Warship 2011


ACCESS: Confidential
27 February 2008
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Warship 2011.

This year’s edition of the Conway Maritime Warship series is well worth buying. The articles are varied, well written with excellent images. Warship 2011 should be of great interest to people interested in naval "secret projects" as it contains articles on the following:

The design history of the Lexington class battlecruisers

French battlecruiser designs of the late 1920's

Modern amphibious assault ships

Italian Hydrofoils 1941-1963

British small cruisers designs between the wars

Cruiser designs for Chile.*

The French 45 cm (17.7 inch) naval gun of the early 1920's. *

(*Short article)

Plus other articles about completed ships and naval incidents and campaigns.

Recommended buying for those with an interest in naval topics.
Get it. I'm getting them all as they come out, even if they don't particularly interest me at the time, because getting back-issues can be obscenely expensive compared with what it sells for new.

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