USN Naval Sensor Designations


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
1 February 2011
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I've tried to collect and will collect the various Sensor designation the USN used and currently using but design/introduction dates are difficult to find!
I've found many date and mission on this site for the Radars though some seems to be not accurate (Stating the SPG-49 Talos and SPG-51 Tartar Radars was from the 1970's!)

Submarine, Countermeasure, Direction Finder/Surveillance

BLD-1 - Electronic Support Measure System (1982?)

Submarine, Countermeasure, Receiver/Detection

BLR-1 - Radio/Radar Interception System (1951/52)
BLR-2-5 - (???)
BLR-6 - Radar Warning Receiver (1958?)
BLR-7-9 - (???)
BLR-10 - Radar Warning Receiver (1968?)
BLR-11 - (???)
BLR-12 - Radar Warning Receiver (1968?)
BLR-13 - Electronic Support Measures System (1971?)
BLR-14 - Active Sonar Warning Receiver (1978?)
BLR-15 - Radar Warning Receiver (1972?)
BLR-15A - Radar Warning Receiver (1977?)

Submarine, Countermeasure, Combined Detection

BLQ-1 - (???)
BLQ-2 - (???)
BLQ-2A - (???)
BLQ-2B - "TASS" Passive Towed Sonar (1958?)
BLQ-3 - Low Frequency Acoustic Jammer (???)
BLQ-4 - High Frequency Acoustic Jammer (???)
BLQ-5 - Low Frequency Acoustic Repeater (???)
BLQ-6 - High Frequency Acoustic Repeater (???)
BLQ-7 - (???)
BLQ-8 - Acoustic Countermeasure Suite (???)
BLQ-9 - (???)
BLQ-10 - Electronic Support Measure / Signals Intelligence System (2008?)

Submarine, Radar, Navigation

BPN-1 - RGM-6 Regulus I "Trounce" Radio Beacon (???)

Submarine, Radar, Combined Detection

BPQ-1 - RGM-6 Regulus I Radar Course Direction Central (Modified BPS-4?) (1952/53)
BPQ-2 - RGM-6 Regulus I / RGM-15 Regulus II Control and Tracking Radar (???)
BPQ-3 - RGM-6 Regulus I / RGM-15 Regulus II Alternative Guidance Radar (???)

Submarine, Radar, Search

BPS-1 - Surface-Search/Attack Radar (1949/50)
BPS-2 - Air-Search Radar (1952/53)
BPS-3 - Height-Finder Radar (1951)
BPS-4 - Air-Search Radar (1951/52)
BPS-5 - Surface-Search Radar (1952/53)
BPS-5A - Surface-Search Radar (1956?)
BPS-6 - Air-Search Radar (???)
BPS-7 - Height-Finder Radar (???)
BPS-8 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
BPS-9 - Surface-Search Radar (1957/58)
BPS-9A - Surface-Search Radar (1962?)
BPS-9B - Surface-Search Radar (1963?)
BPS-10 - 3D Frequency Scanning Radar (1960)
BPS-11 - Surface-Search Radar (1962?)
BPS-11A - Surface-Search Radar (1963?)
BPS-12 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1964?)
BPS-13 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
BPS-14 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1968?)
BPS-15 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
BPS-15A - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1978?)
BPS-15B - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
BPS-15C - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
BPS-15D - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
BPS-15E - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
BPS-15F - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1978?)
BPS-15G - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
BPS-15H - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1988?)
BPS-15I - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
BPS-15J - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1988?)
BPS-16 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1996)

Submarine, Sonar, Fire-Control
BQG-1-2 - (???)
BQG-3 - Passive Ranging Search & Track Sonar (1958?)
BQG-4 - "PUFFS" Passive Ranging Search & Track Sonar (1962)
BQG-4A - "PUFFS" Passive Ranging Search & Track Sonar (1968?)
BQG-5 - "LWWAA" Passive Ranging Flank Search & Track Sonar (???)
BQG-5A - "LWWAA" Passive Ranging Flank Search & Track Sonar (2008?)

Submarine, Sonar, Recording

BQH-1 - (???)
BQH-2 - (???)
BQH-2A - (???)
BQH-2B - (???)
BQH-2C - (???)
BQH-2D - Active/Passive Search & Track Sonar (1958?)

Submarine, Sonar, Combined

BQQ-1 (???)
BQQ-2 - Active/Passive Search & Track Sonar (1961?)
BQQ-3-4 (???)
BQQ-5 (???)
BQQ-5A - Active/Passive Search & Track Sonar (1978)
BQQ-5B - Active/Passive Search & Track Sonar (1982)
BQQ-5C - Active/Passive Search & Track Sonar (1985)
BQQ-5D - Active/Passive Search & Track Sonar (1990)
BQQ-5E - Active/Passive Search & Track Sonar (1996)
BQQ-6 - Passive Search & Track Sonar (1982?)
BQQ-7-9 (???)
BQQ-10 - Active/Passive Search & Track Sonar (2002?)

Submarine, Sonar, Detection

BQR-1- (???)
BQR-2 - Passive Search Sonar (1949?)
BQR-2A - Passive Search Sonar (???)
BQR-2B - Passive Search Sonar (1958?)
BQR-3 - Passive Search Sonar (1950?)
BQR-4 - Passive Search Sonar Array (1951)
BQR-5 - (???)
BQR-6 - Passive Search Sonar (1952?)
BQR-7 - Passive Search Sonar (1962?)
BQR-8-14 - (???)
BQR-15 - "TASS" Passive Towed Sonar (1971)
BQR-15A - "TASS" Passive Towed Sonar (1981?)
BQR-16-18 - (???)
BQR-19 - Anti-Collision/Navigation Sonar (1968?)
BQR-20 - (???)
BQR-21 - Passive Search & Track Sonar (1978?)
BQR-22-24 - (???)
BQR-25 - "STASS" Passive Towed Sonar (1978?)

