Tank Breaker, AAWS-M, Javelin

AN/AWW-14(V) thank you for posting. a big deal for this forum.
a huge oppurtunity missed w/ the death of this technology path in favor Javelin etc. There are slicker ways to defeat rective armor than brute KE.
Javelin is what Tank Breaker looks like when operationalized.
beg to differ, Javelin weighs 49lbs twice the Hughes Tank Breaker, J has whole extra inch in diameter, 4 vs 5"and is a inch longer. Javelin has dual warhead, sure, (extra KE is not the solution better tech and targeting) but was/is going in wrong technical direction. A Tank Breaker size of the never adopted Viper launcher is where we should be. The PRC has 60mm AT missile.
The U.S. Army and Raytheon plan to enter production of a new Lightweight Command Launch Unit.


The U.S. Army and Raytheon plan to enter production of a new Lightweight Command Launch Unit for the Javelin designed to bring a new level of “precision lethality to an infantry squad.” The new Lightweight CLU unit enables much greater standoff distance for infantry attacking tanks by doubling the attack range from 2.5km to 4.5km, developers said.

Army officials with the Javelin Product Office, Program Executive Office Missiles & Space say the new Lightweight CLU reduces weight by 30-percent and will enter production in 2022.

"Javelin's strategy is to incrementally develop, test, and integrate new technology into the system. Javelin recently completed a development program that included a new warhead, which improves lethality against soft targets," the Javelin Product Office told Warrior in a statement.

“The CLU sensor has a constant zoom so you don’t have to flip from a wide field of view to a narrow field of view. That is all done inside the sensors for you - precision targeting the entire time,” he said.

Using advanced symbology for at-range targeting, the CLU enables “slew-to-cue” attack using infrared sensing and advanced optics.

“Our doctrine is we visually ID before we shoot. In this case you have an electronic sensor providing targeting data to the gunner,” Boccardi said.

The emerging Lightweight CLU weapon will first go to U.S. Special Operations Forces and Army Infantry Brigade Combat Teams before possibly reaching a wider distribution. Both Army Infantry and SOF often operate on foot in small units such as A-teams, recon units or soldiers tasked with clearing buildings in urban areas. Low Rate Initial Production of the Lightweight CLU is slated for 2021. There is also a command and control “networking” dimension to the CLU, as it can operate with a Sentinel radar in some instances and use its sensing systems to share targeting information.





Javelin max range fired by CROWS-J - 4750 m

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Raytheon Missiles & Defense, a Raytheon Technologies business, successfully completed the first-ever demonstration of a Stinger missile fired from a Javelin Lightweight Command Launch Unit, or LWCLU, for the U.S. Army. The missile engaged and defeated an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), validating the capability of the combined systems to defeat emerging threats on land and in the air.

During the test, conducted at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, soldiers from the Mississippi National Guard used a Sentinel radar simulator and an FAAD/C2 to track the target UAV, allowing the gunner to engage the aerial target with a Stinger Block I proximity fuse missile through the networked LWCLU.


The Government of the United Kingdom has requested to buy five hundred thirteen (513) Javelin Lightweight Command Launch Units (LWCLUs). Also included are Javelin LWCLU Basic Skills Trainers (BSTs); Javelin Outdoor Trainers (JOTs); Javelin Vehicle Launcher Electronics (JVL-Es); Javelin LWCLU Train the Trainer Package; Lifecycle Support; System Integration and Check out (SICO); Javelin Operator Manual; Technical Assistance (TAGM); and other related elements of logistical and program support. The total estimated program cost is $300 million.
Every once in awhile, the launch charge fires and the motor doesn't.
That informs folk of nothing other than the firing of a weapon, no idea why or what AT. Far too much rubbish posted around this topic on the internet.
Would rotating drums like Tibetan prayer wheels deflect the RPG---throwing off the jets?
If it were rotating extraordinarily fast, and the RPG hit at an angle favorable to deflection....maybe? Are you proposing covering an AFV with wheels or building one giant wheel which the AFV would fit inside?

Excellent news! This means that not only will Poland able to more readily get sophisticated ATGMs it should be able to soon start supplying them to Ukraine. Now it would be good if Poland could get a similar deal with Raytheon to licence produce the FIM-92 Stinger.
Raytheon to licence produce the FIM-92 Stinger.
Thats unlike due to two reasons.

1 the stringer is on its way out. Literally

2 Poland has is own Manpad that actually better then the old stinger. The Piorun which is the newest one out.
Orlando, Fla., (Aug. 29, 2024), – The U.S. Army awarded the Javelin Joint Venture (JJV) a follow-on fiscal year 2024 production contract for Javelin© missiles and associated equipment and services with total value of $1.3 billion. As the largest single-year Javelin production contract to date, this is the first follow-on award that is a part of an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) production contract that was initially awarded in May 2023.

This contract provides procurement of Javelin weapon systems and production support for the U.S. Army. Last year, the JJV began production ramp-up activities to increase Javelin All Up Round (AUR) production to 3,960 per year by late 2026.

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