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6 June 2006
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The largest alternate history forum on the web.

Unfortunately, the moderators are only three, and they have long lost touch with reality. More annoyingly, they work as a closely-knit, paranoid trio with truly undemocratic methods.

They completely abuse the powers of a) banning members and b) locking threads.

I've been on a lot of varied forums since 2006, and I've never seen, elsewhere, such dysfunctional moderating system. They are really case-in-point of how NOT moderating a forum or completely abuse a power.

Sickening, because there are many interesting posters there. Including in aerospace.

At the end of the day: avoid it. Like the plague. Not worth it.
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A pity because I think that a dedicated alternative / counterfactual history makes a great idea to avoid knowledge and enthusiasts dispersed into many forums.
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You mean that it is preferable to coop up the crackpots?
I find it difficult to disagree... :p
As a regular reader on alternatehistory.com I find it very interesting and friendly. A problem that they have is that they attract a much wider range of users than here and many of them will post highly offensive comments despite the rules and warnings. Politics and racism are the main issues.

I also note that they are very open about who gets kicked or banned https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/kick-and-ban-notices.470901/
Except you need to be registered, or NOT BANNED, in the first place.

What I'm saying in that the moderation system, unlike here or at many others forums, lacks transparency.

The moderators refuse to hire a fourth or fifth person, they stay in a 3-man loop. What's more, three moderators is not enough for such a huge forums.

The pack of moderators urgently needs some fresh air and new faces, but they staunchly refuse to acknowledge this.

Also, there is no second chance, even with excuses. They ban too fast and too harshly. They somewhat rule through sheer terror.
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I'm sorry but I think this is inappropriate and has only the potential to divide and let in the worst of creatures here.
I would have advised you not to raise this, it achieves nothing but risks a lot.
I'm sorry but I think this is inappropriate and has only the potential to divide and let in the worst of creatures here.
I would have advised you not to raise this, it achieves nothing but risks a lot.
Should we better close this thread at this point?
Moderator-bashing is a waste of time unless you are willing to propose a more workable solution.
Hey, when I was banned in 2017 (after ten years) I did tried to present excuses. Except that I had to create a sockpuppet because they had locked everything and didn't answered my e-mails.
And of course, they banned me again, because sockpuppet. Excuses ? what excuses ?
They are morons, not giving people a second chance.
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I've never pretended to be a democracy here, bans are ultimately handed out by me. Its not a bad idea to have a topic showing who was banned and why though, for transparency. At present only the banned person and moderators get to see why.
Except you need to be registered, or NOT BANNED, in the first place.

What I'm saying in that the moderation system, unlike here or at many others forums, lacks transparency.

The moderators refuse to hire a fourth or fifth person, they stay in a 3-man loop. What's more, three moderators is not enough for such a huge forums.

The pack of moderators urgently needs some fresh air and new faces, but they staunchly refuse to acknowledge this.

Also, there is no second chance, even with excuses. They ban too fast and too harshly. They somewhat rule through sheer terror.

They are very transparent to their members about the rules, who the moderators are and what they do. This has not changed in 10 years. It was one of the first things I saw when I signed up in 2013.

They do seem to be managing very well between the 3 of them. I think if they needed help they would invite people to apply. Having the same mods for a long time allows for consistency.
It is their website to manage how they like. It is up to us to behave according to their rules which we agree to when we join. A good attitude and politeness goes a long way.

Thanks to their transparency policy, members of alternatehistory.com are able to search in the 'Hall of Infamy' to see why people get banned or kicked. This is hidden from the general public because it might embarrass those involved. It is interesting reading.
Frankly, it feels very low, petty and un-constructive to open a thread here to piss on another forum elsewhere.
It brings very little for the purposes of SPF, even in the bar.
And it doesn't shine too good a light on the maturity or morals of the whiner.
Mais je t'emmerdes, mon petit vieux !

It was not a matter of whinning (and I prefer cheese, with the whine). I explained why these people are obtuse, and why theirway of doing has become undemocratic with time.
It piss me off, not to be given a second chance.
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