Tupolev post 1945 combat aircraft projects

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hesham said:
also Tupolev had a project called Type D,it was a supersonic carrier based aircraft of 1950s,featured
by a canard or duck shape,does anyone hear about it before ?.

The only "Type D" that I know of is the Tu-123 Yastreb unmanned vehicle.
Skyblazer said:
The only "Type D" that I know of is the Tu-123 Yastreb unmanned vehicle.

It was not it Skyblazer,it's was a manned project as I know.

does anyone hear about Tupolev Aircraft-156,as a supersonic duck or canard shape Project ?,
I think it was a bomber,and powered by four RD-36 engines.
The project is an experimental rocket plane "139" is ready to perform one of the stages of creating a rocket plane program "Star".


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borovik said:
The project is an experimental rocket plane "139" is ready to perform one of the stages of creating a rocket plane program "Star".

Thank you my dear Borovik,

and sorry,that's my fault,I meant Tupolev Aircraft-156 as a duck or canard shape project,maybe
a bomber,and powered by four RD-36-51 engines ?.
hesham said:
I meant Tupolev Aircraft-156 as a duck or canard shape project,maybe a bomber,and powered by four RD-36-51 engines ?.

Only Tu-156 I know about is this 4-jet AWACS.


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Hi Skyblazer,

the Tupolev 156 was allocated to four aircraft,the first as you mentioned,the second as
I displayed,the third was developed from Tu-154 with hydrogen fuel,the fourth was also
developed from Tu-154 with hydrogen fuel,but powered by only two engines as a project
and not three engines,that's in my files.
hesham said:
the Tupolev 156 was allocated to four aircraft,the first as you mentioned,the second as
I displayed,the third was developed from Tu-154 with hydrogen fuel,the fourth was also
developed from Tu-154 with hydrogen fuel,but powered by only two engines as a project
and not three engines,that's in my files.

I remember about the hydrogen ones now. The second one, however, doesn't ring a bell.
hesham said:
and sorry,that's my fault,I meant Tupolev Aircraft-156 as a duck or canard shape project,maybe
a bomber,and powered by four RD-36-51 engines ?.

Also in my files,

Tupolev also developed this aircraft-156 project to be powered by four turbofan engines,maybe
also a bomber,but I suggest it was not supersonic.

that's the first time in my life to see Tupolev Aircraft-495 Model.

Ракетоносец Ту-16: Триумф Советского авиапрома


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hesham said:
that's the first time in my life to see Tupolev Aircraft-495 Model.

I'm surprised. I thought we'd had it here already.

Here are two more pictures, one of 494-88 and one of 495-88:


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Also from my files,

the Tupolev Tu-73 was re-allocated to twin engined long range bomber of 1948,
powered by two Mikulin AMTKRD-01 jet engines,not related to the early aircraft.
In my files,

the Tupolev Tu-85 had a project version,powered by four VD-4 turboprops plus two VK-1


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Thank you my dear Borovik,

and also in my file,the Tupolev Tu-86R was a recce version project.
In my files,and in this Russian site;

the Tupolev Tu-95S was a strategic missiles carrier,also called Tu-135 or Aircraft-135.

Tu-85's Dobrynin VD-4K six bank 24 cylinder turbo-compound inline liquid cooling engine.
You can see power recovery engine exhaust gas turbine top and bottom of the six bank 24 cylinder.
Also you can see turbo charger unit and intercooler behind the engine.
You can see some kind of fan at the front of the engine?
Of course this engine need big radiator located somewhere of the aircraft. Where is the radiators?
Circular radiator is located front of the engoine? And fan is forced cooling fan for the radiator?
We can see cowl flap at the front of the engine nacelle.

Specifications VD-4K
General characteristics
Type: 6-bank, 24-cylinder, turbo-compound inline engine
Bore: 148 mm (5.8 in)
Stroke: 144 mm (5.7 in)
Displacement: 59.43 L (3,627 cu in)
Length: 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in)
Diameter: 1.4 m (4 ft 7 in)
Dry weight: 2,065 kg (4,552 lb)
Cooling system: Liquid-cooled
Power output: 4,300 hp (3,200 kW)
Compression ratio: 7:1

Tu-85 three side view.


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85A had additional jet engine?
Auto translation of 85A prat. ;D
"85A". In September 1949, the question of additional eighties. installation on plane "85.5″ two VK-1 TURBOJET ENGINE. 85 aircraft considered ″ with ASH-2 k (ash-4 k) with two additional type VK-1 TURBOJET ENGINE. Two VK-1 engine installed in the rear parts of the inner engine nacelles, air intake for them was carried out from the air wing leading edge through tunnels, located symmetrically relative to the axis of the motor nacelles. On the basis of the carried out calculations for such modification evaluated aircraft performance: added the possibility to increase the take-off mass up to 117,500 values kg; increased maximum speed to 23% at flight weight of 95000 kg; significantly increased cruising speed in the target area, as well as the average flight speed; significantly decreased time-to-height; increased service ceiling plane. But the idea with combined power unit for 85 aircraft ″ not found a practical application, since that time, the decisive criterion for the aircraft was range, rather than a short-term increase in speed and range, this option even for preliminary calculations of lost base. In addition, the complexity of a design and need to be on board the two heterogeneous fuel system: gasoline and kerosene are not justified by some higher airspeed.


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Wing front view is impressive.


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Thank you my dear Blackkite,

also in my files,the Tupolev Tu-115 was allocated to Tu-106A,and powered by four Klimov
VD-19 turbojet engines,two mounted under the wing and anther two mounted above the
rear of the fuselage,Project only.
Also in my files,

the Tupolev Tu-20 was a regional jet aircraft Project,powered by two turbofan
engines at 1990s.

here is the Tupolev Aircraft-145 Project.


