Agent to USA: "Yeah, about those bioweapons labs..."

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I know lot of this rather off-topic discussion started by me replying to a sentence with political content on the 1st page of this thread.
Usually I don't react at all to such things, but though I'm a newbie on this forum and restrain myself mostly to reading, I have read (weither or not between the lines) in the short time since I came to this forum, many posts with some political reference from Americans with IMHO a rather dislike for their actual government and their Democrat party.
And when the bucket is full, it runs over, so I decided to respond.

I'm a European and I don't care which US political party a forum-member is for, but it would be nice if they keep their opinions for themselves or express them on appropriate forums. Weither they are senior-forummembers with lots of worthfull contributions or not.
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