An Unidentified Flying Machine


Early aviation enthusiast
6 March 2015
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unknown a.jpg

unknown c.jpg

unknown b.jpg

Hello All,

I thought about naming this thread "An Unidentified Flying Object", but then realized that would be too cheesy.

An online acquaintance of mine, Gabriel Stern, recently found these three photographs and he kindly forwarded them onto me. Unfortunately, the photographs failed to ID the flying machine, so it's a mystery as to what exactly it is. If anyone can identify it, then please do!

BTW, Gabriel runs the excellent Wings of Intent aviation modelling website, which is well worth checking out.

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Hello All,

Here are two further photographs that Gabriel Stern has managed to unearth. He has also traced his way back to the original source(!):

New Mexico Digital Collections - Unidentified Early Airplane

This site is run by the University of New Mexico. Unfortunately, this amazing flying machine is as unknown to their archivists as it is to us. Erg! Still, perhaps what Gabriel has now found is sufficient for someone, somewhere, to be able to ID it.

Does the University of New Mexico know the provenance of these photographs? That information might help to narrow the field of search? The UNM archive caption says: '..... perhaps New Mexico', which might suggest that they may have been sourced locally.

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