Aerospace giant Boeing Northrop


Multiuniversal creator
13 February 2006
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I seriously believe, that it wont happen anytime soon, so this is the reason, why I put it here and not to the aerospace section. But still interesting.

The aerospace industry is bracing for major consolidation among contractors, and speculation is rife Boeing could lead the way in a colossal merger with Northrop Grumman to create the world's largest defense contractor...
You're right - never happen. LM tried to merge with NG and the government stepped in. That said, I think they'd allow a merger with Boeing before LM because then you're not putting all your stealth expertise in one basket. (Okay, maybe not ALL of it but 95% of it.)
I can see this happening. If it happens, then I expect it to occur within the next five years.

Just remember, they said that Boeing and McDonnell Douglas would never merge -- yet the two companies did!
Jd_Sec said:
I can see this happening. If it happens, then I expect it to occur within the next five years.

Just remember, they said that Boeing and McDonnell Douglas would never merge -- yet they did!

Who is they?
If Boeing were to absorb Northrop-Grumman, I believe that the name would still be Boeing. The company didn't become Boeing McDonnell Douglas when it absorbed McDonnell Douglas nor did it become Boeing North American when it absorbed North American Aviation.

I also wonder if EADS North America or BAE Systems would be interested in purchasing Northrop Grumman.
Someone suggested in an aviation mag years ago that Boeing, Lockheed, McDonell Douglas and Northrop would merge to become 'Boheed McDondrop! ;D

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