Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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The majority of cases of Covid have been caused by spending a long time (several hours) in close contact with another person.
This is why the following have been such dangerous places:
Hospitals and Care Homes where people spend lengthy periods up close with strangers.
Families living in cramped housing where they are in close contact with one another and the outside world.
It is no accident that the great proportion of deaths have been among the over 70s. These people are constantly exposed to close contact over time with others.
I have so far avoided Covid by following these rules
Distance NEVER get close or touch strangers. A metre at least when chatting.
Duration After ten or fifteen minutes move away or outside if you can.
Dose If exposed to close contact over time such as public transport wear a mask, washand sterlize and use any shield (face away from people)
The three Ds have so far kept me safe.
I know we are meant to avoid these characters on here, but I am only posting this because of who it is.

My opinion of Eric Clapton continues to descend not that it was high to start with.

One thing is sure: a lot of "celebrities" lost their souls and credibility in that crisis, unfortunately.

Then again, virologist Didier Raoult descent into hell is pretty scary, when you think about it.
If such a (once) well respected, eminent virologist lock itself in such quagmire and staunchly refuse to back down: what can we hope from "non scientist celebrities" ?

Bottom line: lot of people we once liked, age very badly.

Dieudonné was once friend with Eli Semoun and a well respected humourist engaged against racism and FN.

Robert Ménard created Reporters without borders, for frack sake, a still well-respected organization fighting for wolrwide freedom of press.

Now look at these two men present actuality and opinions and... shudder. I often think they were eaten from inside by reptilians and replaced by lizzards under the same external outline.

Seems Clapton isn't aeging very well. Again, youth alcohol and drug abuse does nothing good to one's brain and body, notably when getting old.
Not COVID luckily, but I have had one heck of a stinky bronchitis for days... and corticoids, damn it, do they put colombian raw brown cocaine into these things ? They are driving me crazy. Took two of them at eight o'clock yesterday, still couldn't slept twenty hours later. :eek:
New Zealand reported on Thursday its biggest rise in COVID-19 infections in six weeks, with all cases detected in Auckland, raising prospects of a further extension of lockdown restrictions in the country’s largest city beyond next week.

Some 1.7 million people in Auckland are under strict stay-home orders until Monday as officials look to stamp out the highly infectious Delta outbreak, the first major spate of community cases in the country since early in the pandemic.

Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson said the surge in case numbers in Auckland was not unexpected “but they are rising more quickly,” and blamed illegal home gatherings for the spike.
UK health secretary Sajid Javid says this morning that "things feel quite stable at this point".

There were 42,776 new cases recorded yesterday. The height of the last peak in the UK was 60,764 daily cases on 15 July. The highest ever recorded number was 81,483 on 29 December 2020.
Link for news snippet.

I don't think the daily cases have been much less than 25,000-30,000 for about 3 months so in a sense its stable...
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