No phased plasma rifle in the 40watt range so all you get are twin automatic pistols.

We've come so far but mother nature still does it better.................for now :eek:
A little off-topic but interesting.
On a tangent:
More demo's from Boston Dynamics using both their Atlas and Spot robots. The demo goes OK until the very end when Atlas trips on a stage light and falls off the platform. This paves the way for robot insurance which could either be covered under property or health care depending on the level of AI.
Developing algorithms to help machines follow human motions. I would guess the initial work done inside domes with a lot of cameras allowed a database to be developed which can infer probable limb and hand orientations even when limited to a single viewing perspective.
Maybe not very fun... Except if we consider that even robots can find humans boring ?... Well it was not foreseen by Asimov in the Robots novels...
Perhaps the only way for that robot to follow the first of the three laws of robotic ?
("A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.")

It could be interesting to know the future of the Knightscope K5 robots série...
They have a newer version of Atlas but don't show it. Boston Dynamics achieves its notoriety through the technical virtuosity of its robots. I would guess their advertising budget as traditionally interpreted amounts to $hundreds if not $thousands of dollars.
A fun little trailer
Not sure if these will stay around due to copyright.

In other news:
Grey Havoc said:

video of Honda disaster relief robot.
remember the for challenge for Duel between MEGABOTS, INC (USA) and SUIDOBASHI HEAVY INDUSTRY (Japan) ?
it happen, sort of...
Michel Van said:
remember the for challenge for Duel between MEGABOTS, INC (USA) and SUIDOBASHI HEAVY INDUSTRY (Japan) ?
it happen, sort of...
Secretly preparing for Pacific Rim?
At least on the bright side they apparently have a few dozen teams interested in participating in a tournament. Personally I really wish they'd make them unmanned and really go at each other with some serious weaponry.
Dragon029 said:
At least on the bright side they apparently have a few dozen teams interested in participating in a tournament. Personally I really wish they'd make them unmanned and really go at each other with some serious weaponry.

Yep. Mark off a square mile out on the Utah Test and Training Range, no rules. Anything goes.
Another Spot Mini looking more retail minded although I doubt that's in the cards.
It does feel (also given the mysterious video description) that they're about to announce commercial availability for industries like search and rescue.
Is it just me, or does it have something of a System Shock 2 vibe about it?
Hah! I was thinking, "I want to see it do a. . . .well hell, it did do a flip."
What is interesting is that it is computing the amount of force necessary for each jump (small jumps are cleared only as high as needed) and anticipates the momentum cancellation required at the end. During the previous Darpa Robot Challenge, a number of original Atlas robots were supplied to several competitors minus the software. Those entrants moved with the slow motion clumsiness usually seen by other robots. I wonder how well Boston Dynamics can protect their software if they sell them and competitors attempt to reverse engineer it? They can put everything into hard wired ROM with fixed input/output criteria but I assume there are ways around that.
fredymac said:
What is interesting is that it is computing the amount of force necessary for each jump (small jumps are cleared only as high as needed) and anticipates the momentum cancellation required at the end. During the previous Darpa Robot Challenge, a number of original Atlas robots were supplied to several competitors minus the software. Those entrants moved with the slow motion clumsiness usually seen by other robots. I wonder how well Boston Dynamics can protect their software if they sell them and competitors attempt to reverse engineer it? They can put everything into hard wired ROM with fixed input/output criteria but I assume there are ways around that.
Now attach a Dillon M134D Minigun to it and watch the fun.
fredymac said:
What is interesting is that it is computing the amount of force necessary for each jump (small jumps are cleared only as high as needed) and anticipates the momentum cancellation required at the end. During the previous Darpa Robot Challenge, a number of original Atlas robots were supplied to several competitors minus the software. Those entrants moved with the slow motion clumsiness usually seen by other robots. I wonder how well Boston Dynamics can protect their software if they sell them and competitors attempt to reverse engineer it? They can put everything into hard wired ROM with fixed input/output criteria but I assume there are ways around that.

always thought this one was interesting:
The guy that made that robot has gone even further as well:
Regarding the gymnast bot, even if I was impressed by the video on youtube at the time of released, it seems to me that we have here two different things.

The gymnast bots acrobatic moves are pre-programmed. The Boston robotic is reacting and compute each secondary moves.
TomcatViP said:
Regarding the gymnast bot, even if I was impressed by the video on youtube at the time of released, it seems to me that we have here two different things.

The gymnast bots acrobatic moves are pre-programmed. The Boston robotic is reacting and compute each secondary moves.

True, but one was done by a single person in their apartment while the other had the full support of a high tech engineering staff and investors.

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