Utah is an ugly, ugly place


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5 April 2006
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I put some panoramas (higher rez than the one below) I've shot of Utah up on my blog: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=10104

As you can see, it's clearly a horrible nightmarish place where no man can - or would want to - live.


  • 2011-05-17 pano 10small.jpg
    2011-05-17 pano 10small.jpg
    62.2 KB · Views: 102
Orionblamblam said:
I put some panoramas (higher rez than the one below) I've shot of Utah up on my blog: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=10104

As you can see, it's clearly a horrible nightmarish place where no man can - or would want to - live.

Trying to keep out claim jumpers and carpetbangers, are we? ;D
Orionblamblam said:
Grey Havoc said:
Trying to keep out claim jumpers and carpetbangers, are we? ;D

After seeing what's happened in and to Colorado... yeah, that seems like a good idea.

Just reminding potential examples of such exactly what facilities the US Army has in-state should be enough to dissuade all but the most determined!
Scott, you consider Utah as Ugly ?!

Take a good look on BELGIUM

the town of Liege...

90 % of Belgium coast look like this...

and if you unlucky to life in Belgium Wallonia, you got this in the neighborhood.

compare to this Mad Max County, Utah is a paradise
Just drove through Utah the other day myself. For those who see beauty in urban cityscapes, its not pretty, but for those who like rugged desert vistas, mountains, its can be quite beautiful. I captured this photo wednesday, and then was snowed on not long afterwards.


  • utahtornado.JPG
    160.4 KB · Views: 21
Michel Van said:
Scott, you consider Utah as Ugly ?!

I think he was being ironical... the picture doesn't look like anything ugly at all!
Only thing that's ugly in Utah is the complete control exerted by a certain religious group over the entire administration and all the major centers of powers in that state...
Stargazer2006 said:
Only thing that's ugly in Utah is the complete control exerted by a certain religious group over the entire administration and all the major centers of powers in that state...

Huh? I've lived here since 2004, and never once detected this. Utah is no more theocratic than any other state, and substantially less so than many European nations (I'm looking at YOU, Ireland, with your "anti-blasphemy" law).

Yes, Utah has a large percentage of the population of one Certain Religious Group. Consequently, since this is a democracy, a large percentage of the elected officials are of that same Certain Religious Group. But this is a *constitutional* democracy, and that Certain Religious Group certain does not excercise "complete control."

Note: I am not a member of that Certain Religious Group. Not even close. And never once has this presented even the slightest problem.

Scratch that. Utah is a theocratic nightmare! I can't go five feet without being accosted by missionaries! Witches are burned on the streetcorners! Science is banned! Run away! Don't approach!!!
Stargazer2006 said:
Michel Van said:
Scott, you consider Utah as Ugly ?!

I think he was being ironical... the picture doesn't look like anything ugly at all!
Only thing that's ugly in Utah is the complete control exerted by a certain religious group over the entire administration and all the major centers of powers in that state...

You haven't got the slightest idea what you're talking about.
I like the pano. Of course as you wrote in your web log exists me minors problems with water and clouds but I found the effect very nice.

The picture give me a pretty nice idea of landscape.

good work. Congrats
sferrin said:
Stargazer2006 said:
Michel Van said:
Only thing that's ugly in Utah is the complete control exerted by a certain religious group over the entire administration and all the major centers of powers in that state...

You haven't got the slightest idea what you're talking about.

Shhh! Quiet! If you let people know that Utah *isn't* the desolate theocratic wasteland typically depicted, the Californians will come flooding in! You don't want that, do you?
Orionblamblam said:
As you can see, it's clearly a horrible nightmarish place where no man can - or would want to - live.

It does look nice but as an Australian I can see that there has clearly been extensive flooding and I doubt there would be as much water and nice green grass all the year around despite those white peaks in the distance. Though the desert has a harsh beauty rightly us humans much prefer the sight of nice watered fields.

Orionblamblam said:
Scratch that. Utah is a theocratic nightmare! I can't go five feet without being accosted by missionaries! Witches are burned on the streetcorners! Science is banned! Run away! Don't approach!!!

If you are going to be lorded over by a theocracy you would want it to be the Mormon Church of the 21st century: due diligence, high credit ratings, home cooking and harmless, whacky dogma.

". . . That was when I went out to
the staked plains of Texas and shot
buffalo with Vernon Shaftoe and a
Flathead Indian called Olly. The
Mormons had run Shaftoe out of
Great Salt Lake City but don't ask
me what it was for. Call it a
misunderstanding and let it go at
that. Well sir, the big shaggies is
about all gone. It is a damned

. . . I would give three dollars
right now for a pickled buffalo
Until recently (geologically speaking) most of the area was under Lake Bonneville


You can still see the old waterline on the sides of the mountains all up and down the Wasatch Front
Abraham Gubler said:
It does look nice but as an Australian I can see that there has clearly been extensive flooding...

I bet even an Italian or an Englandlander would be able to see that. But a Swede? Bah!

and I doubt there would be as much water and nice green grass all the year around despite those white peaks in the distance.

This *particular* area stays fairly green throughout the Brown season. Basically the mountains stay greenish.
Orionblamblam said:
Scratch that. Utah is a theocratic nightmare! I can't go five feet without being accosted by missionaries! Witches are burned on the streetcorners! Science is banned! Run away! Don't approach!!!


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