TUI in takeoff-weight miss-take


ACCESS: Top Secret
11 February 2007
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Apparently TUI had updated their reservation software during the first lockdown - with everything grounded - and it allocated everyone on the flight using 'Miss' as their title a child's weight at 35kg vs an adult weight of 69kg. Which meant 38 adults were rated as children and the pilot's take-off weight and thrust calculations were 1.2 tonnes light.

UK uses 'Miss' as a female title for both adults and children (as well as both 'Ms' and 'Mrs' as alternate adult titles), while apparently the country the software change was offshored to only used 'Miss' for female children. Which just shows how careful you need to be both writing and reading specifications to be sure all assumptions are clear and you aren't running into some sort of international discontinuity.
This reminds us of the "Gimli Glider" an Air Canada flight that suffered fuel starvation. The problem was created by confusion over Imperial gallons, American gallons versus Metric litres in fuel calculations.
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... and that very unfortunate NASA Mars probe in 1999 which burned itself because some idiots had mixed metric and imperial units.

D'oh !

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