Stinger RMP block II


ACCESS: Top Secret
9 January 2010
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So , whats going on there at Raytheon, any recent news on this programme ? Was it canceled ? I've went thru whatever i could find on the net , but nothing recent about the RMP block II...aparently the current model is RMP block I ( from 2001?), which i guess its kept up to date by virtue of its reprogramable processor ...

Also i've read somewhere that the Stinger is suposed to "cover the ground troops up to 2018 " or something like that ...are the americans planning a succesor to Stinger after that ? Or they'll just give up the idea of MANPADS for their troops at least, since they havent used in the past decades anyway ...

I was about to ask what is that weird shapped 3 sided piece on the launcher's right side , but aparently thats the IFF antenna ;D...speaking of which , i'm curious how is the Igla IFF instalation looks like ...are there any pics of it ???

Thanks for your time ! :)
Terminated a long time ago.
The Army canceled the Stinger-RMP Block II missile program in early FY00. However, there have been indications that the Army is planning to go ahead with incorporating the focal plane array IR seeker into the Stinger RMP missile.

No word on that focal plane update recently--FAAD is hardly a priority these days, so it probably went away.
The number one priority for the ADA is replacing all the Avenger batteries with SLAMRAAM which means way fewer Stinger launchers in service, so upgrading Stinger can’t be all that important for the moment. The Army also wants to just kill off MEADS, but that’s too tied into NATO to die easily.

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