Submarine, Sonar, Search

BQS-1 (???)
BQS-2 - Hull Mounted Scanning Sonar (1950?)
BQS-3 - Hull Mounted Ranging Sonar (1951/52)
BQS-4 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1961?)
BQS-5-13 (???)
BQS-14 - Under-Ice Navigation/Mine Avoidance Sonar (1968?)
BQS-15 - Under-Ice Navigation/Mine Avoidance Sonar (1978?)
BQS-16-23 (???)
BQS-24 - "MIDAS" Under-Ice Navigation/Mine Avoidance Sonar (1992?)

Submarine, Combined/Special, Direction Finder/Surveillance

BRD-1-5 - (???)
BRD-6 - Electronic Support Measure System (1968?)
BRD-7 - Electronic Support Measure System (1972?)

Submarine, Combined, Surveillance

BSY-1 - (???)
BSY-2 - "LWWAA" Passive Ranging Flank Search & Track Sonar (2008?)

Surface Ship, Infra-Red, Communications

SAC-1-3 - (???)
SAC-4 - Infrared Communication Set (1951/52?)

Surface Ship, Infra-Red, Receiving

SAR-1-3 - (???)
SAR-4 - Infrared Receiving Set (1951/52?)

Surface Ship,Teletype Communications

SGC-1 - Teletype Terminal Set (1951/52?)

Surface Ship, Countermeasure, Auxiliary

SLA-1 - Pulse Analyzer Group (1951/52?)

Surface Ship, Countermeasure, Direction Finder

SLD-1-3 - (???)
SLD-4 - Electronic Support Measures / Targeting System / Electronic Intelligence System (2008?)

Surface Ship, Countermeasure, Combined Detection

SLQ-1-16 - (???)
SLQ-17 - ECM/Radar Warning Receiver Suite (1978?)
SLQ-18-19 - (???)
SLQ-20 - ECM Suite (???)
SLQ-20A - ECM Suite (???)
SLQ-20B - ECM Suite (???)
SLQ-21-24 - (???)
SLQ-25 - Nixie Towed Torpedo Decoy (???)
SLQ-25A - Nixie Towed Torpedo Decoy (???)
SLQ-26 - ECM Suite (1972)
SLQ-27-28 - (???)
SLQ-29 - ECM Suite (???)
SLQ-30 - ECM Suite (1972?)
SLQ-31 - (???)
SLQ-32 - ECM Suite (1982?)
SLQ-32A - ECM Suite (2010)
SLQ-32B - ECM Suite (2015)
SLQ-32C - ECM Suite (2018?)
SLQ-33 - (???)
SLQ-34 - Electronic Support Measures / Electronic Intelligence System (???)
SLQ-35-36 - (???)
SLQ-37 - Magnetic Mine Sweeping Suite (1988?)
SLQ-38 - "Oropesa" Mine Sweeping/Cable Cutter Suite (???)
SLQ-39 - Active Decoy-Buoy Launch System (???)
SLQ-40-47 - (???)
SLQ-48 - Mine Hunting Sonar (1988?)
SLQ-49 - Floating Radar-Reflection Buoy (???)

Surface Ship, Countermeasure, Combined Detection

SLR-1-11 - (???)
SLR-12 - ECM Suite (1972?)
SLR-13-15 - (???)
SLR-16 - Electronic Support Measure System (???)
SLR-17-21 - (???)
SLR-22 - Electronic Support Measure System (???)

Surface Ship, Countermeasure, Transmitting

SLT-1 - Countermeasures Transmitting Set (1950/51?)

Surface Ship, Countermeasure, Identification

SLX-1 - Anti-Torpedo System (2018?)

Surface Ship, Meteorological, Direction Finder

SMD-1 - Radiosonde Recepter/Air Wind Speed Determination Equipment (1950/51?)

Surface Ship, Radar, Auxiliary

SPA-1-3 - (???)
SPA-4 - Azimuth/Height Finder Indicator Equipment (1950/51?)
SPA-4A - Azimuth/Height Finder Indicator Equipment (1952?)
SPA-5-7 - (???)
SPA-8 - Repeater Indicator Equipment (1951/52?)
SPA-9 - Tracking Indicator Equipment (1951/52?)

