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overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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Post a photo of your copy of the book here, or else post that you don't have a camera and I will challenge you to give me a word from a selected page of the book.

Activation is manual, so please be patient :)
How about an easy link to how to buy a Project Tech book? Every time a new one comes out and I finally get around to ordering it I've completely forgotten how I did it the last time: webpage, email to Chris, etc. I'm searching away through the other edition threads and haven't come across the answer yet!
Patience, patience. It's coming. Launch date is 7/11/15.

Anyway, no point me taking orders I can't fill until I get back onshore.

I will have a ProjectTech homepage with links to order the various books done before then.
CJGibson said:
Anyway, no point me taking orders I can't fill until I get back onshore.

I thought you printed, packed and posted all editions from your private North Sea plane spotting platform in the style of a pirate radio station or a James Bond villain?

And now ..... A Walk in the Black Forest. *

*Australian TV in the 1980s played reruns of the British surrealist comedy show The Goodies as children's post school entertainment. The song "A Walk in the Black Forest" was an important part of their Pirate radio station/post office spoof.
Only allowed 12kg in my bag, so boxes of books are frowned upon. Plus the way the choppers are, they'd never arrive.

Like The Goodies reference. (Yes, I am that old.) It was the only record their station had. Also 'children's post school entertainment' - you must have very old schoolchildren.

Just found this. I am still deriving much pleasure from your previous tomes.
Looking forward to reading about the 1121. My first brush with it was an article in MECCANO MAGAZINE which also had a large drawing of 1154. My childhood crush in such things had been set off by a MARX TSR2 bought me for Christmas in 1964.
I will order however it works.
Looks like I'm first here, picked up a copy from SMW Telford this morning, and signed by the author too...



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Hi Paul

I don't think i need to post a pic do i ;D

Was nice to catch up again and i hope you enjoyed the show.


Hi Paul,
Nice to meet you yesterday, on first look through the book seems to be superb. Could you add me to the access please.


First, Paul and Chris, thanks!

See attached a photo of my copy of the book, I especially enjoyed the depth you went into about weapons and radars, I wan't expecting that and it was a very pleasant surprise, especially the radar stuff which is more informative than anything I have seen about UK AI radar in this time-frame.


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By the way, feel free to say if you liked it or not :) There are a lot more drawings to be uploaded once I get time to prepare them.
Meet the twins - no fancy backdrop Daleks here though I'm afraid, or Lara Croft. Great book(s) - Camm appears to have been a supplier of fantastic quotes, among other things.

JFC Fuller said:
Love it. I especially enjoyed the depth you went into about weapons and radars, I wan't expecting that and it was a very pleasant surprise, especially the radar stuff which is more informative than anything I have seen about UK AI radar in this time-frame.

The little I could find on 'AI 24' surprised an ex-RRE (Royal Radar Establishment) man who came up to me at Telford and told me he has a brochure on this and had never seen a mention of it anywhere. Hopefully should be getting some more info on that soon :)
newsdeskdan said:
Meet the twins - no fancy backdrop Daleks here though I'm afraid, or Lara Croft. Great book(s) - Camm appears to have been a supplier of fantastic quotes, among other things.


Yes, there are more than I could use. Here's Ralph Hooper's favourite 25.

1. "Those at the back cried forward and those at the front cried back." A comment on indecision, usually by Ministries, and a quotation from Horatius on the bridge over the Tiber.

2. "There's only one way to do a job and that's as quickly as you can!" Urging the troops to hasten.

3. "The race is to the swift." A quotation, I believe; purpose as (2).

4. "They can't see our arses for dust." Reference to our competitors.

5. "I am never wrong except when persuaded against my better judgement!" Boasting; sometimes with an element of humour.

6. "It looks like mother done it!" An unfavourable comment on a component or a whole aeroplane.

7. "It looks like mother done it - all pots and pans." A very unfavourable comment on a component or whole aeroplane.

8. "We could design bombers but they couldn't design fighters!" A reference to any of our competitors.

