STRJ334B, STJ346A, and advanced P&W turboramjets

Hypersonics Anonymous

ACCESS: Restricted
3 May 2021
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One of the engines in is not like the others. It has a unique name, and if you look closely, there is more detail in the ramjet nozzle mechanism than on the others. I believe this engine was a serious Pratt & Whitney concept to replace the J58. P&W had serious heating problems with the J58 which made them produce conservative estimates of the performance of future engines under similar conditions. But this engine is different: it would allow you to use hydrotreated JP-5 instead of JP-7 for Mach 3+, though for Mach 4+ you would use JP-7.

The image of the turbomachinery I created with some very bad screen snips, I'm sure Overscan can do a better job :) (the turbomachinery drawings are on pg. 113, 114, and 115 of the pdf). Due to the low image quality and because pg. 123 has an... interesting blooper, which I'm sure involved an underpaid intern screwup, I didn't post pics of the fuel pumping and cooling systems, but still can upon request.
For the fuel temp graph, the half on the left is for turbojet, the right is for afterburner.


  • STRJ334B.jpg
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  • STRJ334B Wraparound Afterburner Fuel Distribution.png
    STRJ334B Wraparound Afterburner Fuel Distribution.png
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  • 1624648867045.png
    164.1 KB · Views: 51

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