Surface Ship, Radar, Fire-Control

SPG-1? / Mark 1(CXAS/FA) - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 34 Director (1941)
SPG-2? / Mark 2(FB) - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 34 Director (Improved Mark 1)(1941)
SPG-3? / Mark 3(FC) - Fire Control Radar (1941)
SPG-4? / Mark 4(FD) - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 33 and 37 GFCS / AA Director (1941)
SPG-5? / Mark 5 - Fire Control Radar (1942)
SPG-6? / Mark 6(CXBF) - Fire Control Radar (1942)
SPG-7? / Mark 7(CXBN) - Fire Control Radar (1943)
SPG-8? / Mark 8(CXEM) - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 34 Director (1942/43)
SPG-9? / Mark 9 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 45 AA Director (1943)
SPG-10? / Mark 10 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 50 AA Director (1943)
SPG-11? / Mark 11 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 49 AA Director (1943)
SPG-12? / Mark 12 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 37 GFCS/ AA Director (1943)
SPG-13? / Mark 13 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 34 Director (1943/44)
SPG-14? / Mark 14 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 50 AA Director (1943)
SPG-15? / Mark 15 - Bat Missile Control (1943/44)
SPG-16? / Mark 16 - Fire Control Radar (1943/44)
SPG-17? / Mark 17 - Airborne Computing Sight, became the APG-5 (1943/44)
SPG-18? / Mark 18 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 28 GFCS (1943)
SPG-19? / Mark 19 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 49 and 57 GFCS / Director (1943)
SPG-20? / Mark 20 - Searchlight Control Radar (1944?)
SPG-21? / Mark 21 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 49 GFCS (1944?)
SPG-22? / Mark 22 - Height-Finder Radar (1943)
SPG-23? / Mark 23 - Standard Fire Control Radar (1943?)
SPG-24? / Mark 24 - Standard Fire Control Radar (1943?)
SPG-25? / Mark 25 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 37 GFCS / AA Director (1944/48)
SPG-26? / Mark 26 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 52 AA Director (1944)
SPG-27? / Mark 27 - Fire Control Radar (1944)
SPG-28? / Mark 28 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 33,37 and 63 GFCS / AA Director (1944)
SPG-29? / Mark 29 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 57 GFCS / Director (1944)
SPG-30? / Mark 30 - Fire Control Radar / MPG-1 (1944)
SPG-31? / Mark 31 - Airborne SWOD Missile Control Radar (1944)
SPG-32? / Mark 32 - IFF System for Mark 3,4 and 12 (1944?)
SPG-33? / Mark 33 - Coastal Defence / Fire Control Radar (1944)
SPG-34 / Mark 34 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 63 GFCS/Mark 57 Director (1951?)
SPG-35 / Mark 35 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 56 GFCS (1945/1951?)
SPG-36? / Mark 36 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 60 GFCS (1945)
SPG-37? / Mark 37 - AA Fire Control Radar (1945?)
SPG-38? / Mark 38 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 63 GFCS (1945)
SPG-39? / Mark 39 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 57 and 63 GFCS (1945)
SPG-40? / Mark 40 - Target Aquisition Radar (1945)
SPG-41? / Mark 41 - Target Aquisition Radar (1945)
SPG-42? / Mark 42 - IFF System (1945?)
SPG-43? / Mark 43 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 61 GFCS (1945?)
SPG-44? / Mark 44 - Submarine Fire Control Radar for the Mark 101 FCS (1948/51)
SPG-45? / Mark 45 - Target Position Radar for Bomb Director Mark 2 (1945)
SPG-46? / Mark 46 - Target Position Radar for Bomb Director Mark 22 (1945)
SPG-47? / Mark 47 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 61 GFCS (1947)
SPG-48 - Fire Control Radar for the GUNAR 1/2/3 and Mark 69 GFCS (1949/50)
SPG-49 - RIM-8 Talos Guidance Radar (1954?)
SPG-49A - RIM-8E Talos Guidance Radar (1961/62)
SPG-50 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 63 GFCS (1955/57)
SPG-51 - RIM-24 Tartar Tracking/Illuminating Radar (1953?)
SPG-51A - RIM-24 Tartar Tracking/Illuminating Radar (1954?)
SPG-51B - RIM-24 Tartar Tracking/Illuminating Radar (1955?)
SPG-51C - RIM-24 Tartar Tracking/Illuminating Radar (1956?)
SPG-51D - RIM-24 Tartar Tracking/Illuminating Radar (1957?)
SPG-51E - Universal Missile Tracking/Illuminating Radar (???)
SPG-52 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 70 GFCS (1971?)
SPG-53 - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 68 GFCS (1955?)
SPG-53A - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 68 GFCS (???)
SPG-53B - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 68 GFCS (???)
SPG-53C - Fire Control/Illuminator Radar for the Mark 68 GFCS (???)
SPG-53D - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 68 GFCS (???)
SPG-53E - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 68 GFCS (???)
SPG-53F - Fire Control Radar for the Mark 68 GFCS (???)
SPG-54 - Missile Control Radar (1958)
SPG-55 - RIM-2 Terrier Guidance Radar (???)
SPG-55A - RIM-2 Terrier Guidance Radar (???)
SPG-55B - RIM-2 Terrier Guidance Radar (???)
SPG-56 - RIM-8 Talos Guidance Radar replacement of the SPG-49 (1957?)
SPG-57 - RIM-2 Terrier Guidance Radar (???)
SPG-58 - Guidance/Tracking Radar for the Mark 86 GFCS (1969/70)
SPG-59 - RIM-50/55 Typon LR/MR Control Radar (1963/64)
SPG-60 - "STIR" Fire Control Radar for the Mark 86 GFCS (1969/70)
SPG-60A - "STIR" Fire Control Radar for the Mark 86 GFCS
SPG-60B - "STIR" Fire Control Radar for the Mark 86 GFCS
SPG-60C - "STIR" Fire Control Radar for the Mark 86 GFCS
SPG-60D - "STIR" Fire Control Radar for the Mark 86 GFCS
SPG-61 - RIM-8 Talos Guidance Radar replacement of the SPG-49 (1966)
SPG-62 - AEGIS Illuminator Radar for the Mark 99 AEGIS FCS (1974)
SPG-63 - Target aquisition/Tracking/Illumination Radar for Mark 99 AEGIS FCS (1974)

Surface Ship, Radar, Maintenance

SPM-1 - Target Transmitter Set (1952)

Surface Ship, Radar, Navigation

SPN-1 - Radar Beacon / IFF/Bouy Beacon
SPN-2 - Carrier Approach Airspeed Indicator Radar (1947)
SPN-3 - Carrier Approach-Control Radar (1947)
SPN-4 - Navigational Radar (1949/50?)
SPN-5 - Navigational Radar (1951/52?)
SPN-5A - Navigational Radar (???)
SPN-6 - Carrier Landing Air-Search Radar (1951?)
SPN-7 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-8 - Carrier Approach-Control Radar (1951)
SPN-9 - Transit Integrating Doppler Navigator Radar (1962)
SPN-10 - Carrier Landing-Control Radar (???)
SPN-11 - Navigational Radar (1951)
SPN-12 - Carrier Approach Airspeed Indicator Radar (1951)
SPN-13 - Navigational Radar (1951)
SPN-14 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-15 - Cancelled Designation (???)
SPN-16 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (1954)
SPN-17 - Navigational Radar (???)
SPN-18 - Navigational Radar (1958?)
SPN-19 - Radio Beacon Bouy (???)
SPN-20 - Ship Interrogator Beacon (???)
SPN-21 - Navigational Radar (???)
SPN-22 - Navigational Radar (???)
SPN-23 - Small Surface Search/Navigational Radar (???)
SPN-24 - Long Range Navigational Radar Interrogator Beacon (???)
SPN-25 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-26 - Carrier Approach Guidance Radar (???)
SPN-27 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-28 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-29 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-30 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-31 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-32 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-33 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-34 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-35 - Carrier Approach Guidance Radar (???)
SPN-35A - Carrier Approach Guidance Radar (1968?)
SPN-35B - Carrier Approach Guidance Radar (1971?)
SPN-35C - Carrier Approach Guidance Radar (1973?)
SPN-36 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-37 - Hydrofoil Height Monitor Radar (???)
SPN-38 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-39 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-40 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-41 - Carrier Approach Guidance Radar (1978?)
SPN-42 - Carrier Landing-Control Radar (1978?)
SPN-42A - Carrier Landing-Control Radar (???)
SPN-43 - Carrier Air Traffic Control/Air Search Radar (???)
SPN-43A - Carrier Air Traffic Control/Air Search Radar (1976)
SPN-43B - Carrier Air Traffic Control/Air Search Radar (1984)
SPN-43C - Carrier Air Traffic Control/Air Search Radar (1994)
SPN-44 - Carrier Approach Airspeed Indicator Radar (???)
SPN-44A - Carrier Approach Airspeed Indicator Radar (???)
SPN-45 - Long Range Navigational Radar Receiver (???)
SPN-46 - Carrier Air Traffic Control/Air Search Radar (1981?)

