Blue Streak question


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
4 June 2006
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Would the structure of Blue Streak allow for one to be strapped to each side of a single Blue Streak core in a Delta IV Heavy configuration.

And an interesting answer from Nick Hill on the NASA Spaceflight site
not with normal Blue Streak !
why ?

The B S was build like ICBM Atlas
Tanks made out 0,48 mm tick metal Sheets.

you have to keep The empty tank under Helium pressure or the tank collapse.


the B S in Deutsches Museum - Flugwerft Schleißheim at Munich (this not Deutsches Museum in Center Munich) model in best form

the attache Picture shows a Blue Streak at Redo, in Belgium.
Tanks without pressure and bump.

there were Project for Europa Rocket to add strap on boosters.


Europa 2 with french Solid Booster

Europa 2 with Diamant B first stage L-17.

so why work this and 2 Blue Streak add strap don't works ?

the 2 x L-17 Booster increase the trust (696 kN) of Blue Streak (1334 kN) to 2030 kN at launch.
after 116 seconds the L-17 are Empty and dropt the Blue Streak burns to 157 second.
but the Booster trust generated forces on Blue Streak hull. like Vibration, Material tensions
and that is PLUS on Stress of the Rocket has during launch: Air pressure, Fuel swash, Pogo Vibration etc
Rockethull has to substain this torment

the 2 x BS Booster increase the trust (2668 kN) of Blue Streak (1334 kN) to 4002 kN at launch.!
that factor 1.97 higher as Europa 2 with 2 x L-17 Booster

the center stage Blue Streak need to build out thicker metal Sheets.


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Actually the Europa IV proposal envisaged two Blue Streak strap-ons to be added to the basic launch vehicle.
This picture appeared in a Flight magazine a long, long time ago.


  • LV-Europe 3+4.jpg
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i found picture of French ELDO B proposal

note that SEREB B got 2 Solid Booster like Titan IIIC

of course the centerstage Blue Streak need to reforced.

the the Europa IV proposal
ist that Centaur opperstange or Europe build H/O Stage ?


  • french_Eldo_B_C.png
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The first UK drawing of this type of configuration found so far is from 1953 in the Public Records Office Kew.
Cost estimate circa 1960 for Blue Streak SLV was £250,000 (missile £500,000); say £1,000,000 max for triple first/second stage circa 1961 with UK high energy upperstage twelve ton LEO payload.
MoS production line requirement for Blue Streak was for upto 50 units per year.
All the variants could be produced on the same line with minimum changes.
Number eleven from the production line was to be SLV trials vehicle.

Jos Heyman said:
Actually the Europa IV proposal envisaged two Blue Streak strap-ons to be added to the basic launch vehicle.
This picture appeared in a Flight magazine a long, long time ago.
Spark: 50 p.a: Prof Gowing's Official History of the (Blue Danube) programme takes us through the incoherence of everybody's perception of effort, cost, access to material, as 000s seen in 1946 became 24 deployed, briefly. Yellow Sun (to be Mark I)/Orange Herald (to be, well not Light) was initiated in 1955 in hope it could emerge light enough to be thrown somewhere vaguely Donesk. US MSP's financial contribution to DH Props Stevenage factory was in the context of assembling there a number of Blue Streaks that settled by 1956 at 60 in total deployed from c.1961 (I earlier have asked CNH if he recognises another reported number of 66). By then the policy tussles over UK Deterrence were on a Medium Bomber Force of 240, to be part-replaced by the IRBM, part to be equipped with ASMs of greater range than Blue Steel (Mk.1), on Marks 2 Victor/Vulcan. As soon as Macmillan became PM, 8/1/57, his intent was economy, such that by 1961 he contemplated no replacement for Skybolt/Vulcan 2. All these fun whiffs never stood a chance of funding.
(Prime source is R.Moore, Nuclear Illusion, Nuclear Reality, Palgrave, 2010).
To give some additional context to kens post the highest proposed number for Blue Streak that I have eve seen is 140 and that came from the Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (1958) who appears to have had a near permanent detachment from reality based on some of the other things he was after.
Hi Ken, Folks,

Even before the programme started it was understood that Blue Streak had a duality of purpose, the public face was the missile.
The production line was to produce on demand either a missile round or SLV up to a maximum of 50 a year. (Charles Martin)
The type, number of bombs always seemed to be influx as developments progressed so I rely on you folks and what Roy Dommet has written.
Kew, there was a document circa 1958 with in which it was suggested that the hard emplacements should have two launch tubes with a missile in each that shared a single bomb.
I assume this was because of the high cost of the bomb and the anticipated reliability of the missile based on US experience.
From the UK perspective at the time Thor was expected to be about 60% reliable.
The UK spent more than 50% on Egg subsidy for farmers in the same time frame than was the total spent BS.

sealordlawrence said:
To give some additional context to kens post the highest proposed number for Blue Streak that I have eve seen is 140 and that came from the Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (1958) who appears to have had a near permanent detachment from reality based on some of the other things he was after.

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