The 'Krali Marko Line' - Cold War fixed fortifications of Bulgaria.


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16 December 2010
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After WWII Bulgaria was left with a mixture of German and Soviet equipment. With the German equipment wearing out in the 1950s it was decided to get the maximum use out of it by using it to create a line of fixed fortifications along the Bulgarian-Turkish border that was hoped would hold up the Turkish army for the five days needed to fully mobilize the Bulgarian army.

Most of the tanks/assault guns used simply had the engines removed and were buried so that their guns could cover key lines of approach, later some concrete fortifications designed to accept tank turrets were created.

Never used in action, the line has become a source for historic vehicles. Some have been removed illegally by scrap dealers others have been recovered and are receiving cosmetic restoration. The full story is covered on the WWII After WWII blog.

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