The result seems the same, but i'm not quite sure the parameters are there.
Let me explain:
-You can see at the start of the manoeuver the plane climbing , that means, for that part of the manoeuver, the ptiching moment does surpasses the lift building, that means, the plane goes to the AOA necessary to have the Lfit coeficient required to climb.
After the short climb the plane then increase its AOA independantly from the Velocity vector just like it should have done at start. Compared to some other supposed Cobra type plane, it does it fast so the result is the same than for flanker and raptor...BUT...why? i think the reason for this ability is not because the plane has a pitching moment due to lever arm and moment Coef of the horizontal stab like in flanker and raptor but simply because past some AOA it does not have enough lift present to change the velocity vector but the TVC works and add to the moment.
Thus for the first parameter i'm not quite sure the pitching moment present is usefull i'll explain why after.
-For the second parameter, we're on the same problem; definitevly the result is the same, the plane is safe, and return to level flight, but is this because there's no or little assymetric aeros or because the TVC offers constant correction whatever the aero phenomenon occurs?
Now why i'm asking that? Because what was really cool in the Flanker behavior doing the cobra was not the cobra itself, only russians think this move is usefull (i mean, maybe this is..but the conditions required to do it on the SU-27 are just to constrainous), but what is behind in term of aeros, it is!
What is behind? the first parameter just mean you can increase your AOA independantly of velocity vector, that means, you can point your nose where you want!
Now i'm sure you remember all those PR about new planes being able "to point their nose where the pilot want".
When this possibility is there as a great extent like for the raptor, the Su-35 and...super hornet (i suggest you watch demo videos, you'll see that they perform "straight climbs", that's rather than climbing normally by changing the velocity vector gradualy, in straight level they suddenly change the AOA then the engines thrust make the plane climb) and whatsoever (the "Square dance" of the Rafale for example) you can choose either to have an efficient turn with the required AOA and to point your nose where you want even if it slows you down.
This is actually one kind of revolution in CAC.
It also allows for monstruous instant turn rates like the raptor 180° turn in 4 seconds.
And guess what? when your plane can be pulled out of controlled AOA without this one entering a spin, then you "just" have to have a huge T.W ratio to regain energy (oh..again another feature of the raptor).
Thank you the second parameter.