NASA is going to make 2 missions to Venus


ACCESS: Confidential
5 January 2021
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NASA announced Wednesday that it will send, not one, but two spacecraft to Venus this decade as part of its efforts to ramp up exploration of the closest planet to Earth.
The decision was hailed by scientists who study Venus and have felt neglected by a space agency decidedly more interested in Mars. NASA has not sent a robotic spacecraft to Venus since the launch of the Magellan orbiter in 1989. Launched by space shuttle Atlantis, Magellan made a controlled entry into the Venusian atmosphere in 1994 after collecting reams of data that have tantalized scientists ever since."
Good. Frankly getting tired of the Martian fetish. How many more crawlers we going to send. I want to see more stuff not just with Venus but with Saturn and Jupiter and their moons.
Yeah, we should have something to focus on besides Mars, I agree. I hope we learn something new about Venus
Would rather they'd focused on Jupiter's moons. Venus will never be a candidate for colonization.
Good. Frankly getting tired of the Martian fetish. How many more crawlers we going to send. I want to see more stuff not just with Venus but with Saturn and Jupiter and their moons.
"Fetish"? :rolleyes: It's by far the best candidate in the solar system for colonization. NOT focusing on it would be extinction-level stupidity.
Not as knowledgeable as many of you but I know a bit. Indeed Mars is seen by many as the best candidate (personally I think the moon is key and should be focused on for human space travel). Problem is I do not think people realize how inhospitable Mars truly is. But beyond that fact of course these rovers are awesome and there is so much more we need to learn. That said I think space agencies, associated bureaus and scientists are out of touch and do not often realize that space travel is more than just acquisition of scientific data. They need to incorporate more things that pique the interest of regular people, especially kids. I think this is often lost. One great thing this recent rover included was the flying drone and it's a perfect example of exciting and new steps in the space programs that also have mass appeal. We also need to go further back to the ice and gas giants and their satellites.

Anyways just my opinion. And my previous comment was not super serious it was just a candid opinion from a layman. I do apologize about using the word fetish. It was hyperbole
Not as knowledgeable as many of you but I know a bit. Indeed Mars is seen by many as the best candidate (personally I think the moon is key and should be focused on for human space travel). Problem is I do not think people realize how inhospitable Mars truly is. But beyond that fact of course these rovers are awesome and there is so much more we need to learn. That said I think space agencies, associated bureaus and scientists are out of touch and do not often realize that space travel is more than just acquisition of scientific data. They need to incorporate more things that pique the interest of regular people, especially kids. I think this is often lost. One great thing this recent rover included was the flying drone and it's a perfect example of exciting and new steps in the space programs that also have mass appeal. We also need to go further back to the ice and gas giants and their satellites.

Anyways just my opinion. And my previous comment was not super serious it was just a candid opinion from a layman. I do apologize about using the word fetish. It was hyperbole
People focus on Mars exploration because we've already visited Moon (though it was a long ago), and now Mars is our primary goal.
Well, beyond just visiting, exploiting (in the sense of using it) will now be a parallel priority. Governments should adhere to the opinion that they are there to support this endeavor by enabling it through the most risky aspect of it (just like it has been done across the industrial spectrum for centuries).

It's then time to have a dialogue that encompass non-academic actors in order not to get only there but also to build, operate, extract and profit.

A Lunar hub is now an urgency where commercial launches could take place in the future (hence lowering minimal requirements for commercial launches in term of risks and environmental impacts).
Enough with Medical payloads, worms, calamar and whatever. Send hammer, concrete, steel rods, Piping materials and engineers...
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Not as knowledgeable as many of you but I know a bit. Indeed Mars is seen by many as the best candidate (personally I think the moon is key and should be focused on for human space travel). Problem is I do not think people realize how inhospitable Mars truly is. But beyond that fact of course these rovers are awesome and there is so much more we need to learn. That said I think space agencies, associated bureaus and scientists are out of touch and do not often realize that space travel is more than just acquisition of scientific data. They need to incorporate more things that pique the interest of regular people, especially kids. I think this is often lost. One great thing this recent rover included was the flying drone and it's a perfect example of exciting and new steps in the space programs that also have mass appeal. We also need to go further back to the ice and gas giants and their satellites.

Anyways just my opinion. And my previous comment was not super serious it was just a candid opinion from a layman. I do apologize about using the word fetish. It was hyperbole
People focus on Mars exploration because we've already visited Moon (though it was a long ago), and now Mars is our primary goal.
Yeah, Mars is the closest object in the Solar System to Earth that is why this is the easiest way to reach another object in space. It will be a real breakthrough when the first person steps on the surface of Mars
I heard people can breath at a certain altitude in Venus atmosphere. Any good ideas on floating cities?
I heard people can breath at a certain altitude in Venus atmosphere.
Move around in relatively standard EVA suits without instantly getting crushed you mean? It has been theorised that such might be possible at high altitudes in mountainous areas of Venus.
I heard people can breath at a certain altitude in Venus atmosphere.
Move around in relatively standard EVA suits without instantly getting crushed you mean? It has been theorised that such might be possible at high altitudes in mountainous areas of Venus.
Maybe not crushed but what about incinerated or dissolved? :eek:
Yeah... Venus terrified me as a kid. My brother used to talk about the planets when I was very young my brother would say stuff like " see those clouds? Look like earth. Pretty eh? Full of sulfuric acid! And the atmosphere is so thick it is more liquid than air! You'd be crushed. It'd be like having a skyscraper on your back!"

Then I'd proceed to have nightmares that night of falling forever thru the clouds of Jupiter or get crushed on Venus.
But it is a thing all space agencies do. With weight and size restrictions the way they are. But yeah I felt the same way lol

Edit: just realized that if I'm not contributing images or info I should keep small chat to a minimum. Apologies.
Well, beyond just visiting, exploiting (in the sense of using it) will now be a parallel priority. Governments should adhere to the opinion that they are there to support this endeavor by enabling it through the most risky aspect of it (just like it has been done across the industrial spectrum for centuries).

It's then time to have a dialogue that encompass non-academic actors in order not to get only there but also to build, operate, extract and profit.

A Lunar hub is now an urgency where commercial launches could take place in the future (hence lowering minimal requirements for commercial launches in term of risks and environmental impacts).
Enough with Medical payloads, worms, calamar and whatever. Send hammer, concrete, steel rods, Piping materials and engineers...

NASA announced the mission devoted to exploring and exploring Moon resources. I mean Lunar sample return mission.

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