Notre Dame Fire

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ACCESS: Top Secret
14 December 2009
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Looks bad. Roof may have fallen in already.


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But I have hope, that Notre Dame will be rebuilt in the next 10-15 years. Just as like the Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche), a Lutheran church in Dresden, Germany.
There are dark suspicions that this is the latest in a spate of church arsons across France. Understandably the French government are currently proclaiming (a bit too ardently) that this is an accident connected to ongoing renovations.
Grey Havoc said:
There are dark suspicions that this is the latest in a spate of church arsons across France. Understandably the French government are currently proclaiming (a bit too ardently) that this is an accident connected to ongoing renovations.

That surprise me very much. I'm French , living in France, and I almost never hear about damage been done to churches on the news... ?!
I've gooogled the sentence "spate of church arsons across France", indeed it gives me a lot pages in english (US?) about this happening...
But then I gooogled the same translated "série d'incendies religieux à travers la France", gives almost nothing... WTF, US jurnos living in the US knows better about what happening in France ?

Anyway, it can be anything of course... But I think it's a bit fast to point at a criminal act before anything.
But I suppose it suits the view of some of how France is nowadays ... ::)

Thks for the support and nice words.
galgot said:
But then I gooogled the same translated "série d'incendies religieux à travers la France", gives almost nothing... WTF, US jurnos living in the US knows better about what happening in France ?

That would not be surprising. Many times British news outlets have better reporting about what's going on in the US than US outlets. Often US outlets have *vastly* better news coverage of foreign nations (Canada, Australia and New Zealand come to mind) because the US allows the press to report on *everything* while other nations have news blackouts on, say, ongoing criminal investigations and trials. And just in general it's often a good idea to read what outsiders are writing when it comes to events that are "sensitive" internally, because the outsider doesn't have a dog in that fight, or isn't afraid of getting fired or firebombed.

As to church arson in France here's this from a month ago:

Were I a French fire investigator I would certainly keep that in mind when poking through the ashes of Notre Dame.
Fortunately the damage may not be quite as bad as initially feared, but it is still bad enough.
OrionBlamBlam said:
As to church arson in France here's this from a month ago:

Were I a French fire investigator I would certainly keep that in mind when poking through the ashes of Notre Dame.

Brietbart!? Yikes. Not a very reliable source. I'd suggest finding some other sources if you're looking into this.

Wikipedia said:
Breitbart News Network (known commonly as Breitbart News, Breitbart or is a far-right syndicated American news, opinion and commentary website...Its journalists are widely considered to be ideologically driven, and some of its content has been called misogynistic, xenophobic, and racist by liberals and many traditional conservatives alike. The site has published a number of lies, conspiracy theories, and intentionally misleading stories.
JeffB said:
Brietbart!? Yikes. Not a very reliable source. I'd suggest finding some other sources if you're looking into this.

So all the French sources that are linked in the article are fraudulent?

Anyway, given how the "regular" media has covered itself in anti-glory with how they've screwed up coverage of stories such as Smollett and Covington and Trump-Russia... ain't nobody these days lookin' too good. The thing to do is to check the stories for their facts and sources. "Twelve churched go up in flames" is the sort of story that isn't as likely to be wrong as "so-and-so political types are Nazis or Jihadi supporters."
Orionblamblam said:
galgot said:
But then I gooogled the same translated "série d'incendies religieux à travers la France", gives almost nothing... WTF, US jurnos living in the US knows better about what happening in France ?

That would not be surprising. Many times British news outlets have better reporting about what's going on in the US than US outlets. Often US outlets have *vastly* better news coverage of foreign nations (Canada, Australia and New Zealand come to mind) because the US allows the press to report on *everything* while other nations have news blackouts on, say, ongoing criminal investigations and trials. And just in general it's often a good idea to read what outsiders are writing when it comes to events that are "sensitive" internally, because the outsider doesn't have a dog in that fight, or isn't afraid of getting fired or firebombed.

As to church arson in France here's this from a month ago:

Were I a French fire investigator I would certainly keep that in mind when poking through the ashes of Notre Dame.

