Soviet future spaceships from the 1950s (Photon spaceships, Ionosphereplane, etc


ACCESS: Top Secret
25 April 2008
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I really didn't know where to put it… Maybe speculative projects. But first, let's try this out here.

The CIA opened its FOIA-related reading room recently, and there are loads of material of interest for many of us in this repository.
One such unexpected material is a 1958 document available from here (direct link) discussing photon spaceships and Ionosphereplanes.

document description summary

associated pdf file

The CIA analysis indicates this material is/was likely dated 1957 and was initially published in a magazine called Sovaviation. Any information on that? Either the magazine or better scans of this very poorly reproduced material would be great.



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antigravite said:
The CIA opened its FOIA-related reading room recently, and there are loads of material of interest for many of us in this repository.
One such unexpected material is a 1958 document available from here (direct link) discussing photon spaceships and Ionosphereplanes.

The CIA's "Electronic Reading Room" has existed for a long time, at least 10 years, maybe 20.
blackstar said:
antigravite said:
The CIA opened its FOIA-related reading room recently, and there are loads of material of interest for many of us in this repository.
One such unexpected material is a 1958 document available from here (direct link) discussing photon spaceships and Ionosphereplanes.

The CIA's "Electronic Reading Room" has existed for a long time, at least 10 years, maybe 20.

That is pretty recent compared to some of our perspectives :D
Illustration left - Soviet children's book "Travel to distant worlds." Konstantin Gilzin 1960.

The two illustrations on the right. In times of Khrushchev Russian loved to write about "hemosferical" aircraft. Hemosfera ramjet engine.

Excuse me.
pavel said:

Anecdotal Soviet error. In times of Khrushchev Russian loved to write about "hemosferical" aircraft. Hemosfera ramjet engine. Here, the report is written, Ionospheric planes. No. Russian traditional popular name: "hemosferical" engines.

How do I know about it? In 1984 I was 11 years old. In the Soviet library I took to read the old children's book about the future. Boris Lyapunov. "Chemistry tomorrow." 1960-63. These aircraft flying in hemosfera were on colored illustrations.

Thank you VERY MUCH Pavel! Cпасибо большое!

blackstar said:
antigravite said:
The CIA opened its FOIA-related reading room recently, and there are loads of material of interest for many of us in this repository.
One such unexpected material is a 1958 document available from here (direct link) discussing photon spaceships and Ionosphereplanes.

The CIA's "Electronic Reading Room" has existed for a long time, at least 10 years, maybe 20.

Hi Blackstar. Yep, you are right.

However, and this is my point, the CIA just released to the public no less than 12 million documents. They issued a press communiqué on this release on January 17, 2017 which is available from here:

Until now, these declassified documents (declassified from the CIA Records Search Tool (CREST) system), could only be accessed in person from a physical facility, on a limited set of computers.

So in a way, this is quantum jump in historical records research, and information extraction, which has been made possible a couple of days ago. That is what I meant.


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