3D printing technology news


By the way, this topic really should be in the Aerospace board.
3-D Printing Holds Huge Promise for AFMC

—John A. Tirpak9/17/2015

​Additive, or 3-D, printing is one of those technologies with “huge implications” for the Air Force’s ability to affordably sustain its forces, Air Force Materiel Command chief Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski said Tuesday at ASC15. Especially given the fact that so many USAF platforms are old, and for which parts are no longer available, 3-D could be a windfall development, she said. She noted that a B-52 component long out of production—the absence of which would ground the airplane—was digitally mapped by one of her engineers and a usable replacement printed “with a three-day delivery,” she said. Moreover, the component had more than 100 parts, but the printed version was a single part. The ramifications are that whole warehouses of parts could be eliminated, creating spares only when needed. “All you need is to keep the data file,” she said. She pegged the technology right after directed energy, autonomy, and hypersonics as the biggest “game changers” coming in the next decade.
MIT 3D printed glass. Looks like extruded glass laying rather than 3D printing with a laser heating a bed of powderized glass. Not sure if this will go anywhere unless they can get the extrusion shape to allow contiguous patterns with no corrugations.

Grey Havoc said:
On a related note: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3249387/Firm-Apple-s-Spaceship-HQ-reveals-plans-Nasa-backed-3D-printed-Mars-habitat-built-robots.html
3D printed parts for Atlas V and the "Vulcan". Lots of videos on 3D printing at the Stratasys channel.


Next print a robotic soldier?

Grey Havoc said:

Large scale thermoplastic printing.

What a waste of tax dollars. AR-15 receiver cad files have been online, all over the damn place, for years.
I'm waiting for the tech to become precise enough with enough strength to allow the large scale 3D printing of aircraft components; specifically aluminum alloys.

Can we say 3D Printed B-32 dominator? :eek:
RyanC said:
I'm waiting for the tech to become precise enough with enough strength to allow the large scale 3D printing of aircraft components; specifically aluminum alloys.

Can we say 3D Printed B-32 dominator? :eek:

It already is for many parts (e.g. major structural components). The problems are that aerospace is at the same both leading edge and ultra conservative when it comes to adopting such things - everyone wants to ensure it will be perfect and risk free. The other issue affecting this is the need for large scale printers. I have seen some with a 3 - 5 m working bed but I'm not sure if anyone has readily used them or whether they have gone bigger.

One also has to remember that most printed metal parts will still require some form of finish machining therefore one also needs the associated large scale CNC mills and also dimensional verification equipment.

One final point: 3D printing/Additive manufacturing will only ever get into its stride when we start designing parts that can only be 3D printed. Continually using it to look at parts that can already be conventionally machined or similar is a waste.
As long as the apparatchiks at the State Department deem it so, maybe the federal courts in their infinite wisdom will next recognize the danger in exporting the CAD designs for the wheel?

As stated, this information has been widely available all over the globe (electronically) for at least a decade or more. The genie is out of the bottle.

The dissenting judge lays it out quite well and her full dissent is worth reading. This is yet another attempt by the Obama Administration (and its political allies) to harm domestic firearms makers, designers, and hobbyists by restricting the sharing of information that is otherwise legal.

As an attorney who has taken an oath to support the United States Constitution, the 5th Circuit's opinion is beyond chilling.
GTX said:
Can we leave the political views out of this please.
That's impossible given the politics which precipitated a decision that impacts anyone exchanging information that is not all that dissimilar from the invaluable information exchanged on this forum. That's what makes the court's findings so chilling and requiring comment.

If the US State Department's actions are ultimately allowed to stand, it's not that far a legal road to travel for them to claim information shared on forums like this one are also subject to their review and clearance.
Orionblamblam said:
GTX said:
Can we leave the political views out of this please.

How? It's a political topic.


And why are discussing political issues a problem for some people? It's a civic responsibility.

You can be outraged, irritated, frustrated, at your wits' end AND civil at the same time.
Orionblamblam said:
GTX said:
Can we leave the political views out of this please.

How? It's a political topic.

Everything is a political subject to some. Sadly, the same usually want to use any topic to have a rant for/against their target of choice. Why can't this topic simply be about the technology? Or is that too hard for some of you?

3D printing at Picatinny Arsenal

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