9. "I'm only interested in designing fighters, there's no finesse in anything else." An opinion.

10. "I don't suffer fools gladly - and heaven save me from the share pushers and costicians of this world!" A reference to the commercial and accountancy functions.

11. "When you have designed aeroplanes as long as I have you can see the airflow." Boasting again.

12. "All my aeroplanes are pilots' aeroplanes, but then all my pilots are designer's pilots." Wish it was that simple.

13. "There's no such thing as a good aircraft engine." Opening gambit to keep 'powerplanters' in their place.

14. "Complication is ruination!" Other things being equal, few would disagree.

15. "Yesterday I told you to do that; today I'm telling you to do this; and tomorrow I'll tell you to do something else!!" Assertion of the Chief Designer's absolute right to change his mind.

16. "I hope you're working with a proper sense of guilt and shame!" Widely used internally or externally at times when the industry was under criticism by the Government and/or the Press.

17. "Just another bloody Drawing Office aeroplane." Great encouragement for the staff faced with a new prototype about to fly! (If it turned out all right then such remarks would soon be forgotten.)

18. "Every mod. begets a mod." General comment on the tendency for hastily introduced modifications to introduce problems of their own.

19. "You've got to have an 'eye for a line'." An aeroplane should look good.

20. "We've got to 'strike a line'!" Sometimes similar to (19) but also meaning "we've got to find a way ahead' - usually in unclear circumstances.

21. "The evil Air Marshalls...!" Any members of the Air Board who were failing to favour his products.

22. "He's only a journeyman draughtsman!" Don't expect too much from him.

23. "He's only an old sweat!" Don't expect anything from him.

24. "The Navy always treats us as though we were gentlemen!" Occasional approval of the Dark Blues.

25. "Life is real and life is earnest!" A general admonition to greater effort.

26. "Every day's an 'oliday 'ere!" They are still not working hard enough!

27. "We've tried efficiency - and that doesn't work!" A lack of respect for his fellow directors' latest enthusiasm.
My copy had an unfortunate encounter with the local wildlife.


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Not the best of pictures, but here they are.

Thanks again for all your efforts.


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Great rapid service and great content. Well done all.

On the move with a crap camera phone, At leasts its upside down so PM-M should be able to read it okay in NZ.


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Got mine Tuesday within 24 hours of ordering it. Haven't read it yet but can't stop flicking through it. Very well illustrated!
It will probably go to the top of the to read pile after Nimrod's Genesis :)


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As Geoff can confirm, nobody else but me could have taken this photo... ;)

As I posted on What If Modelers, I thought the book was great. The drawings are very good indeed, and I particularly liked the insight into the working relationships inside Hawker.
'I particularly liked the insight into the working relationships inside Hawker.'

That almost got cut, but I found it fascinating and increased the page count to keep it. Camm put me in mind of a somewhat malevolent Young Mr Grace.

I've just read that bit. I'm very grateful that part made it to the book.
It lives eh has arrived B) in perfect condition :)


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Thanks for producing this great book really looking forward to having a read in more depth and checking out the drawings that have been supplied, then I need to work out how to possibly make some NEW model patterns for it, maybe in a few scales. A friend was kind enough to purchase a book for me at Telford last week.

thanks Ali


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Hello, can l be added as well please. Great book btw. Any more books in a similar vein, British post war might have been ?


Errr... can I get access too, please? I posted the picture with my pet snake ravaging my copy ;D

The book arrived this morning and I have only had time for a quick look. I'm impressed!



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Here's mine:

May I have access to those drawings & other stuff please? Thank you :)


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No worries Greg, I know you bought a copy :)

I haven't had time to finish some of the other material yet, so there is a lot more to come.
How do I go about getting a copy please?

First time here. Great to meet Chris at SMW and get my Nimrod book signed.

Here's a picture - although it would have been quicker to get a camera than try to get Photobooth to take one the right way round!
Hope it suffices. How does this access work and where should I look? Thanks


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