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what was this ?.


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the Tupolev Aircraft 342 was also called Tu-95MS early Project,which never built,
later developed into Tu-95MS6,Tu-95MS16 .......etc
'45M' and '139' (first with this designation)
In my files,

the Tupolev Tu-126 AWACS was appeared in four variants,first was based on Tu-95
but not built,second was based on Tu-114,only one aircraft built,third was a production
version with refueling system,fourth with a radar Bumblebee ,remained a Project.

here is a Tupolev Tu-74 variants.


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Our Hall of Fame and Wonderwall - photos by Said Aminov
flateric said:
Our Hall of Fame and Wonderwall - photos by Said Aminov

Amazing pictures my dear Flateric,and we can put some of them here.


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Hesham, Great photo collection. Thank you for posting.

Bravo from Texas!

Flateric, My sincere apologies. I did not realize you had posted the original link on the previous page. Wonderful photos.

When I was a boy of 11, I visited the 1973 Paris Air Show with my parents on the days before the public was allowed onto the Le Bourget air field. I was the only kid at the show, and wandered by myself among the aircraft for several days. The Tu-144 fascinated me, and I would view it at length at its display area. On our last day, I was standing in front of the starboard wing when they moved the barricades and started rolling the aircraft toward me to go fly. No one said anything to me (they were used to seeing me there by then), and as I stood there that vast delta wing moved over me and I was right beside the nacelle. It was truly awe inspiring, and one of my favorite memories. Although the Concorde was gracefully beautiful, the Tu-144 had a brutally powerful and straight-lined appeal that I still find intriguing. It would have been very interesting to fly her.
I second the gratitude for the pictures. I am glad more of us aviation enthusiasts are being given an opportunity to appreciate the inventiveness of this storied design bureau.
Hi! Tupolev Tu-1.
Wikipedia says that her maiden flight was 1947. The maiden flight date was later than Tu-2 but her name was Tu-1. ???
Inboard wing design is interesting. Radiator?

Another information.
"An attempt to produce a radar-equipped three-seat long-range night and all-weather fighter also suited for the escort mission, the ANT-63P, alias Tu-1, was one of a number of progressive developments of the ANT-61 (Tu-2S) bomber. Initially powered by two 1,900hp Mikulin AM-39F 12-cylinder liquid-cooled engines, the ANT-63P (the suffix letter indicating Perekhvatchik, or "Interceptor") carried a fixed forward-firing armament of four 23mm cannon, two in the wing roots and two in the lower forward fuselage. The nose was intended to accommodate a PNB-1 Gneiss-1 airborne intercept radar based on the German FuG 220. First flown on 30 December 1946, the ANT-63P attained 680km/h and demonstrated a range of 2500km. Official interest in piston-engined fighters was waning by this time, and although the ANT-63P was re-engined with 1,950hp Mikulin AM-43V engines driving four-bladed propellers, being tested in this form in December 1947, no production was undertaken. "


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16Kh carrier aircraft
"The German Fi 103 (‘V. 1’) flying bomb was the basis for a large Soviet programme of air-launched cruise missiles in the immediate post-war era. One of the later variants was the 16Kh Priboi (surf, breaking waves). The fact this was fitted with twin engines meant that it could be carried under the Tu-2. The first modified Tu-2 launch aircraft began testing at LII on 28th January 1948, and live missile launchings took place on the Akhtuba range between 22nd July and 25th December 1948, testing the D-312 and D-14-4 engines and various electric or pneumatic flight-control systems. The Tu-2 launch aircraft continued in the process of refining guidance and improving reliability until at least 4th November 1950, by which time the Tu-4 was being modified as carrier aircraft with one missile under each outer nacelle. The WS rejected the 16Kh on grounds of poor accuracy, and eventually the argument reached Stalin who shortly before his death terminated this missile."
"Not least, in the immediate post-war era the Tu-2 was the most important aircraft converted to air-test turbojet engines. Occasionally the designation Tu-2LL (flying laboratory) was used, but one of the most important was (possibly unofficially) designated Tu-2N, because it was allocated to test the imported Rolls-Royce Nene. This required the test engine to be mounted in a nacelle of large diameter (basic engine diameter 1.26m, 4ft 11/2in). Later more than one Tu-2 was used to test Soviet RD-45 and VK-1 derivatives of the Nene, including variants with an afterburner. However, these were all preceded by aircraft, some of which had been Tupolev Type 61 prototypes, which were converted to test captured German axial engines: the BMW 003A (Soviet designation RD-20) and the Junkers Jumo 004B (Soviet designation RD-10). Another 61 prototype was used to test the first Soviet turbojet to fly, the Lyul’kaTR-1, in 1946."

You can see Tu-2LL and Tu-2S carrier aircraft of 16kh guided bomb in top picture.


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hesham said:
In my files,

the Tupolev Tu-126 AWACS was appeared in four variants,first was based on Tu-95
but not built,second was based on Tu-114,only one aircraft built,third was a production
version with refueling system,fourth with a radar Bumblebee ,remained a Project.

from the book; Red Star 23, Soviet-Russian AWACS Aircraft Tu-126,A-50,An-71 and Ka-31


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Thank you Flateric for the link and to Hesham for the image posting. Impressive collection and I totally agree with Yasotay's comment about the rest of us being able to see it.

Enjoy the Day! Mark
The plane "78" and "79".



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The plane "81" and "93".



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The plane "82", "83" and "86".



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