Surface Ship, Radar, Combined Detection
Multi-Function Weapon Control Radars

SPQ-1 - "Pimpernel" Noise Jammer (???)
SPQ-2 - RGM-6 Regulus I "Trounce" Guidance/Tracking Radar (1954/55)
SPQ-3 - Cancelled designation
SPQ-4 - Cloud base-top measuing Radar (???)
SPQ-5 - RIM-2 Terrier Guidance Radar, modified SPG-49 (1956)
SPQ-6 - Mortar-locating Radar (???)
SPQ-7 - Precision Tracker Radar for satellites and ICBM's (???)
SPQ-8 - Tracking Radar for Pacific Missile Range Ships (???)
SPQ-9 - Air/Surface Search Radar for Mark 86 GFCS (1969/70)
SPQ-9A - Air/Surface Search Radar for Mark 86 GFCS (1993?)
SPQ-9B - Air/Surface Search Radar for Mark 86 GFCS (2001/02)
SPQ-9B+ C? - Air/Surface Search Radar for Mark 86 GFCS (2020)
SPQ-10 - Coastal Guard Weather Balloon Tracker Radar (1966?)
SPQ-11 - "Cobra Judy" Phased Array for Endo-Atmospheric Tracking and Missile/Space Research (1982/83)

Surface Ship, Radar, Receiving

SPR-1 - Search Receiving / Countermeasure Search Equipment (1950/51?)

Surface Ship, Radar, Search

SPS-1 - Air/Surface-Search Radar (1946/48)
SPS-2 - Height-Finder Radar (???)
SPS-3 - 3D Air/Surface Search/Gunnery Control/Carrier Approach Radar (1953/54?)
SPS-4 - Air/Surface-Search Radar (1951/52)
SPS-5 - Surface-Search Radar (1951)
SPS-5A - Surface-Search Radar (1951)
SPS-5B - Surface-Search Radar (???)
SPS-5C - Surface-Search Radar (1961?)
SPS-6 - Air-Search Radar (1947/48)
SPS-6A - Air-Search Radar (1948/50)
SPS-6B - Air-Search Radar (1948/52)
SPS-6C - Air-Search Radar (1955?)
SPS-6D - Air-Search Radar (1958?)
SPS-6E - Air-Search Radar (1961?)
SPS-7 - Navigational Radar (???)
SPS-8 - Height-Finder Radar (1951/52)
SPS-8A - Height-Finder Radar (1953/54)
SPS-8B - Height-Finder Radar (1955/56)
SPS-9 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1949)
SPS-10 - Surface-Search Radar (1952/53)
SPS-10A - Designation not used?
SPS-10B - Surface-Search Radar (1958?)
SPS-10C - Surface-Search Radar (???)
SPS-10D - Surface-Search Radar (???)
SPS-10E - Surface-Search Radar (1958?)
SPS-10F - Surface-Search Radar (1958?)
SPS-10G - Surface-Search Radar (1958?)
SPS-11 - Height-Finder Radar (1950)
SPS-12 - Air-Search Radar (1952/53)
SPS-13 - Air-Search Radar (1958/59)
SPS-14 - Air-Search Radar (???)
SPS-15 - Persicope Detector Radar (???)
SPS-16 - Air-Search Radar (1954/55)
SPS-17 - Air Search Radar (1950/51)
SPS-17A - Air Search Radar (1955/56)
SPS-18 - Surface-Search Radar (1957/58)
SPS-19 - Persicope Detector Radar (???)
SPS-20 - Persicope Detector Radar (???)
SPS-21 - Surface-Search Radar (1953/54)
SPS-21A - Surface-Search Radar (1958?)
SPS-21B - Surface-Search Radar (1958?)
SPS-21C - Surface-Search Radar (1958?)
SPS-21D - Surface-Search Radar (1958?)
SPS-22 - Air-Search Radar (???)
SPS-23 - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1951)
SPS-23A - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1961?)
SPS-23X? - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1961?)
SPS-23XX? - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1961?)
SPS-23Y? - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1961?)
SPS-23Z? - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1961?)
SPS-24 - 3D Air-Search Radar (1951/53?)
SPS-25 - 3D Air-Search Radar (1954)
SPS-26 - 3D FRESCAN Radar (1956/57)
SPS-27 - 3D Air-Search Radar (1959)
SPS-28 - Air-Search Radar (1956/57)
SPS-29 - Air-Search Radar (1957/58)
SPS-30 - Height-Finder Radar (1961/62)
SPS-31 - Air-Search Radar (1955/56)
SPS-32 - SCANFAR Air-Search Radar (1956/57)
SPS-33 - SCANFAR Tracking Radar (1956/57)
SPS-34 - Height-Finder Radar (1959/60)
SPS-35 - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1956/57)
SPS-36 - Small Surface-Search Radar (1957/58)
SPS-37 - Air-Search Radar (1959/60)
SPS-37A - Air-Search Radar (1960/61?)
SPS-38 - Air-Search Radar (1960/61)
SPS-39 - 3D FRESCAN Radar (1959/60)
SPS-39A - 3D FRESCAN Radar (1961/62?)
SPS-39B - 3D FRESCAN Radar (1963/64)
SPS-40 - Air-Search Radar (1960/61)
SPS-40A - Air-Search Radar (1962/63)
SPS-40B - Air-Search Radar (1964/65)
SPS-40C - Air-Search Radar (1970?)
SPS-40D - Air-Search Radar (1975?)
SPS-41 - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1958/59)
SPS-42 - 3D FRESCAN Radar (1968?)
SPS-43 - Air-Search Radar (1960/61)
SPS-43A - Air-Search Radar (???)
SPS-44 - Height-Finder Radar (???)
SPS-45 - Air-Search Radar (1959/60)
SPS-46 - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
SPS-47 - 3D FRESCAN Radar (???)
SPS-48 - 3D FRESCAN Radar (1959/60)
SPS-48A - 3D FRESCAN Radar (1964/65)
SPS-48B - 3D FRESCAN Radar (???)
SPS-48C - 3D FRESCAN Radar (1978)
SPS-48D - 3D FRESCAN Radar (???)
SPS-48E - 3D FRESCAN Radar (1988)
SPS-49 - Air-Search Radar (1969/70 - 1975/76)
SPS-49A - Air-Search Radar (2008?)
SPS-50 - Air-Search Radar (???)
SPS-51 - Surface-Search Radar (???)
SPS-52 - Air-Search Radar (1975?)
SPS-52A - Air-Search Radar (???)
SPS-52B - Air-Search Radar (1976?)
SPS-52C - Air-Search Radar (1976/77)
SPS-52D - Air-Search Radar (1986?)
SPS-53 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1966)
SPS-53A - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1966/67)
SPS-53B - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
SPS-53C - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
SPS-53D - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
SPS-53E - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (???)
SPS-54 - Surface-Search Radar (1967/68)
SPS-55 - Surface-Search Radar (1970/71)
SPS-56 - Surface-Search Radar (???)
SPS-57 - Small Surface-Search Radar (???)
SPS-58 - Air-Search/Target-Acquisition Radar (1965/66?)
SPS-58A - Air-Search/Target-Acquisition Radar (1975?)
SPS-58B - Air-Search/Target-Acquisition Radar (1977?)
SPS-58C - Air-Search/Target-Acquisition Radar (1979?)
SPS-59 - Anti-Collision Radar (1971?)
SPS-60 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1967?)
SPS-61 - Air-Search Radar (???)
SPS-62 - Air-Search Radar (1972/73)
SPS-63 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1977?)
SPS-64 - Navigational Radar (1978?)
SPS-65 - Air-Search/Target-Acquisition Radar / Sea Sparrow Director (1980?)
SPS-66 - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1972?)
SPS-66A - Small Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1981?)
SPS-67 - Surface-Search Radar (1982/83?)
SPS-68 - (???)
SPS-69 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1990)
SPS-70 - (???)
SPS-71 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (1992?)
SPS-72 - (???)
SPS-73 - Surface-Search/Navigational Radar (2001)
SPS-74 - Surface-Search Radar (2003?)
SPS-75 - 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (2005?)
SPS-76 - (???)
SPS-77 - "Sea Giraffe" 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (2006?)

