Things you didn't know about Air Force One... because they're bull


ACCESS: Top Secret
26 September 2006
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Ah, 'listicles' - they sound like a symptom of herpes and intellectually, they are.

From "No sh*t, Sherlock":

If a terrorist attack was to happen, the president could run the country from the skies due it’s high tech communications.

Through "That's very... uninteresting":

It’s a well known fact that President Reagan was obsessed with jelly beans. There was always a jar in the oval office and he kept an impressive stock of them on AF1... George Herbert Walker Bush hated broccoli. So much so he banned the green vegetable on his plane.

Through "Yeah, right":

In 1959, CIA director Allen Dulles, invented cameras that fitted into the wheels of AF1. The cameras were so powerful they could read car license plates from 29,000 feet in the air.

To bull:

Air Force 1 can go way beyond the limits of an everyday commercial aircraft. The air crafts top speed is 1,126 MPH. While normal flights fly at 30,000 feet, AF1 goes to 45,100, an impressive 15,000 feet higher.
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Rhinocrates said:
To bullshit:

Air Force 1 can go way beyond the limits of an everyday commercial aircraft. The air crafts top speed is 1,126 MPH. While normal flights fly at 30,000 feet, AF1 goes to 45,100, an impressive 15,000 feet higher.

Well, in fairness, the main error there was that they confused km/h with mph. The VC-25s maxes out near 1,126 km/h; that's right around Mach 0.93. They're also failing to realize that commercial jets can fly rather higher than 30,000 ft, but it is true that the VC-25 can operate happily at 45,000 ft. The speed is a mistake, but it's not a shocking error to make for people who aren't super-involved in aviation.
there is always movies about the intercontinental missiles being launched from the jet..... yes? or BS?
That option occupied most of a 747's middle deck, which seems incompatible with AF1's roles of presidential transport/mobile command post. Even if the space was available to combine ICBM-carrier/AF1 roles - why would anyone want to? I call BS.
It says here that AF One does not have an Escape Pod! Next you'll be telling me Morgan Freeman was never President of the USA.
That option occupied most of a 747's middle deck, which seems incompatible with AF1's roles of presidential transport/mobile command post. Even if the space was available to combine ICBM-carrier/AF1 roles - why would anyone want to? I call BS.
I'm pretty sure he just meant to ask whether you can authorize the launch of missiles from AF1, not actually launch missiles from AF1.
I hadn't considered that - but that can be resolved with secure communications gear, which should be part of AF1's mobile command features.
im meaning the key. the codes. the whole nine yards of physically sending the signal to all the silos throughout the US to go to the designated targets
I think that would mainly be a matter of policy/procedure, with some hardware involved at missile launch facilities. Remote SLBM/ICBM launching. Brrrrr.

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