pictures only as bmp ?


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11 March 2006
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I can store all pictures only as bmp-files (with the pre-set name "untitled"), whatever the originally uploaded
file is. Until recently it still was the type and name of the originally uploaded picture.
Is it a bug or a feature ? ???
Are you using Internet Explorer?

This is normally a recurring "feature" of this browser. to occasionally do this. It works fine in Chrome and Firefox.
Yes, I'm using IE here. Not a big problem, just a little bit circuitous.
It's a MS world ... ;D
If its your own computer, there is no excuse to not use Chrome, or Firefox.

Chrome is awesome...
overscan said:
If its your own computer, ...

exactly that's the problem. On MY computer, I'm using Firefox ...
officially I've no admin rights here .... B)
From the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Article ID: 810978 - Last Review: May 10, 2007 - Revision: 4.5
"Internet Explorer saves images as bitmaps (.bmp Files)"

Hopefully, you will be able to try some of these things without Administrator access on the computer.
Jemiba said:
It's a MS world ...

Thankfully not! I have not used a Microsoft product since the 20th Century -- life has never been better. And yes, Chrome is cool and it's here to stay, with a 21% "market share" of all browsers.
At least here in Germany most governmental and bigger organisations are using
MS products, so avoiding them isn't easy.

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