Surface Ship, Radar, Control

SPW-1 - Prototype RIM-8 Talos Guidance Radar (???)
SPW-2 - RIM-8 Talos Guidance Radar (???)
SPW-2A - RIM-8 Talos Guidance Radar (???)
SPW-2B - RIM-8B Nuclear Talos / RIM-8E Unified Talos and RIM-8H Talos-ARM Guidance Radar (???)

Surface Ship, Radar, Surveillance
Aegis Radars

SPY-1 - AEGIS 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (1969/74)
SPY-1A - AEGIS 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (1980/84)
SPY-1B - AEGIS 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (1984/89)
SPY-1C - Designation not used?
SPY-1D - AEGIS 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (1994?)
SPY-1E - AEGIS 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (???)
SPY-1F - AEGIS 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (2002?)
SPY-1G - Designation not used?
SPY-1H - Designation not used?
SPY-1I - Designation not used?
SPY-1J - Designation not used?
SPY-1K - AEGIS 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (???)
SPY-2 - AEGIS 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (???)
SPY-3 - AESA 3D Air/Surface/Volume-Search Radar (2011?)
SPY-4 - AESA 3D Air/Surface/Volume-Search Radar (2013?)
SPY-5 - AESA 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (???)
SPY-6 - AEGIS AESA 3D Air/Surface-Search Radar (2013/16?)
SPY-7 - AEGIS AESA Long Range Discrimination Radar (2019?)

Surface Ship, Sonar, Auxiliary
SQA-1 - (???)
SQA-2 - Variable Depth Sonar Hydraulic Hoist Group Equipmet (1952?)
SQA-3-9 - (???)
SQA-10 - Variable Depth Sonar (1962?)

Surface Ship, Sonar, Fire Control/Search

SQG-1 - Hull-Mounted Sonar (1950/51)
SQG-2-3 - (???)
SQG-4 - Hull-Mounted Depth Sonar (1951?)
SQG-5 - Hull-Mounted Sonar (1951/52?)

Surface Ship, Sonar, Combined Detection

SQQ-1-8 - (???)
SQQ-9 - Sonar Beacon (1951/52?)
SQQ-10 - (???)
SQQ-11 - Torpedo Detection Sonar (1951/52)
SQQ-12-13 - (???)
SQQ-14 - Hull-Mounted Mine Hunting Sonar (1961)
SQQ-15-22 - (???)
SQQ-23 - "PAIR" Hull-Mounted Sonar (???)
SQQ-23A - "PAIR" Hull-Mounted Sonar (1972?)
SQQ-23B - "PAIR" Hull-Mounted Sonar (1974?)
SQQ-24-29 - (???)
SQQ-30 - Variable Depth Mine Hunting Sonar (1984)
SQQ-31 - (???)
SQQ-32 - Variable Depth Mine Hunting Sonar (1992?)
SQQ-33-34 - (???)
SQQ-35 - Variable Depth Sonar (1968?)
SQQ-36-59 - (???)
SQQ-60 - Hull-Mounted Sonar (???)
SQQ-61 - Hull-Mounted Sonar (???)
SQQ-62-88 - (???)
SQQ-89 - Surface Ship Sonar (???)
SQQ-90 - Surface Ship Sonar (???)

