Ukraine re deploys S125


Proselytizing to the great unwashed
6 March 2013
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Could someone explain why they are bringing this system back into service? Would it just be for the exercises( again for what purpose). Surely more modern systems will be much more effective?
Could someone explain why they are bringing this system back into service? Would it just be for the exercises( again for what purpose). Surely more modern systems will be much more effective?

It's notionally been modernized, I believe, with new radar and a new new command and control complex. Yes, no doubt a more modern system would be better. But more modern systems cost money that Ukraine frankly doesn't have a lot of. I'm sure they'd love something like ASTER but the budget just isn't there (nor is the willingness for Western suppliers to sell, necessarily).
Could someone explain why they are bringing this system back into service? Would it just be for the exercises( again for what purpose). Surely more modern systems will be much more effective?

Little money + existence of training personnel for them + lack of credible aerial threat.
The Russian Air Force would seem to pose a credible aerial threat to Ukraine.

Nah, our air force pose an overwhelming aerial threat. Nothing that Ukraine (or anyone else) could do to change such disbalance of power. So, basically - why bother?

Essentially, Ukraine have several possible threats:

* Russia - nothing could be done, so why bother?
* Donetsk separatists - did not possess any air force worth mention.
* Border conflict with Poland, Romania or Belarus - a low probability, but not impossible.

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