Lockheed Model L-200 Convoy Fighter - Part 1 book now available!


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26 November 2008
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Now available! This book presents the original proposal for the Lockheed Model L-200 Convoy Fighter of 1950, which led to the XFV-1 Salmon turboprop tailsitter naval aircraft. It was one of five submissions to the US Navy’s Convoy Fighter competition, which called for a high performance turboprop VTOL fighter to protect convoy vessels from attack by enemy aircraft. The original L-200 design differed from the eventual XFV-1 in having a tail with only three surfaces, an eight-bladed propeller, and various turboprop engine installation options. Variants covered include an early L-200 study with inverted tail; the L-200-1 tactical fighter; L-200-2 stripped prototype; L-200-3 with afterburner; L-200-6 swept wing variant; and L-200-7 canard configuration.


This full color 76 page book features 70 images, including rare photos, detailed blueprints, vintage artist’s impressions, and beautiful color profiles. Part 2 will cover additional proposal documents, wind tunnel testing at NACA, and other unbuilt turboprop tailsitter projects. This is the fifth in a series of monographs covering the Navy’s Convoy Fighter competition of 1950; previous volumes on the Convair, Goodyear, Martin, and Northrop designs are still available from booksellers worldwide. Lockheed Model L-200 Convoy Fighter - Pt 1 can be purchased on Amazon.com and its international branches for $18.99, along with other major booksellers worldwide. A Kindle edition is available on Amazon and its subsidiaries for just $9.99; an ePub version is available directly from my Gumroad store for just $8.99, a savings of $1 off the regular price! Some sample spreads are shown below:





I hope you enjoy it; Part 2 should be released within a couple months.

Looks great,amazing work my dear Jared.
Lockheed Model L-200 Convoy Fighter - Part 2 now available!


Now available is the second part of a two volume work examining the Lockheed Model L-200 Convoy Fighter of 1950, which led to the XFV-1 "Salmon" turboprop tailsitter naval aircraft. Major subjects include various unusual takeoff and landing concepts; the L-200-2 stripped full-scale prototype vs. the L-200-5 subscale prototype; NACA wind tunnel and flying model tests; the mock-up conference; and several related studies done for the USAF.


This full color 72 page book features 70 images, including rare photos, detailed blueprints, vintage artist’s impressions, and speculative color profiles, most of which are previously unpublished. Part 1 is still available from bookstores worldwide, along with previous volumes on the Convair, Goodyear, Martin, and Northrop proposals submitted to the Convoy Fighter Competition of 1950. This book can be purchased on Amazon.com and its international branches for $18.49, along with other major booksellers worldwide. A Kindle edition is available for $8.99, while an EPUB version can be purchased from my Gumroad store for just $7.99, a savings of $1 off the regular price. Some sample spreads are shown below:



I enjoyed Vol.1 (as well as the other convoy fighters volumes), so I am looking forward to getting a print copy of Vol. 2. Thank you, Mr. Zichek.

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