Take us to your Leader

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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As Lockdown grinds on I though of something lighthearted for the Bar.
If ET or ETs arrived on Earth and asked you to "Take us to your Leader" what would you do?


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Emerging Markets

January 25, 20211:34 PMUpdated a day ago

China's Xi calls for greater role for G20 in economic governance

By Reuters Staff

3 Min Read

(Reuters) - China’s President Xi Jinping on Monday called on the world to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination and bolster the role of the G20 in global economic governance as he pointed to a “rather shaky” recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.
I have designated a person for this role, who shall remain anonymous.

Macroeconomic? How about the translated version? "Hey. We all gotta make a buck here so let's work out some cooperation arrangement."
so in answer to the question "what would you do?"
so far I have one representative of humanity complaining about the leader of China and another refusing to say who he would name.
Guess I forgot how heavy this site can get...
In a doubtless fruitless attempt to steer clear of politics, I'll simply point out: how many of us actually have "leaders?" Actual leaders on a national, never mind planetary, scale are fleetingly rare... and they're often horrible. Corporal FunnyStache was a "leader." Stalin was a "leader," Churchill was a "leader." Probably FDR and Reagan. Just about any political official you care to point out is just a politician who most people would not go to for advice on selecting a pooper scooper, never mind on first contact with the Zeta Reticulans.

So aliens show up and say "take us to your leader?"

"You're looking at him."
But which leader?

Should I direct them to the Dalai Lhama, the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury?

On a related note in one of my favourite sci fi series is based on humans arriving at an alien world and managing to mess up because we think the alien's 'feelings' are the same as ours.
But which leader?

Should I direct them to the Dalai Lhama, the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury?

On a related note in one of my favourite sci fi series is based on humans arriving at an alien world and managing to mess up because we think the alien's 'feelings' are the same as ours.


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