The silliest unbuilt project

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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As the nights get shorter in UK and Christmas tat appears in the shops I think this is an appropriate thread.
My candidate is a very British one, almost worthy of Monty Python and the Holy Grail
(it crops up in several old threads but wiki gets across the essential details)
But I am sure our global gang can come up with a few others.
let me see

a Chicken heated atom bomb
a gigantic Cruse missile that power by Nuclear Ramjet and carry 26 H-bombs
a Space Ship that ride on Steel plate exposed to series of nuclear explosions
the CIA cyborg Cats project.

and there is more in this forum...
A nuclear land mine suggested for use in the ETO to prevent soviet incursions during the fifties and sixties. It was believed that the chickens could live for about a week but in that time prevent the trigger mechanism from freezing.


Never underestimate the power of the chicken.
Never underestimate the power of radioactive mutant chickens if they should escape...
The radioactive mutant chickens have six legs, if they escape you can never reach them.:) will see them in the dark ;)
Those who have been in a Russian submarine shine brighter

Tom Clancy readily agrees.

There is a joke in the Soviet Navy: How do you tell a sailor from the Northern Fleet? He glows in the dark.
Hm... would "Oboy" the fortress-destroying machine suit?


Diameter 600 meters, length 930 meters, speed up to 320 km/h. Made from armored steel, moved by naval-type steam engines, that rotates a great flywheel. No armament besides its size and weight to literally smash enemy fortresses. Project of Russian engineer Semchishin, send to army weapon committee in 1915. Dismissed as absolutely unrealistic.
Now that would make one heck of an egg for the six-legged radioactive chickens we previously discussed.

And I think Vlad' Putin may be interested, perhaps as a backup to Poseidon... ?
Hm... would "Oboy" the fortress-destroying machine suit?


Diameter 600 meters, length 930 meters, speed up to 320 km/h. Made from armored steel, moved by naval-type steam engines, that rotates a great flywheel. No armament besides its size and weight to literally smash enemy fortresses. Project of Russian engineer Semchishin, send to army weapon committee in 1915. Dismissed as absolutely unrealistic.
Good point,an idea of the "stone" age in "iron".
Just for fun, in this movie there is a hilarious scene where the bombing is done by chickens but before that they tried several processes.


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Just for fun, in this film there is a hilarious scene where the bombing is done by chickens but before that they tried several processes.

We all need holidays...

Now it could be that something we think as being silly now may have a use elsewhere in the solar system. A vibrating fortress to embed itself in a rubble pile asteroid…fighting Venusian Zeps. No parachutes. Instead, each crewman has a suicide pill to take before dying of heat on the way down.

On the other hand…something we find useful may actually be silly elsewhere.

Say a forklift on a lunar base?

Oh, but it would be stronger in lunar gravity.
Thing is…the mass is still there. Even a stop from one km per hour could send a load sailing off the forks in slow motion.

Lunar Domes are thought silly…but I would want that first. Nitrogen only atmosphere…oxygen only in suits. Electric-drive mining equipment is now fireproof. Clean up the dust with earthmovers.

That rolling egg might even have a use in a way we cannot imagine now…

I hope one type of person Musk takes with him is a job foreman. A Mike Rowe type who hates horseplay and who can imagine a dozen different ways something can go wrong.

What is silly today may be something you can’t live without tomorrow.
Who designed the Davletov and what were they thinking?

Do you mean, tabletop ?

How about a giant artificial iceberg made of ice and cardboard in the shape of a runway and airfield facility?
Obviously with refridgeration units, a hanger and distributed propulsion.

You mean what were they drinking

Pikrete, I mean: picrate, which is the french word for "bad wine".

As in "Aubergiste, envoie la picrate, j'ai le gosier sec !"
let me see

a Chicken heated atom bomb
a gigantic Cruse missile that power by Nuclear Ramjet and carry 26 H-bombs
a Space Ship that ride on Steel plate exposed to series of nuclear explosions
the CIA cyborg Cats project.

and there is more in this forum...
Pluto and Orion could hardly be considered, "silly".
Pluto and Orion could hardly be considered, "silly".
A Nuclear power Mach 3 ramjet that drop 26 H-bombs is overkill in any way
and i would not voluntier to fly on Nuclear explosion powert Orion...
Vought Pluto SLAM: pick your way of dying an horrible death.
- deafened or flattened by a Mach 4 sonic boom at low level
- irradiated by the exhaust
- smashed by a white-hot, melting reactor
- nuked by an atomic warhead

I vastly prefers Orion. If only it did not wrecked the planet by EMP or trapped radiations in the van Allen belts.


(that video is even more awesome, if that's even possible, with Steppenwolf "Magic carpet ride" as soundtrack. That, and Star Strek 1996 movie with Zefram Cochrane)
Pluto and Orion could hardly be considered, "silly".
A Nuclear power Mach 3 ramjet that drop 26 H-bombs is overkill in any way
and i would not voluntier to fly on Nuclear explosion powert Orion...
An SSBN could have a couple hundred nukes and everybody seems to be okay with that. A B1-B could have had dozens.

As for Orion, there are many people who would be afraid to go into space. That doesn't make going into space, "silly".

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