What was this ?


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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I can't ID what was this ?.

Oltre il Cielo 1958-2


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With a little help from Google Translate:

Il razzo multiplo ad elementi in parallelo, secondo il progetto del prof. G.A. Crocco, come appare in un modellino. Il razzo si compone di tre stadi esterni grandi, di tre interni più piccoli e di uno centrale. E' stato progettato per una crociera <orbitale> intorno alla Terra. Volendo, lo stadio centrale può costituire un complesso in serie a due elementi, nel qual caso il razzo diventa ad elementi misti. Ognuno può planare nell'atmosfera come un aliante, consentendo recupero.

The multiple rocket with elements in parallel, according to the project of professor G.A. Crocco, as it appears in a model. The rocket consists of three large external stages, three smaller and one central interior. It was designed for an orbital cruise around the Earth. If desired, the central stage can be a complex of two elements in series, in which case the rocket becomes mixed elements[two-staged?]. All components can glide in the atmosphere like a glider, allowing recovery.
Many thanks my dear Arjen,just seen your respond,

and maybe it was a real design ?.
Theoretical or speculative, I would think.
Gaetano Crocco and gravity assist, from Wiki:
In 1956 Crocco, more than 80 years old, produced what is considered his most important contribution to world astronautics: in his “One-Year Exploration-Trip Earth-Mars-Venus-Earth” paper presented at the Seventh Congress of the International Astronautical Federation IAF, Rome, in 1956, he suggested exploiting the Mars and Venus gravitational fields as propelling forces to cut dramatically the travelling time of a space capsule. This ‘gravitational slingshot’ or ‘gravity assist’ or ‘swing-by’ method was such that the NASA recommended the study of his theories and especially his swing-by maneuvers contracting firms working on interplanetary flight and its perspectives.
Thanks for posting that link, Paul. I had never heard of the Professor before.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:

Thank you my dear Paul,

and just seen your respond,and if it was real,we can transfer it to a proper section.

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