Avions Dassault Light Transport Prototypes & Projects


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25 June 2009
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While searching the web for something else, I happened on this amazing project by Dassault for a high speed liaison aircraft dated June 14, 1957 and meant to replace the MD.312 Flamant. I had never heard of that project before! Any idea what it was called? Any provisional specs?

Picture not available anymore, attached from the linked site

Six more photos of this amazing and original scratchbuilt 1/72 scale model by André Roy can be seen on this page:



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Re: Unknown Dassault high speed liaison aircraft

My dear Stargazer2006,

I spoke about this aircraft before with my dear Jemiba,but
I don't remember where ?.
Re: Unknown Dassault high speed liaison aircraft

hesham said:
My dear Stargazer2006,

I spoke about this aircraft before with my dear Jemiba,but
I don't remember where ?.

here ?
Re: Unknown Dassault high speed liaison aircraft

amazing project by Dassault

Dassault....................Or Anderson ?? ;D ::)

Re: Unknown Dassault high speed liaison aircraft

This model was mentioned on another modelers website, too, and IIRC, there it
was made clear, that the basis was the delta winged bizjet design, which eventually
led to the Falcon (Shown some years ago in AirInternational). But this model, I think,
is an "updated" version of this old project, so it is more or less a "what-if".
Will try to find the french website this evening, just to be sure.


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Re: Unknown Dassault high speed liaison aircraft

My French is pretty rusty, but the first time I came across this model was here:


via a link from the Sharkit site:


Re: Unknown Dassault high speed liaison aircraft

Thanks a lot! Being French myself, the least I can do is to get it translated into English for you all...

This was one of the numerous studies aimed at giving the FLAMANT a successor: a "fast liaison aircraft". The first sketches built on the OURAGAN's lines... Others used the MIRAGE I (first flown on June 25, 1955) as a starting point. Delta-wings fitted in high or low position to the fuselage... Problems in positioning the air intakes, which could no longer be integrated in the fuselage, but out of it... twin- or quadri-jet configuration...

In order to avoid any piloting trouble in case of an engine failure, a solution was found by mounting both side-by-side on a horizontal plane, right between the fins... That's all there was about it... and being a Dassault maniac, I liked it and decided to indulge myself. Having discovered a top view in the magazine "Le trait d'union", I interpolated it to obtain this.

It is quite obvious that I do not hold the naked truth about it, but I attempted to remain within the realm of what was possible, and the design philosophy of the time, using the round windows of the Dassault MD-312 or the characteristically-shaped fins of the early Mirage series... It's all scratch-built and I don't think the type will ever be marketed!!! Scale modeling enables you to plunge back into history, to travel, to exercise your brains... not just your thumbs! An excellent article by Mr. René Lemaire (the father of the Mystère XX) can be found in "LE TRAIT D'UNION" N° 179 dated May-June 1998.
Re: Unknown Dassault high speed liaison aircraft

Thanks for this translation !
Seems, it could be more realistic, than I thought, although the text still calls for
quite a bit of wariness, I think. Somebody, who has seen this top view by himself ?
BTW, somebody who knows, how to order and get (!) the Trait d'Union issues ?
(Boxkite and me, we both tried several times, but in vain ... :'( )
Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Jet-Hirondelle project......

Dear Boys and Girls, here is an article in French announcing a "project" for Turbomeca-SNECMA Larzac jet-powered version of the Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle turboprop business/liaison aircraft......

The article comes from the 15th July 1968 issue of Aviation Magazine International......

Terry (Caravellarella)
Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle project......

Wow! The ancestor of the Falcon series... Brilliant! Terry, you are really contributing some awesome stuff these days!! ;)
Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle project......

Actually Stéphane, the Hirondelle came after the Mystère 20/Falcon 20, but led (in terms of structure & design) to the smaller Falcon 10 biz-jet ;D......

