Can you name this book?


ACCESS: Confidential
24 September 2009
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Back about 25 years ago, sometime between 1990 and 1995, I stayed at my grandmothers house and got a book from the local library. I want to read it again but can't recall the title or author....

It's the modern day (1990 ish) and Soviet Russia is collapsing. British forces have been sent to the Murmansk / St Petersburg region to help restore order and evacuate civilians. These are either British Army infantry or Royal Marines and they are driving Sno-Cat type vehicles. Along the way they face combat, vehicle breakdowns, conflicting orders etc.

I believe there was a sequel on a similar premise but based on action in the Middle East, maybe Iran/Iraq?

Back of my mind tells me the titles might have been Snow *Cat* or Sand *Cat* (possibly Lion/Tiger/Leopard etc?).
That sounds like a Craig Thomas novel. He wrote Firefox, as well as, Winter Haek and Snow Falcon, among others. I think I read the book of which you speak but it was a long time ago. Hope this helps.

Ray Walker
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