What Robot-Driving Fish and Rats Tell Us About the Brain’s Ability to Adapt


ACCESS: Top Secret
8 November 2007
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Neuroscientists are training fish and rats to drive robots.​

After 3 seconds, said driver would forget there was a passenger anyway.
Not to worry. I'd never let a fish drive me anywhere.

Great whites do drive people out of the water though.

Putting a "Douglas Adams twist" on this news one might suppose that fish were just biding their time, not bothering with evolving feet.

For god's sake, don't show this to the CEO of Uber.

Having had their margins under water for so long, it'd be sort of aspirational for them to launch "UberWater" I guess.

After 3 seconds, said driver would forget there was a passenger anyway.

Not entirely unlike being on some social media apps.

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