept and some "spin-off" ideas, he said. The Senate has approved Breedlove's nomination for a fourth star for assignment as USAF's next vice chief of staff.

Air-Sea Battle Breaking Down Barriers:

Development of the new Air-Sea Battle concept has revealed areas where the Air Force and Navy can leverage "investments and capability" in some of their most sensitive programs, said Lt. Gen. Philip Breedlove, deputy chief of staff for operations, plans, and requirements. "We did things here that we have not done in a long time," Breedlove told reporters Thursday in Washington, D.C., when discussing the process of developing the Air-Sea Battle doctrine. He added, "We knocked down every barrier when it comes to knowing about each other's investments and most secret programs." As a result the USAF-Navy team working on Air-Sea Battle had unparalleled access to evaluate programs across both services and gauge how they would support each respective service, he said. For example, a given Navy capability could be critical to protecting airfields, while a USAF capability could be useful in aiding the fleet with targeting, explained Breedlove.

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