Brietbart? Not worth even wrapping yesterday's garbage in, IMO. They have been caught lying so often about Muslims in Europe that it is just pure "fake news" to quote el Presidente. Did you read about the supposed torching of the "oldest church in Europe" in Germany by Muslims? Pure and utter fantasy. Same for the supposed "no-go areas" in the UK and France. Total rubbish. ::) ::)
I am absolutely confident that France will make this Phoenix rise from the ashes again. Vive La France!
Orionblamblam said:
galgot said:
But then I gooogled the same translated "série d'incendies religieux à travers la France", gives almost nothing... WTF, US jurnos living in the US knows better about what happening in France ?

That would not be surprising. Many times British news outlets have better reporting about what's going on in the US than US outlets. Often US outlets have *vastly* better news coverage of foreign nations (Canada, Australia and New Zealand come to mind) because the US allows the press to report on *everything* while other nations have news blackouts on, say, ongoing criminal investigations and trials. And just in general it's often a good idea to read what outsiders are writing when it comes to events that are "sensitive" internally, because the outsider doesn't have a dog in that fight, or isn't afraid of getting fired or firebombed.

As to church arson in France here's this from a month ago:

Were I a French fire investigator I would certainly keep that in mind when poking through the ashes of Notre Dame.

Quel paquet de MERDE !... And are you going to tell us it's an "inside job" too?!
You better keep to what you are good at, drawing small scale plans ... At least they are cheap.
galgot said:
Quel paquet de MERDE !... And are you going to tell us it's an "inside job" too?!

People are setting fires in French Catholic churches. Unless I'm badly misinformed, the cathedral of Notre Dame is a Catholic church in France. While the last I've heard says that they're pretty sure the fire started due to an accident of some kind with the reconstruction efforts... if you are a fire inspector, you look at *everything* and don't discount anything, especially if the fire *may* be related to a number of others.

You better keep to what you are good at, drawing small scale plans ... At least they are cheap.

Meaning what? Is it your contention that the french investigators *shouldn't* consider the possibility of arson? Are you under the impression that good investigations end with the first explanation that sounds good?
Meaning :
Tu va déjà te faire chier a traduire ça pour comprendre. Cela veux dire exactemet ce que cela veux dire.
Tire en les conclusions que tu veux, si tu es trop con pour comprendre je ne peux rien pour toi...
galgot said:
Meaning :
Tu va déjà te faire chier a traduire ça pour comprendre. Cela veux dire exactemet ce que cela veux dire.
Tire en les conclusions que tu veux, si tu es trop con pour comprendre je ne peux rien pour toi...

Outch! Burn...
galgot said:
Meaning :
Tu va déjà te faire chier a traduire ça pour comprendre. Cela veux dire exactemet ce que cela veux dire.
Tire en les conclusions que tu veux, si tu es trop con pour comprendre je ne peux rien pour toi...

Ah, the old "when you don't have a rational argument, just insult the other guy" ploy.
Paris brûle-t-il ?
Desolado por la perdida cultural y afectiva.
Muchos pensamos que la festividad religiosa elegida y las recientes amenazas del Daesh son algo mas que una nueva teoría de la conspiración.
Un fuerte abrazo a mis amigos de Francia. :'(
Je me sens douleur et tristesse pour le monde a perdu une partie de sa patrimoine tellement centrale. Mais les cathédrales gothiques sont construites par plusieurs générations, comme projets perpetuelles. C'est que est tragiquement perdu va être reconstruite comme des prières en pierre, verre et chêne par un nouvel génération qui va apprendre les metieres necessaires. Notre Dame n'est seulement pas une cathédrale historique mais aussi une histoire vivante. Feu ou non, même les pierres ne survivre pas sans notre amour.

(Sorry for the bad french, I'm out of practice)
Gentlemen, please, stop going personal. Remember this is a forum for unbuilt projects. There's no need to say the same again. Everyone has his own emotions, political ideas, theories, fears, feelings and educational bias. But since we're educated people, just look for the right place in Internet to express, share or confront whatever you need. Here, unbuilt projects only.

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