Teledyne RGT-3600, a GPU or something More?


I am Cirrus, and don't call me Cessna
13 July 2021
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Hello everyone, I've got an interesting topic for you all to possibly help me with some more research.
I stumbled upon this interesting desk model on Ebay several days ago and it just arrived today so I took some pictures of it.
The model is of the Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) RGT-3600. Having never heard of the engine before made me want to have it and I must say from my own research so far (Which is not much) it seems fairly interesting.

From what I've gathered this is a twin spool regenerating turbine engine that TCM used in a GPU for servicing aircraft, whether just for electricity or also as a huffer cart (bleed air) I am not sure. The engine was rated for 150Kw (according to some sources) or 420Hp from others.
This also being a design closely resembling the Chrysler Turbine Car Turbine Engines makes me more curious about this engine and if TCM had any more plans for it or if it even was used in service.

I decided to post this here to expand what little knowledge I can find on the internet about this engine. Any more information would be appreciated, and if any Veterans know of these GPU's being used I would also love to hear about that.


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An Interesting Development has occured: a set of these engines just showed up on Ebay!
The seller claims they where bought by the US Government for 257k dollars each and where part of a 150kw genertaor set.
The most curious and interetsing part however, is that the seller also has seeming a copy of the engine produced by Ford!
He even has some manuals on operation that I'd love to get a hold of and archive, such a shame I can't afford this right now...
Any more info on this engine would be very appreciated if anyone finds anything more!
Link to the seller's store:


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I do have a SAE Paper about Fords gas turbine development (Series 2500; 3600 and 4200), I guess this could be the same type as the Ford 3600.


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Yes Teledyne bought the Ford turbine engine design and developed the engine for GPG for aircraft. I worked at Teledyne.

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