Surface Ship, Sonar, Detection

SQR-1 - Twin Array Sonar (1950/51)
SQR-2-4 - (???)
SQR-5 - Torpedo Detection Sonar (1951/52)
SQR-6-17 - (???)
SQR-18 - Towed Array Sonar (???)
SQR-18A - Towed Array Sonar (1980/84)
SQR-19 - Tactical Towed Array Sonar (1986/87)
SQR-19A - Tactical Towed Array Sonar (1988?)
SQR-19B - Tactical Towed Array Sonar (1991/92)
SQR-20 - Towed Array Sonar (???)

Surface Ship, Sonar, Search

SQS-1 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1950/51?)
SQS-2 - (???)
SQS-1 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1950/51?)
SQS-4 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1951?)
SQS-5 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1951?)
SQS-6-9 - (???)
SQS-10 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1951?)
SQS-11 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1966?)
SQS-11A - Hull Mounted Sonar (1968?)
SQS-12-16 - (???)
SQS-17 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1967?)
SQS-17A - Hull Mounted Sonar (1968?)
SQS-17B - Hull Mounted Sonar (1969?)
SQS-18-22 - (???)
SQS-23 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1960?)
SQS-23A - Hull Mounted Sonar (1961?)
SQS-23B - Hull Mounted Sonar (1962?)
SQS-23C - Hull Mounted Sonar (???)
SQS-23D - "TRAM" Hull Mounted Sonar (1964?)
SQS-23E - "TRAM" Hull Mounted Sonar (1964?)
SQS-23F - "TRAM" Hull Mounted Sonar (1964?)
SQS-23G - "TRAM" Hull Mounted Sonar (1964?)
SQS-23H - Hull Mounted Sonar (1967?)
SQS-23I - Hull Mounted Sonar (???)
SQS-23J - Hull Mounted Sonar (1967?)
SQS-23K - Hull Mounted Sonar (1967?)
SQS-23L - Hull Mounted Sonar (1967?)
SQS-24-25 - (???)
SQS-26 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1962)
SQS-26A - Hull Mounted Sonar (1967?)
SQS-26B - Hull Mounted Sonar (1968?)
SQS-26C - Hull Mounted Sonar (1969)
SQS-27-28 - (???)
SQS-29 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1955)
SQS-30 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1955?)
SQS-31 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1955?)
SQS-32 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1955?)
SQS-33-35 - (???)
SQS-36 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1967?)
SQS-37 - (???)
SQS-38 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1968)
SQS-39 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1969?)
SQS-40 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1969?)
SQS-41 - (???)
SQS-42 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1969?)
SQS-43 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1961?)
SQS-44 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1962?)
SQS-45 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1963?)
SQS-46-50 - (???)
SQS-51 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1971?)
SQS-52 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1972?)
SQS-53 - Hull Mounted Sonar (???)
SQS-53A - Hull Mounted Sonar (1976?)
SQS-53B - Hull Mounted Sonar (1988?)
SQS-53C - Hull Mounted Sonar (1992?)
SQS-53D - Hull Mounted Sonar (2000)
SQS-54-55 - (???)
SQS-56 - Hull Mounted Sonar (1976?)
SQS-57-59 - (???)
SQS-60 - Hull Mounted Sonar (2010?)
SQS-61 - Hull Mounted Shallow Water Sonar? (2011?)

Surface Ship, Radio, Auxiliary

SRA-1-3 - (???)
SRA-4 - Antenna Coupler Equipment (1950/51)

Surface Ship, Radio, Direction Finder

SRD-1-6 - (???)
SRD-7 - Direction Finder Equipment (1951)
SRD-8 - (???)
SRD-9 - Direction Finder Equipment (1951/52)
SRD-10-18 - (???)
SRD-19 - Electronic Support Measure System (???)

Surface Ship, Radio, Receiving

SRR-1-3 - (???)
SRR-4 - Radio Receiving Equipment (1950?)
SRR-5-7 - (???)
SRR-8 - Radio/Communications Receiving Equipment (1951/52)
SRR-9-10 - (???)
SRR-11 - Radio/Communications Receiving Equipment (1951)
SRR-12 - Radio/Communications Receiving Equipment (1951)
SRR-13 - Radio/Communications Receiving Equipment (1951)

Surface Ship, Radio, Search

SRS-1 - Electronic Support Measure System / Combat Direction Finder (1993/96)
SRS-1A - Electronic Support Measure System / Combat Direction Finder (1994/98)

Surface Ship, Combined/Special, Auxiliary

SSA-1 - Radar Distribution Switchboard Equipment (1951/52)
SSA-2-6 - (???)
SSA-7 - Data Distribution Equipment (1951/52)

