The Daleks

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Apart from the fact that I wanted to type the subject heading I have a serious reason for including them in a site devoted to unbuilt secret projects.
Invented by Terry Nation the machine creatures from Skaro have appeared on and off in the BBC TV series "Dr Who" since 1963. So what! I hear you cry.
The first Daleks were shown on black and white TV moving like dodgem cars on metal floors in a city that had survived a nuclear war. So obviously powered by human operators, one of the Doctor's assistants climbs into one and operates it..Children all over Britain were soon imitating him and uttering the Dalek's mechanical cry of "Exterminaate".
In 1963 Thor missiles still sat in East Anglia and white painted V Bombers waited for the order to "scramble".
The Daleks evolved as the 60s went on..They invaded Earth free to move around by wearing a simple circular dish on their backs.
Each generation of reader here will have their own version of the Daleks. Like weapons in general they have evolved over the years.
By the 21st Century CGI allowed the Dr Who setial to leave the world of wooden props and shaking studio sets to bring a new Dalek menace. Now almost invulnerable to human weapons hoards of Daleks can fly themselves to strike their enemies.
Even in the 1960s and 1970s invasion stories Daleks were pretty hard to kill but the modern versions can survive anything we throw at them.
Unbuilt and thankfully not real, the Daleks have evolved like real world weapons.
the machine creatures from Skaro
I red "Sarko" and for a split second, wondered what the former (and tiny) French president Sarkozy was doing there. Then again, in a bad day he can be as nasty as a dalek.
IIRC, before liberated by CGI and green-screen FX, the mobile ones ran on tricycles, up-scaled kindergarten whatsits. Which accounted for their characteristic wobble...

FWIW, I remember a 'distant crowd-scene' that was populated by with many dozens of the dinky toy Daleks that ran on one (1) ~3/8" ball bearing. Bit like those daft ball-riding SW Droids.

Fun thing about those toy Daleks was, if you put them on a suitable surface, you could steer them from beneath using a magnet...
;) ;) ;)


The infamous Dr Who / Daleks convention at Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool.
Infamously, the Adelphi is situate on the side of a rather steep hill, has more steps between meeting rooms etc than you'd believe. So, utterly unsuited for non-VTOL Daleks.

I'd found plans on-line. Bob, a colleague, scratch-built a full-sized Dalek. I sourced a head-dome, spots and the guts of a toy ray-gun for FX. Yes, we were there. Our yellow-spotted horror didn't appear on camera, nor did Bob, or I, or my wife in her mobility scooter, which UNIT kindly carried up the steps...

Apparently, very early that morning, my long-suffering wife answered the phone to distraught Bob, who'd just stepped onto the so-carefully cut neck-rings he was about to fit and broken most of them. She rapped the phone on my duvet lump. Hand emerged, took hand-set. Bob poured out his woes. I've no recollection of the call, but Kath claimed I calmly replied, "Duct Tape" and returned the phone...

And, so it was that, rather than spray-paint those neck-rings, he simply re-assembled the shattered parts by wrapping them in silvery duct-tape...

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