Unknown Twin Boom Fighter


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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My dear Tophe found this aircraft in tgplanes site from ling time ago,and this site changed into
anther name; warbirdsforum,and may this twin boom fighter was a real design or fake,also
could be a hypothetical design,can anybody ID it ?.



  • unknownTGbip.jpg
    18.8 KB · Views: 500
in this forum are hints about unidentified 1942 US Fighter project

it's not Brewster's Buffalo, that is clear see at at the cockpit
maybe Bell Aircraft's twin-boom fighter projects (XP-52, XP-59, etc.)
My dear Michel,

as in the drawing,the tail unit is completely different,and may be it was from Convair ?.
hesham said:
My dear Michel,

as in the drawing,the tail unit is completely different,and may be it was from Convair ?.

sadly i have no information about Convair WW2 projects.
Michel Van said:
sadly i have no information about Convair WW2 projects.

May be the answer in new book about Convair ?.
Michel Van said:

It's completely different from the Bell Models 19, 20, 22 and 27.

Doesn't look like the Brewster Model P-33 proposals either. Nor like the McDonnell Models 6 and 8 proposals.

However, it looks to me like it could be a competitor of some of the above. But then again, it could also be a Frank Tinsley invention or the like.
May a hypothetical design my dear Stargazer,

but,who knows ?.
I look close on this design and realized this Plane never can fly !

The tail empennage are useless and were are the guns ?

either this are artwork for magazine
or this something more clever: deception of enemy !

Not only The Axe propaganda used many tricks and deception, especial with artwork of fake Aircraft or Tank.
also the allies used that, so this artwork could be made to fool the Japanese and Germans.
unti real menace show up: the P-38
My dear Michel,

do you note that,it was a jet aircraft ?.
Michel Van said:
I look close on this design and realized this Plane never can fly !

The tail empennage are useless and were are the guns ?

Then what do you make of this Bell design of the same era? The vertical tails are not any larger!
Surely the guys who designed it must have known what they were doing, don't you think?

hesham said:
do you note that,it was a jet aircraft ?

Where on Earth did you see a jet aircraft here? Of course it's not! It's got propellers, as can be seen on the other aircraft at the back; only the blades are not shown on the one in the front so that they don't mask the aircraft's shape. Pure artistic license!


  • 1944. twin engine-boom 20mm cannon.jpg
    1944. twin engine-boom 20mm cannon.jpg
    99.3 KB · Views: 321
Any more on that one Stargazer? I know it was in a previous thread but I totally forgot about that one. I love it!
XP67_Moonbat said:
Any more on that one Stargazer? I know it was in a previous thread but I totally forgot about that one. I love it!

So do I!!! Unfortunately not. :'( As a matter of fact I had to repost it because I didn't know where it was on the forum. :-[
It looks like quite a lot of artistic license, too. The props would have to be of
low diameter only, I think, as the center wing with the cockpit seems to
be really narrow.
I'll bet that the designers of these two twin boom airplanes never flew models or had to fly in one of their creations. The tail surfaces are a small fraction of the size needed to control an aircraft of these proportions. Imagine what will happen when they are on landing approach at low speed and high angle of attack near stall and the vertical fins can't reach high enough out of turbulent air to correct a yaw that will put these airplanes into into the ground. Compare these tail surfaces with those of a P-38 or P-61.

Offsetting the center section of the wing ahead of the outer panels will require offset spars and more material and weight to achieve the same strength as making the wings a continuous structure.
Just found the original page where the WOULD-BE Bell twin-boom design appeared:

(I say "WOULD-BE" because Jon W. Hauser apparently never worked for Bell Aircraft).

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