E10 petrol: Eco-friendly fuel being introduced to filling stations

Whats a petrol station?
A great big ol' sea boid:


As to ethanol fuels: every time I put gas with ethanol into my tank, my cars gas mileage plummets. Turning food into fuel seems dubious, especially when it's a substantially worse fuel.
This fuel has been on the streets in the UK for weeks. Super unleaded is still rated as E5 so the first move for owners of older vehicles is to use super unleaded. E10 will attack fuel lines and fuel tanks so prolonged use, until something can be done to stabilise fuel tanks and carburetor hoses and gaskets etc should be avoided. I have had one problem already, frankly there should have been a announcement prior to distribution. They could not organise a drink in a pub chain.
This fuel has been on the streets in the UK for weeks. Super unleaded is still rated as E5 so the first move for owners of older vehicles is to use super unleaded. E10 will attack fuel lines and fuel tanks so prolonged use, until something can be done to stabilise fuel tanks and carburetor hoses and gaskets etc should be avoided.

Apparently any car built since 2011 should be fine, and some manufacturers are saying much earlier, 1998 according to Toyota (excepting a few Avensis).

Bessy was built in 1971 and is my only car.means of transport. Folk who use their vintage and classic cars for shows or fine weather only will have to drain fuel tanks and lines because this fuel will rot fuel tanks if it is left in there for a while. After two weeks of use this fuel caused a fuel leak so bad it drained two tanks of fuel for me to get Bessy somewhere to be repaired. How much extra pollution is two tanks of fuel all over the road? Yes I know, my car has a minute tank, I blame VW. This was very poorly launched here, they announced it WEEKS after it bleeping well happened. Thank you Asda/Wallmart.
Yeah it hasn't been well publicised, I read about it in car magazines a couple of months ago but it seems to have been very low-key generally.

They do admit fuel economy suffers but they say the CO2 saving is in the growing of the crops rather than from the exhaust pipe. I'm not qualified to comment on how valid that calculation is if you need to burn more to travel the same distance but I guess from 2030 finding a petrol station will become harder anyway.
I have been feeding my 2011 Fiat G.P with E10 since a decade, no adverse issues.
The real deal is E85 - there, too much ethanol for gasoline engines if not adapted with some filter.
Bessy was built in 1971 and is my only car.means of transport. Folk who use their vintage and classic cars for shows or fine weather only will have to drain fuel tanks and lines because this fuel will rot fuel tanks if it is left in there for a while. After two weeks of use this fuel caused a fuel leak so bad it drained two tanks of fuel for me to get Bessy somewhere to be repaired.

Ouch, and I agree communication could have been much better. My 2001 Yaris falls into one of Toyota's loopholes (I'm not sure whether their disclaimers about imports only cover grey-market imports, or UK-market Toyotas that happened to come from the Japanese production lines, like mine), so I'm completely in the dark as to whether I need to start using Super Unleaded until I can poke Toyota and get a definitive answer.
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I think caution and a move to super unleaded until you get a response is the way to go. Super gives a little more economy in Bessy so the extra cost tends to even out in my experience. Not worth getting a bill before you get an answer.
They do admit fuel economy suffers but they say the CO2 saving is in the growing of the crops rather than from the exhaust pipe.
I suspect that this will turn out to be yet another eco inspired disaster in a long line of such, like the drive to move to diesel during the 2000s.
They do admit fuel economy suffers but they say the CO2 saving is in the growing of the crops rather than from the exhaust pipe.
I suspect that this will turn out to be yet another eco inspired disaster in a long line of such, like the drive to move to diesel during the 2000s.

France most idiotic move over the last three decades.

1995 - "Hey look, diesel has more efficiency hauling cars, and thus lower CO2 emissions ! Let's subsidize the fuck out of that fuel - 30 cents less than gasoline. 1.20 euros 1L, when gasoline is 1.50 euros.

2015 - "Fuck, diesel was a faustian bargain. We traded CO2 for exhaust particles; global warming for massive pneumonia in kids, and irrespirable Paris atmosphere on a bad day.
"Screw diesel, let's rise the price tremendously, above gasoline."

Yellow jackets "What, you will make diesel prices higher than gasoline ? for my car, my tractor, my truck, my taxi ??!!! WTF ??
Macron "sure, buy an electric car or take the bus or train."
Yellow jackets "are you freakkin' kidding us ? at 25 000 euros ?
Macron "No. Within the next five years diesel will be forbidden in center towns, then everywhere over the next decade.

