Secret Projects Donations - Opinions wanted!

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
Reaction score
Due to a favourable hosting deal, we don't really need much money to cover ongoing costs for the forum. The "Donate" button on the forum has been broken for 6 months or more, so donations have been minimal anyway. However, the funds are low right now.

I've had an idea. Mark Nankivil has been tirelessly posting stuff on the forum, it would be great to buy him a present. There's a print on Ebay currently of a Vought design he doesn't have for $20 USD + postage - wouldn't it be nice to buy it for him?

It could potentially become an ongoing thing. As postage to New Zealand can be expensive and sometimes unavailable, it would often be better to give the money to someone in the same country as the photo/print so they can buy it. The only condition would be the recipient scans it and posts it for everyone to share.

Sounds sweet. However I no longer have a PayPal account and wouldn't know how to contribute...
I'm in too if you need someone here (US) to handle it.
Too be clear, I'm in on the gift too. :)
I'm in, and I would definitely add BillRo to the list as well, and many others whose names I'm forgetting. Who posted most of the Vought info we received about a year ago?
Me two ... ! ... or three ! uppss too ! ;D

Until I get the website button fixed you can use this link to donate:
Thanks to the three donators so far. You are 3 of the biggest supporters of the forum historically, which is much appreciated.

I've got to change DNS hosting as is getting more than 2 million DNS lookups a month, which is causing me penalty fees as my current host allows only 1 million DNS lookups a month and charges when you exceed that.

I've found a new provider who offer 5 million lookups a month for the same annual fee. Will transfer over after some testing.
Just done that minute ! ;)
"Donate" button doesn't work for me today (though it worked in the past). Maybe it's worn out from too much use. I will keep clicking on it incessantly until something happens. Click, click, click...

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