The CO2 removal factory

Let me re-phrase my now deleted post in hopes of not rustling the usual suspects jimmies: *who* is going to be building these things? Can we expect China and Co. to be leading the way to devoting potentially trillions of dollars to the building and operation of these systems, since China is leading the way on the CO2 emissions growth industry?
Direct Air Capture:- below is the rather grim physics explained by a very bright chap from MIT, Note he uses Carbon Engineering as his study example. Yeah to remove CO2 at the rate it’s being released the plant is not far off the size off the. size of the Great Wall of China……and that only took 2300 years to build.

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I wonder if Australia could capture more carbon if instead of these factories, they excavated the outback, laced it with irrigation ditches, installed a fark-ton of nuclear plants that ran pumps and desalination systems, and then turned the interior desert into a fargin' garden. Plants have been capturing carbon for a billion years; they seem to have a talent for it. Turn 90% of Australia into a verdant rain forest and SHAZAM, a whole lot of captured carbon.
Fer cryin' out loud. Industries everywhere *could* install scrubbers in smokestacks, but it costs too much. Takes away from the bottom line, etc.

"The use of scrubbers to clean flue gases before they leave the smokestacks has a drastic, beneficial impact on the environment. By collecting particulate matter and acidic gases, the amount of different pollutants that can exit the plant and be introduced into the environment is dramatically reduced."
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I want a multi-use facility: power-plant...greenhouse...this tech...and chemical plant.
Let me re-phrase my now deleted post in hopes of not rustling the usual suspects jimmies: *who* is going to be building these things? Can we expect China and Co. to be leading the way to devoting potentially trillions of dollars to the building and operation of these systems, since China is leading the way on the CO2 emissions growth industry?
I believe in the EU it could be ran as a business due to the EU ETS.

I want a multi-use facility: power-plant...greenhouse...this tech...and chemical plant.

Atmosphere processors....Weyland-Yutani Corporation

Turns out Plankton is responsible for most CO2 removal.

Tap California for CO2 removal, we passed bill to capture and remove methane from dairy cows via a cattlelytic converter system using an Electrolux vacuum up the cows methane exhaust port. I think a tofu and lemon grass based emulsion with some fine California hemp should do the trick. Elon may be already working on a processing plant, I think? Could be used for a mission to Uranus instead of Mars.

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