The elephant in the room for me here is AEW with the pressurized cabin and 7600m ceiling, which is not explicitly stated but I guess it's what you could call maritime surveillance in a more general sense (which does get mentioned). There used to be a proposal for a new AEW version of the AW101 using a pair of APG-81s in panniers - this should be within the payload capability of the AW609 and offers commonality with the F-35B. Though with graceful degradation the antenna/transmitter of a modern AESA should be essentially maintenance free, I'm sure there are cooling, power supply and computer LRUs where parts/tools sharing would be worthwhile.

Too bad they went for the PT6 over the T700, else even the engines would have commonality with the AW101 and NH90! Endurance is probably not going to improve much if at all (maybe shorter transit helps?), so the logistics of 24/7 AEW coverage are still challenging, but that ceiling is a potentially huge benefit for STOVL carriers.

Pretty good article on some of the considerations for 609 pilot development.
Great read indeed.
He doesn´t mention it but the massification of tilt-rotor, if paired with the emergence of a supersonic, would probably see the decline of the Business jet as we know today (at least some of them).

Let´s Imagine that we have long range supersonic airliners with open airports all along the continent´s shores. Why would you transfer from a Mach 2 airliners to a private subsonic jet and then to a helicopter when you can greatly simplify your journey, in most cases, at a lower cost, hoping directly into a tilt-rotor? Even if the jet can theoretically fly 2 times faster, for a 1000km distance, factoring holding, takeoff&landing and aircraft transfer, you will get to your destination faster with the tilt rotor direct journey.

Hence, the choice for CPL holder will stay the same: fast jet/aircraft or slow rotorcraft. It´s the Rotorcraft itself that is evolving to be a faster machine and extend its reach with the same infrastructure and the same pilots. IFR is only a qualification at the end.

Leonardo probably did factor all this for us when designing the cockpit for their 609.
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The challenge for the tilt rotor, vice the fixed wing/helicopter transport means will simply be the Direct Operating Cost (DOC) of the TR. It is the bottom line. IF the DOC can be < current cost with added flexibility of potentially moving the VIP directly to the job site, I think it will become competitive. However, if EVTOL does take off (pun intended), this might put large scale utilization of TR travel at greater risk.
And what if EVTOL were the new Zeppelins? Just like the latter, they are crystalized in a certain scheme that compromise any evolved architecture (Man did get to the moon with H2 at the end).
I am pretty sure TR have a boulevard in front of them before anybody even figure how to catch-up (for real).
From back in October of 2021:
The announcement took place at the grand opening of the new rotorcraft terminal by Leonardo and Falcon Aviation Services in Dubai, purposely designated Casa Agusta. The terminal will facilitate the mobility to and from the Expo 2020 site in Dubai. An AW609 TiltRotor and an AW609 full scale VIP/corporate cabin mock-up will be on static display close to Casa Agusta for a limited period. The first appearance of the AW609 TiltRotor in the Middle East with its official presentation in Dubai marks the global commercial launch of the revolutionary multirole aircraft as it gets closer to its civil certification.

The Casa Agusta design is based on a brand new concept, which combines a helipad, showroom and lounge areas in a single city-based heliport. The terminal concept will support the development of a network of point-to-point connections for both urban transfers and connections between cities, while meeting the growing demands for sustainable and modern vertical lift mobility, as well as greater access to urban areas. VIP and charter services users and passengers will be provided with levels of service typically available in larger private airport facilities far from downtown and urban areas. Casa Agusta features a strong environmentally friendly design, which is modular through the use of recyclable materials and, if required, the terminal can be transported. Leading operator Falcon Aviation Services will use the terminal to deliver the best-in-class helicopter transport services.

The experience must provide a sense of Agusta before each take-off and landing, therefore Leonardo has developed an ideal ground base, which will be at the start and end of each journey. A modern, modular, sustainable, refined rotorcraft terminal, which meets the evolving trends in airborne mobility with an adaptable space, and areas to enjoy for business or relaxation. Through the combination of an amazing infrastructure with the revolutionising AW609, which delivers rotorcraft versatility and turboprop-like performance, what Leonardo is doing in Dubai today perfectly epitomises the Company’s vision of a not-so-distant future in modern air mobility.
Outstanding work

Tail and Nacelle seem slightly different (Tail is thinner and more elongated, nacelles are more axially rotated with the inlet protruding more toward the side and shallower in shape). Nacelles have also a streamlined bump on the inboard side.



There was also some design modification with the tail and the way the vertical tail integrates with the tail cone. I would say that there is no more tail cone but a straight flat extension.


I would also tend to think the span of the horizontal stabilizer is greater. Not sure though.
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