Airbus A800 double for huge loads


ACCESS: Top Secret
18 February 2006
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Dear Jemiba sent me this wonderful twin-aircraft design of himself, that may be considered in EADS design bureau to transport huge loads (of Airbus airliners or Ariane rockets?). I will put here the reduced views one by one before the source, difficult to see on a single screen.


  • SA800f.gif
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Dizzily? Will it make you fall over backwards like a Falklands peguin as it flies over?

Zwilling anyone?

We are writing the year 2025 and the ESA is preparing the ESS, the European Space Station, as the ISS came
down in 2023, because neither the US, nor Russia still could afford to maintain it. That the remains hit Teheran,
killing not only the Iranian, but also the North Korean President, who just was on a visit there, made a renewal
with a participation of the US more or less impossible, while Vladimir Putin in his fourth tenure as the Russian
President denied any interest in manned space flight. So the new space station was planned as a purely European
affair by a big bank consortium, led by the Greek and Icelandic state banks. To secure an adequate share of work
for at least all of the main participating countries (Greek, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Libya …) it became
necessary to find ways of transporting those large components and that’s why XIENGEADS (after the merger of
Chengdu, Xian and EADS in 2022) was asked to develop a twin of those A400M, that still were on stocks, after
Germany, France, Great Britain and Spain had agreed after long and difficult negotiations to pay for 20 aircraft,
of which at least 11 were delivered to the armed forces, while the rest was sold for a token price to the Scientology
sect. The name “Dizzily Grizzly” actually was given to the project by US media as a kind of malice, because the US
offer of building such an aircraft using brand new B-52, which were under construction again since 2019 was turned
down. The name nevertheless was adopted by the producers of the A800, as during the last and crucial meeting most
of the participating managers were said to have been dizzy …
Tophe said:
...the past 2020s are no more mysterious years... ;D

But we have to be prepared for a sad sight in 2041 .... :(


  • A800_2041.jpg
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