Yellow jackets start rioting...
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E10 will attack fuel lines and fuel tanks so prolonged use, until something can be done to stabilise fuel tanks and carburetor hoses and gaskets etc should be avoided.
Follow the advice from your car manufacturer rather than broad generic statements such as this. For instance, my car is approved by the manufacturer for up to E10.
They do admit fuel economy suffers but they say the CO2 saving is in the growing of the crops rather than from the exhaust pipe.
I suspect that this will turn out to be yet another eco inspired disaster in a long line of such, like the drive to move to diesel during the 2000s.

France most idiotic move over the last three decades.

1995 - "Hey look, diesel has more efficiency hauling cars, and thus lower CO2 emissions ! Let's subsidize the fuck out of that fuel - 30 cents less than gasoline. 1.20 euros 1L, when gasoline is 1.50 euros.

2015 - "Fuck, diesel was a faustian bargain. We traded CO2 for exhaust particles; global warming for massive pneumonia in kids, and irrespirable Paris atmosphere on a bad day.
"Screw diesel, let's rise the price tremendously, above gasoline."

Yellow jackets "What, you will make diesel prices higher than gasoline ? for my car, my tractor, my truck, my taxi ??!!! WTF ??
Macron "sure, buy an electric car or take the bus or train."
Yellow jackets "are you freakkin' kidding us ? at 25 000 euros ?
Macron "No. Within the next five years diesel will be forbidden in center towns, then everywhere over the next decade.

Yellow jackets start rioting...

As electric vehicles are "phased in" in the United States, people will be forced to buy them. Meanwhile, the wealthy will complain that EV charging stations are "too expensive" until they start making money then all of the objections will quietly disappear as if no one ever said anything negative about electric cars and trucks and busses and everything else.

Meanwhile, Tesla has a "million mile" battery ready for production but the current health crisis has delayed release. Steady progress is being made, with scientists moving as quickly as possible.
E10 will attack fuel lines and fuel tanks so prolonged use, until something can be done to stabilise fuel tanks and carburetor hoses and gaskets etc should be avoided.
Follow the advice from your car manufacturer rather than broad generic statements such as this. For instance, my car is approved by the manufacturer for up to E10.
I am talking about older cars that in many cases are driven only during the dryer, warmer months. Classic and vintage cars. A lot of them are driven to and from shows and not much else which means damage occurs during the down time. This is not fiction. How old is your car?
Bessy was built in 1971 and is my only car.means of transport. Folk who use their vintage and classic cars for shows or fine weather only will have to drain fuel tanks and lines because this fuel will rot fuel tanks if it is left in there for a while. After two weeks of use this fuel caused a fuel leak so bad it drained two tanks of fuel for me to get Bessy somewhere to be repaired.

Ouch, and I agree communication could have been much better. My 2001 Yaris falls into one of Toyota's loopholes (I'm not sure whether their disclaimers about imports only cover grey-market imports, or UK-market Toyotas that happened to come from the Japanese production lines, like mine), so I'm completely in the dark as to whether I need to start using Super Unleaded until I can poke Toyota and get a definitive answer.

Have to say Toyota's response was excellent and my car is fine with E10, though I'm glad I'm not the poor bugger on the Toyota side of their website having to look up every car queried by its owner by reg number, that thread is up to page 57....
Got to be glad for good news when it gets here mate.
This seems akin to the old fluorescent tube scam foisted on us a few years back. Those are bad for the environment in part because of their complex manufacture and in part because they invariably contain mercury, creating a toxic hazard when accidentally broken or disposed of. But they could be made available before the long-term solution, the LED bulb, could be. So they were forced down our throats along with false propaganda, as an interim measure costing the environment far more than they saved, to try and kid us the government were doing something responsible.
Here we appear to see the same. While we wait for the all-electric rollout, here is an uneconomic fuel that will cost you money and wreck half your cars, backup generators, lawnmowers, chainsaws and other necessaries of life. Its brief life will end up costing more in industrial plant conversion, new hardware and extra fuel burned that it can ever save.
Fine if we had paralleled or even led the Euro-rollout in the past and sold the two grades alongside, allowing the capital investment to amortise sensibly and us to prepare technical conversion kits or buy a newer motor. But this surprise party nonsense?
What about the ever-increasing number of drones and ultralights that run on vehicle gasoline / petrol? This is one project the government really should not have kept so secret!

In my case, the cars will be fine but the lawnmower may suffer from water in the tubes unless drained for the winter, but who knows what will happen to the plastic fuel tank and line through the other nine months? The manufacturer certainly hasn't a clue. Do I buy the artifically-price-hiked and deliberately-hard-to-find high-performance E5 just for a lawnmower? My brother has a big place with a ruck of runabouts, chainsaws, brush cutters and the like. Ever tried wielding a battery powered chainsaw of any size, while hanging from a rope up a tree? Grr!
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Just one more in a huge line of what might be termed 'legal' scams. In my whimsy, I ponder quite how many organised crime gangs are elected and financially supported?

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