Surface Ship, Combined/Special, Combined/Special

SSQ-1 - "Jezebel" Low Frequency Analysis and Ranging Sonobouy (1950?)
SSQ-2 - "Jezebel" Low Frequency Analysis and Ranging Sonobouy (1950/51)
SSQ-3-7 - (???)
SSQ-8 - Stabilization Data Equipment Set (1951/52)
SSQ-9-10 - (???)
SSQ-11 - Radio/Radar Interception System (1951/52)
SSQ-12 - Small Radio/Radar Interception System (1951/52)
SSQ-13 - (???)
SSQ-14 - Stabilization Data Equipment Set (1951/52)
SSQ-15 - "Julie" Range-Finding Sonobouy (1951?)
SSQ-16-22 - (???)
SSQ-23 - "Julie" Range-Finding Sonobouy (1956?)
SSQ-24-27 - (???)
SSQ-28 - "Jezebel" Low Frequency Analysis and Ranging Sonobouy (1960?)
SSQ-29-37 - (???)
SSQ-38 - Low Frequency Analysis and Ranging Sonobouy (1961?)
SSQ-39-40 - (???)
SSQ-41 - "Julie-Jezebel" Low Frequency Analysis and Ranging Sonobouy (???)
SSQ-41A - "Julie-Jezebel" Low Frequency Analysis and Ranging Sonobouy (1969?)
SSQ-41B - "Jezebel" Low Frequency Analysis and Ranging Sonobouy (1975?)
SSQ-42-46 - (???)
SSQ-47 - "Julie" Range-Finding Sonobouy (1966?)
SSQ-48-49 - (???)
SSQ-50 - Range-Finding Command Activated Sonobuoy System (???)
SSQ-50A - Range-Finding Command Activated Sonobuoy System (???)
SSQ-50B - Range-Finding Command Activated Sonobuoy System (1971?)
SSQ-51-52 - (???)
SSQ-53 - Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobuoy (1967?)
SSQ-53A - Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobuoy (1976?)
SSQ-53B - Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobuoy (1987?)
SSQ-53C - Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobuoy (1988?)
SSQ-53D - Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobuoy (1992?)
SSQ-53E - Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobuoy (1995?)
SSQ-53F - Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobuoy (2003?)
SSQ-54-56 - (???)
SSQ-57 - Low Frequency Analysis and Ranging Sonobouy (???)
SSQ-57A-L - Low Frequency Analysis and Ranging Sonobouy (???)
SSQ-57M - Low Frequency Analysis and Ranging Sonobouy (1978?)
SSQ-58 - Mobile In-Shore Undersea Warfare Sonobouy (???)
SSQ-58A - Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Sonobouy (???)
SSQ-58B - Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Sonobouy (1979?)
SSQ-59-61 - (???)
SSQ-62 - Range-Finding Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System (???)
SSQ-62A - Range-Finding Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System (1977?)
SSQ-62B - Range-Finding Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System (1981?)
SSQ-62C - Range-Finding Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System (1996?)
SSQ-62D - Range-Finding Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System (2002?)
SSQ-62E - Range-Finding Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System (2008?)
SSQ-63-71 - (???)
SSQ-72 - Electronic Support Measure System / Height-Direction Finder (1972?)
SSQ-73-74 - (???)
SSQ-75 - Range-Finding Sonobouy (1983?)
SSQ-76 - (???)
SSQ-77 - Vertical Line Array Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobouy (???)
SSQ-77A - Vertical Line Array Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobouy (1984?)
SSQ-77B - Vertical Line Array Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobouy (1991?)
SSQ-77C - Vertical Line Array Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording Sonobouy (2003?)
SSQ-78-107 - (???)
SSQ-108 - Electronic Support Measure System / Height-Direction Finder (1978?)
SSQ-109 - (???)
SSQ-110 - Extended Echo Ranging Sonobouy (1997?)
SSQ-110A - Extended Echo Ranging Sonobouy (2002?)
SSQ-111-118 - (???)
SSQ-119 - "NMMS" Surveillance System (2009?)
SSQ-120-124 - (???)
SSQ-125 - Advanced Extended Echo Ranging Sonobouy (2004?)

Combined Surface/Submarine, Countermeasure, Direction Finder

WLD-1 - Mine Hunting Sonar (2008?)

Combined Surface/Submarine, Countermeasure, Combined/Special

WLQ-4 "Sea Nymph" Electronic Support Measure / Signals Intelligence System (1982?)

Combined Surface/Submarine, Countermeasure, Detection

WLR-1 - Electronic Support Measure / Electronic Intelligence System (1968?)
WLR-1A - Radar Warning Receiver (???)
WLR-1B - Electronic Support Measure / Electronic Intelligence System (1972?)
WLR-1C - Electronic Support Measure / Electronic Intelligence System (1973?)
WLR-1D - Radar Warning Receiver (???)
WLR-1E - Radar Warning Receiver (???)
WLR-1F - Electronic Support Measure / Electronic Intelligence System (1974?)
WLR-1G - Electronic Support Measure / Electronic Intelligence System (1975?)
WLR-1H - Electronic Support Measure / Electronic Intelligence System (1975?)
WLR-2 - ECM System (???)
WLR-3 - Electronic Support Measure/Radar Warning System (1968?)
WLR-4-5 - (???)
WLR-6 - "Waterboy" Electronic Support Measure / Electronic Intelligence System (1968?)
WLR-7 - (???)
WLR-6 - Electronic Support Measure / Electronic Intelligence System (1978?)
WLR-9 - Active/Torpedo Warning Sonar (1978?)
WLR-9A - Active/Torpedo Warning Sonar (1981?)
WLR-9B - Active/Torpedo Warning Sonar (1982?)
WLR-10 - Electronic Support Measure/Radar Warning System (1978?)
WLR-11 - Electronic Support Measure/Radar Warning System (1972?)
WLR-12 - Active/Torpedo Warning Sonar (1982?)
WLR-13 - IR/EO warning System (1982?)
WLR-14 - "Seascout" Electronic Support Measure / Electronic Intelligence System (1982?)
WLR-15 - Electronic Support Measure System (???)
WLR-16 - "Phoenix" ECM System (???)
WLR-17 - Active/Torpedo Warning Sonar (1983?)
WLR-18 - "Classic Salmon" Electronic Support Measure System / Communications Intelligence System (1992?)

Combined Surface/Submarine, Countermeasure, Surveillance

WLY-1 - Active/Torpedo Warning Sonar (2005)

Combined Surface/Submarine, Combined/Special, Combined/Special

WSQ-1-4 - (???)
WSQ-5 - "Cluster Spectator" Electronic Support Measure / Electronic Intelligence System (1992?)
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A great resource. Easier that sleuthing things out of the Friedman books (which are the most authoritative documents I know of in the public domain).
I thought SPY-3/4 ran on unique software, not the regular Aegis Baseline.
There are soo many variations exists even just for naval vessels (Surface, Submersive, Combined) that this is going to be a long list.
Added a few more and slightly re-arranged the missing ones.
I thought SPY-3/4 ran on unique software, not the regular Aegis Baseline.
I don't know, sources says it's a Multi Function Navigation/Targeting Radar using the AESA Technology to support ship self-defense
I thought SPY-3/4 ran on unique software, not the regular Aegis Baseline.
I don't know, sources says it's a Multi Function Navigation/Targeting Radar using the AESA Technology to support ship self-defense

The DDG-1000s do not have the Aegis Weapon System. They have the Zumwalt Combat System and Total Ship Computing Environment, which serve basically the same function as AWS.

