The Boeing B-47 Stratojet: Strategic Air Command's Transitional Bomber


ACCESS: Secret
12 January 2011
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bercr said:

Nice find bercr, definitely one for the Christmas wish list. I know very little about the B-47, so this will be an excellent book for my collection.
Mark Natola also has a Stratojet book which was as I remember it basically many personal anecdotes from engineers at Boeing and crewmen compiled for the volume. Worth a read.
Got the book this week and just glancing through it I would say if I had to choose between this one and the Lloyd book I would choose this one, but I would still want to get the Lloyd book if I could afford it. The new to me secret projects shown in the book include drawings of the original prop driven recon bomber, a gunship version for TROPIC MOON, and a TIP-TOW version of two B-47's and a B-36, and TIP-TOW B-47 with two F-86's. Also included is a photo of the mock-up of the cockpit of the B-47C which had side-by-side seating. No mention of the mythical BLACK BEAUTY so I guess it's just a myth.
I stand corrected. Thank you for pointing that out.
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Received my copy. Excellent book. I recommend it.
This is the list of unbuilt projects illustrated:

Model 413
Model 422
Model 424
Model 425
Model 426
Model 432
Model 448
Model 450-1-1
Model 450-3-8
Model 450-24-26
Model 450-32-10
Model 450-33-10
Model 450-113-28
B-47C converted to subsonic atomic powered testbed
B-47 with 4 x M61 Vulcan in aft bombay
Goodyear piggyback carrier for B-47
Model 450-36-10
Model 450-151-31
Model 450-139-10
Model 450-152-27
B-47 mine layer
B-36 with two B-47 attached to the wing tips
B-47 with two F-86 attached to the wing tips

Black Beauty: description only

EB-47B/B-47C mockup of side by side cockpit arrangement is simply great (page 191) that's a B-52 nose!

What I don't like (my personal preference): appendix I (30 pages I'm not interested) and the diminutive size of most drawings (magnifier needed to enjoy it)
Ordered mine from Specialty Press at 40% discount; should arrive next month.

'The diminutive size of most drawings (magnifier needed to enjoy it)'

Any particular drawings? I did some of them, so interested in which ones.

I received the paperversion of the B-47 book and despite the 3-view drawings
are showing many details ,the size of printing is in my humble opinion indeed in a to small format. So , I agree
with Pometablava.
(for exemple p.11-p.19-p.139 a.o.)
The printing does not full right to the artist who created the 3-views which is a pitty for a book of this high level.
An unconfirmed black project high altitude recce version
pometablava said:
An unconfirmed black project high altitude recce version

Thank you very much for explanation!
Name of this unconfirmed projects reminds me UK "Color codes" somehow - Black Arrow, Blue Steel etc.
Good Day All!

Got my copy earlier this week and had the chance to peruse it in more detail last night. Pometablava is spot on with his assessment - well worth acquiring but damn, the drawings could have been at least 50% larger. Had to clean the dust of my magnifying lens so I could view them!

Enjoy the Day! Mark
My copy arrived yesterday and I have to agree with the gentlemen above, the drawings really need to be larger, especially to do them anywhere near proper justice. I'd be willing to ante up for a supplement with the drawings at a goodly size.
Here's hoping for the supplement - something that Specialty Press has done with other titles in their catalog.

Fingers crossed! Mark
You'll need to contact Crecy about that. Any drawings I do for books are available from me if you want them and the author is happy for me to supply.

Thanks for that information, Chris. I will definitely email them and encourage such a supplement. I don't know the authors at all, so would feel peculiar asking them to allow you to supply the drawings. If you do have the chance to talk to them, I'd definitely be interested in getting decent-sized versions of the drawings. If you have it, I'd love to get a drawing of the side-be-side cockpit proposal; I have enough B-47 kits to put it to use.
Le me get back to you on that. I know there were pictures of the mockup, but I don't remember seeing a three-view and that would really be helpful in trying to model the side-by-side cockpit variant.
CJGibson said:
What page is that on?

Side-by-side cockpit is shown with mockup pictures on page 191. I don't immediately see that they had you do drawings of that version, unfortunately. it would be quite the conversion to do in 1/144 or 1/72.
I would love a good drawing of the B-47C with the B-52 style side by side cockpit as well. I haven't read the book yet, but the sections I've skipped through have been excellent. I also like that a lot of the info regarding the RB flights and their routes is in this book as well. It's all very interesting. A great addition to any aviation library. :)
pometablava said:
An unconfirmed black project high altitude recce version

I wonder if that was related to the radar blocking screens fitted to a B-47s intakes.
Orionblamblam said:
Was it one of these?
The bottom one is the mockup depicted in the book. Will either of these be showing up in a furture USBP edition?
elmayerle said:
Orionblamblam said:
Was it one of these?
The bottom one is the mockup depicted in the book. Will either of these be showing up in a furture USBP edition?

Likely so. This collection of B-47 evolutionary designs is a folder way in the back of a thick box of Boeing folders, awaiting scanning in due course. Took me a while to find the folder since I hadn't gotten there yet, and I just took some cell phone snapshots.

Shouldn't be too long. Say, about the time SLS is regularly flying NASA astronauts to Mars. So there surely won't be any unforeseen delays or needless stalling.
Orionblamblam said:
Shouldn't be too long. Say, about the time SLS is regularly flying NASA astronauts to Mars. So there surely won't be any unforeseen delays or needless stalling.
Ah, long about the "Twelfth of Never", then?

very good book,specially Atomic B-47,mother Ship and a large numbers from unknown variants.
Orionblamblam said:
elmayerle said:
Ah, long about the "Twelfth of Never", then?

Naw, naw, any day now. Really and for true. My promise of speed is as trustworthy as a politicians claims.
Ah, the "real soon now" beloved of software developers. :)

No importa, I'll purchase it when it becomes available. What you have posted might be enough to do something in 1/144 scale.
I'm about a third of the way through this book, and I think it is excellent. The text is interesting and generally well-written. The photographs are excellent, at least compared to some similar titles I have picked up recently. Highly recommended.
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