I've got tons of stuff like this, but I've been trying to pick out the "secret" stuff, the "projects" and the very unusual only; after all this is "Secret Projects"......

Best, Terry (Caravellarella)
Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle project......

A little more


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Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle project......

and now


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Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle project......

toura said:

Dear Toura, what is the Dassault MD-420? I don't recognise it, though it does appear to use the cockpit of the Mystère 20/Falcon 20 business jet. I don't think it is the Hirondelle.

This 3-view drawing of the Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle comes from the 1st October 1968 issue of Aviation Magazine International and it isn't the same as the aircraft in your drawing......

Terry (Caravellarella)


  • Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle 3-view - Aviation Magazine International - No.jpg
    Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle 3-view - Aviation Magazine International - No.jpg
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Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Jet-Hirondelle project......

Don't limit yourself. Love these posts.
Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Jet-Hirondelle project......

My md 420 is not an "Hirondelle" but a studies from
Dassault with 2 Astazou engines.......
I don't know more I've read this in an old
"Le fana de l'aviation" but without details
Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Jet-Hirondelle project......

My dear Caravellarela
Your 3 views of md 320 is for the first form of this plane
with under wing exaust


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Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Jet-Hirondelle project......

and the second form has higher engines with exaust in line


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Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Jet-Hirondelle project......

toura said:
My md 420 is not an "Hirondelle" but a studies from
Dassault with 2 Astazou engines.......
I don't know more I've read this in an old
"Le fana de l'aviation" but without details

Dear Toura, I've checked and your MD-420 is an interim design between an Astazou-powered version of the the original Bastan-powered MD-415 Communauté/MD-410 Spirale of 1959 and the later MD-320 Hirondelle of 1968. The MD-420 is a kind of shorter, more streamlined MD-415 which is probably why its model number follows in that series. The MD-415/410 series are more closely related to the Mystère IVA and the Étendard (so I've read)......

I think you should start another MD-420 dedicated topic as it isn't a Hirondelle.

The MD-320 Hirondelle is numbered in the same series as the MD-312/315 Flamant types and is more closley related to the Mystère 20/Falcon 20 business jet. Here is a drawing of the MD-320 Jet-Hirondelle "project" from the February 1988 issue of Le Fana de l'Aviation......

Terry (Caravellarella)


  • Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle Bi-Larzac project - Le Fana de l'Aviation - No.jpg
    Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Hirondelle Bi-Larzac project - Le Fana de l'Aviation - No.jpg
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Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Jet-Hirondelle project......

More details for me !
I note all this..Thanks
Avions Marcel Dassault MD-316T light transport prototype......

Dear Boys and Girls, here is a picture with a caption in French about the Avions Marcel Dassault MD-316T light transport prototype which was an enlarged 12 seater passenger version of the Avions Marcel Dassault MD-311/312/315 Flamant navigation trainer/liaison/light transport aircraft. Powered by Wright C-7BA-1 engines, it first flew on 7th June 1953 and may have been used by the Spanish airline Aviaco for route-proving on the Bordeaux-Bilbao route. Please, can anyone tell me anything else about this prototype?

The picture comes from the 1st August 1958 issue of Les Ailes. I also attach 2 other pictures of unknown origin......

Terry (Caravellarella)


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    Avions Marcel Dassault MD-316T light transport prototype 1.......jpg
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Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-316T light transport prototype......

Yes, a little more


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Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-316T light transport prototype......

Hi all
You have also the 316 X


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Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Jet-Hirondelle project......

From Le Fana 217;

here is a Dassault MD-415 & MD-420 three views.


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Re: Avions Marcel Dassault MD-320 Jet-Hirondelle project......

Here is the MD.410 Spirale counter-insurgency aircraft developed in parallel with the MD.415. Found on the net.

Thread title changed, as the Jet-Hirondelle isn't the sole theme anymore.


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From Le Fana 209.


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From Ailes 30/3/1962,

the Heliciodal-IV,was it the same as Spirale-IV ?.


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