Ford has a version of SSDS, also not AEGIS.
And SPY-7

SPY-2 is the High Power Discriminator radar and it is a missile defense supplement to SPY-1,not a stand-alone multifunction radar.

AEGIS is a really complicated thing. There is the Aegis Weapon System (AWS), which is the core system of the AEGIS Combat System and includes the AEGIS Display System, the radar, the Command & Decision system, the weapon control system, the fire control system, and even the Standard missiles. But ACS also includes other ship systems that are not part of AWS, like the Tomahawk Weapon Control System, the ASW Combat System, etc.

And then we get to systems like the COMBATSS-21 combat system on the New FFGs, which is derived from ACS and uses ACS components and software but is not actually AEGIS.


  • 400px-Aegis_Combat_System.png
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USN was the first to develop and install AEGIS type radars and combat system. Did the other navies developed similar system(s) or intended to develop? I've heard the Chinese might had developed something similar in the past few years, but what about the Soviets/Russians or the European Union? I doubt the RN alone had enough money but maybe in a joint venture? Japan and Korea seems to be content with the USN versions (Did they locally produce it or the USN exports the system to their navies?)
There is Thales APAR / SMART-L MM. In use with UK, French, Danish, German, Italian, Dutch and South Korean navies.
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USN was the first to develop and install AEGIS type radars and combat system. Did the other navies developed similar system(s) or intended to develop? I've heard the Chinese might had developed something similar in the past few years, but what about the Soviets/Russians or the European Union? I doubt the RN alone had enough money but maybe in a joint venture? Japan and Korea seems to be content with the USN versions (Did they locally produce it or the USN exports the system to their navies?)

Pretty much all first-tier navies have something similar. They don't all look the same, though. For example, the UK and Franco-Italian systems (in the Type 45 and Horizon ships, respectively) have the PAAMS air defense system, but they use rotating phased arrays with back-to-back panels instead of twice as many fixed panels, The UK also went with active phased arrays (SAMPSON) rather than passive arrays (EMPAR). The Franco-Italian effort has since adopted active arrays for newer ships (FREMM).
What about Russia? The Kirov as designed as US Carrier Fleet destruction but have very strong Anti Air could had benefited an AEGIS type system no?
What about Russia? The Kirov as designed as US Carrier Fleet destruction but have very strong Anti Air could had benefited an AEGIS type system no?

The Soviet were not close to fielding that sort of tech when the Kirovs were built. The last Kiev (Baku, later Gorshkov) and later carriers had a radar called Mars-Passat (NATO: Sky Watch) that was supposedly comparable to SCANFAR or maybe a simpler version of SPY-1, but it seems to have been very troubled and probably never worked as intended.

The Soviets saw the carriers rather then the cruisers as the logical platform for big air space battle management radars because it would help control their fighters in the absence of US-style AEW.
I know these are not Radars though quite big, but related to Northampton as well as to Wright, does anybody know the size/dimensions or designation of the huge Tropospheric Scatter antennas used by USS Northampton (Solid dish type) and USS Wright (Cage/Mesh like dish type)



Thanks, still it will be very difficult to find info being google shows some KIA RIO Car and of course the city and cartoon results.
I have that drawing of the Wright but that antennae is just a sketch, it is much bigger then that.
Here is my drawing of it, based on photos, not sure how accurate size wise.
I suspect the difference in the appearance of the antenna is due to this system evolving over roughly two decades before going out of use.
I wonder... Why did not the RIM-7 Sea Sparrow directors the Mark 95 "Bug Eye" and the manned Mark 115 receive an SPG-xy designation?
Can somebody provide me info on what a Guthrie Antenna System could be regarding the SPS-24 Hemispheric Search Radar?

From Norman Friedman - Naval Radar:
An abortive 6cm hemispheric search radar, using the Guthrie antenna system: three stacked beams, not overlapping but 20° apart, nodding slowly at 15 nods per minute while the entire antenna rotated rapidly at 90rpm. The three 3,5°x6° beams were not uniformly illuminated (500kW in the lowest, 300kW in the middle, and 200kW in the upper beam), to achieve greatest range at low angles, corresponding to realistic aircraft altitudes. In this way a very light reflector, sized 6ft x 3,5ft and weighing 600lb, could duplicate the performance of the heavy SPS-3; in fact, SPS-24 was expected to provide accuracies of 0,5°in bearing and 1°in elevation, out to a range of 22nm and a maximum elevation of 60°.
This system was first proposed in 1951, but it was beaten out by the FRESCANs. The light antenna weight included stabilization; below-decks weight would have been another 5.000lb. SPS-24 might have gone aboard destroyer-escorts, but it failed to meet range requirements. Note that the high scan rate required very powerful pulses, since any target would meet relative4ly few of hem. SPS-24 was also designated P-4X, in a series of developmental electronic equipment.

Note the SPS-3 should look like this:

Another unknown antenna and radar for me is the Kelleher scanner used in the SPS-25:
An Abortive S-band lightweight hemispheric search radar, using Kelleher scanner producing 25 nods per minute while rotating at 15rpm. Early (1954) estimates called for a 500lb antenna providing elevation coverage from 0°to 86°, with a 50nm range on a 1m^2 target, gven 2,5MW pulses. Below-decks components were to be derived from the airborne AN/APS-20B (AEW) radar, and would have weighed only about 1.500lb, compared to about 8.000lb for CXRX. About a year later a table of air defense radars included a stabilized version, with an 1.100lb antenna and 600lb of below deck components, with elevation to 70° and a range of 40nm. Beamwidth would have been 4,4°x 12,5°, depending upon elevation. SPS-25 was also designated P-10X.

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