Ladies and Gentlemen, the UrbanMech from the Battletech universe.
(Dives into handy bunker)
Chinese UGV competition with some highlights:

136 teams

Competition/Event Items:
1. Field Autonomous Maneuver and Recon (with road vehicles)
2. Field Autonomous logistics formations
3. Air-land search
4. Organic-inspired robot (legged robots)
5. High mobility UGV mountain transport
6. Recon, Strike, Assault
7. Platoon robot (like the US MULE/MUTT)
8. Minefield Clearance
9. Tech demos

Long since time to lay in the plasma rifles and railguns, along with EMP grenades & a few RPGTNs.

I suspect that Automats and the like will also see a big revival.
- Excuse me Sir, no tips?
Customer (leaving) :
- Nuts!
- Thank you Sir.

(extracted from: How to outsmart AI and have a good steack without ruining yourself).
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